Biden Signs Executive Order To End Private Prison Contracts


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...


"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...

Private prisons go back to 1984. The big investors were Evangelical Christians like Hobby Lobby.. and I think Chick Filet.. They made a fortune in huge profits. The problem with prisons for profit is that they had to fill a bed quota. They hired the cheapest guards and served the cheapest food, but it has been a money maker. Its a horror story.


"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...



"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...

And I am sure the opposition from Republicans was vicious...

Oh wait! 2021, we should see no complaints from Republicans when we seek to correct wrongs of the past...right?

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...

Private prisons go back to 1984. The big investors were Evangelical Christians like Hobby Lobby.. and I think Chick Filet.. They made a fortune in huge profits. The problem with prisons for profit is that they had to fill a bed quota. They hired the cheapest guards and served the cheapest food, but it has been a money maker. Its a horror story.

Two weeks later, in November 2014, having grown a goatee, pulled the plugs from my earlobes, and bought a beat-up Dodge Ram pickup,

Sounds like he earned his $9/hr. LOL!
More fake "feel good" stuff for the useful idiots. The vast majority of incarcerated people are in State/Federally run facilities. About 8.5% are in private run facilities, and about 75% of those are holding areas for illegals. Even in state run prisons corporations provide almost all services. So if those FEMA camps are empty I guess not for long.
Private prisons pay for all upkeep and any changes to their buildings and personnel.

Much cheaper than having the State Governments do it.

Do you understand the quota system? They had to fill so many beds to keep the investors happy..

Its not something that Republicans or Democrats or Christians should be proud of.. Like paying kickbacks for referrals. Evil and corrupt.... but they made enough money to keep the stockholders happy,

What kind of woman are you?

Private prisons pay for all upkeep and any changes to their buildings and personnel.

Much cheaper than having the State Governments do it.

Do you understand the quota system? They had to fill so many beds to keep the investors happy..

Its not something that Republicans or Democrats or Christians should be proud of.. Like paying kickbacks for referrals. Evil and corrupt.... but they made enough money to keep the stockholders happy,

What kind of woman are you?

Do you understand the quota system? They had to fill so many beds to keep the investors happy..

How many people did CCA convict last year?
The big investors were Evangelical Christians like Hobby Lobby.. and I think Chick Filet..


Enlace, in partnership with community groups and unions across the US, is calling on all public and private institutions to divest their holdings in Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and GEO Group, America’s largest private prison corporations which have profited from billions in taxpayer money. The major investors in the private prison industry include Wellington Management Company, Wells Fargo Bank, General Electric, FIdelity Management, Capital Research Global Investors and others.
We never should have gone to for profit Prisons

Mother Jones did an expose' on for profit prisons. Americans should be ashamed.. The evangelical investors have made HUGE profits since 1984 because they filled their quotas.

Mother Jones? Why not try citing Breitbart? I won't click on the lies of Mother Jones.
The big investors were Evangelical Christians like Hobby Lobby.. and I think Chick Filet..


Enlace, in partnership with community groups and unions across the US, is calling on all public and private institutions to divest their holdings in Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and GEO Group, America’s largest private prison corporations which have profited from billions in taxpayer money. The major investors in the private prison industry include Wellington Management Company, Wells Fargo Bank, General Electric, FIdelity Management, Capital Research Global Investors and others.

Is that proof your original claim was true?
Or proof that your original claim was a lie?

Please clarify.......

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