Biden Rescue Bill: $15/hr min wage + ending tip exemption (waiters) AND student debt cancelled!!!

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To say Im so happy Im nearly speechless is an understatement. Hes gonna forgive student debt. NOW he also says his Covid Rescue Bill will mandate $15/hr minimum wage AND end the tipping exemption!! For those who never worked for tips it means the restaurant/bar owner now will pay us $15 hour (instead of like $2) and most people will still tip anyway!

So end long $250 a month debt payments and HELLO $15 hr wage + $10-$20 an hour more in tips!

Thats $25-30 an hour for waiting tables. No student debt. Truly life changing for many of us.

All the work pushing for Biden/Harris was worth it
First off, small businesses can't afford to pay employees $15 per hour and stay in business. There goes small minority owned businesses trying to be self-sufficient in the US. Larger businesses (chain stores/restaurants) will simply reduce the number of hours an employee can work to compensate for the loss in profit. That's what was done in Seattle, when $15 per hour was implemented there. The employees thus, didn't get ahead.
As for tips, those large restaurant chains that can afford to pay their employees $15 per hour, I see no need to tip the workers. Especially since my low-middle/upper-low income will be taxed further by the Marxist government and put a strain on me, I'll no longer be giving them anything extra. If those same chain restaurants decide to add a tip amount to the tab, I'll just make my meals at home.
Your foolish, leftist, Marxist government representatives, like Tlaib, to cover for their idea of massively increasing the national debt, are talking about simply "printing more money." Everywhere that has been done, and I do mean everywhere, once the government just starts printing out more money, the value of that money significantly decreases and idiotic situations occur where people have to pay vast sums of money, just for simple things like food. This will all end badly.
It will just be like Venezuela, where people are starving and all are poor, except the few hierarchy in the politburo.
" First off, small businesses can't afford to pay employees $15 per hour and stay in business."

Only the strong survive. Use those boot straps and trickle down. All that conservative bullshit is thrown out of the window when they are made to feel uncomfortable.
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