Biden on China eating our lunch while Trump was Prez:"Come on man". Biden after first call with Xi: "China gonna eat our lunch".


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Can Biden get any worse for America? He has thrown in the towel on almost everything he has faced.

Biden says China will 'eat our lunch' after downplaying threat in 2019

President Biden warned that China will "eat our lunch" on Thursday after speaking with Chinese President Xi Jinping for the first time Wednesday night since becoming president – a sentiment that seemed to contradict some of his statements on the campaign trail.

Biden's comments on Thursday seemed in direct opposition to his position in 2019.

"China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man!" Biden said at a rally in 2019.

Can Biden get any worse for America? He has thrown in the towel on almost everything he has faced.

Biden says China will 'eat our lunch' after downplaying threat in 2019

President Biden warned that China will "eat our lunch" on Thursday after speaking with Chinese President Xi Jinping for the first time Wednesday night since becoming president – a sentiment that seemed to contradict some of his statements on the campaign trail.

Biden's comments on Thursday seemed in direct opposition to his position in 2019.

"China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man!" Biden said at a rally in 2019.

I posted this earlier.
"Last night I was on the phone with for two straight hours with Xi Jinping," Biden told reporters in the Oval Office. "It was a good conversation, I know him well, we spent a lot of time together over the years I was vice president, but if we don't get moving, they're going to eat our lunch. They have major, major new initiatives on rail, they already have rail that goes 325 miles per hour with ease. They are working very hard to do what I think we're gonna have to do."


"The auto industry is already there. So is labor. They're working very hard to try to move in a position where they end up being the source of a new way in which to power automobiles, which they're going to invest a lot of money. They're investing billions of dollars in dealing with a whole range of issues that relate to transportation and the environment ... so we just have to step up," Biden continued.

Biden's comments on Thursday seemed in direct opposition to his position in 2019.

"China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man!" Biden said at a rally in 2019.

He was critical of former President Donald Trump's tariff battle with China.

In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks during the annual Central Economic Work Conference in Beijing. (Huang Jingwen/Xinhua via AP) (AP)
"The president has done nothing but increase the tariffs, the debt and the trade deficit. The way we have to proceed is we have to have our allies with us. It’s not just us. We have to keep the world together," Biden said in 2019.
You'll find this more factual.

Biden Holds 1st Call As President With China's Xi As Trade ...
22 hours ago · Biden Holds 1st Call As President With China's Xi As Trade, Defense Issues Loom President Biden talked with his Chinese counterpart after announcing a new Pentagon task force on China-related matters.
From NPR

President Biden said he spoke for "two straight hours" with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday night — an opening conversation that provided insight about how the new administration plans to tackle the vast economic and security challenges posed by Beijing.

Biden raised some of the thorniest bilateral issues but also talked about potential areas for cooperation, the White House said. The call comes after Biden and top administration officials did rounds of calls with allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific region, signaling that the United States will depart from the Trump administration's go-it-alone approach to China.

And immediately following the call, Biden used it to make a pitch to Congress for his $700 billion plan to invest in infrastructure, manufacturing, electric vehicles, artificial intelligence and other sectors — a demonstration of how his administration wants to connect foreign policy to domestic policy.

"We don't get moving, they're going to eat our lunch," Biden said, referring to Chinese investments in rail and automotive technology. Biden has said he will propose his new investment package after Congress deals with his current request for $1.9 trillion in COVID-19 aid.

Biden also indicated in the call with Xi that he plans to return to a traditional U.S. emphasis on human rights and democracy issues in his foreign policy, broaching several issues sensitive for China.

"President Biden underscored his fundamental concerns about Beijing's coercive and unfair economic practices, crackdown in Hong Kong, human rights abuses in Xinjiang, and increasingly assertive actions in the region, including toward Taiwan," the White House said in a statement after the call.

Biden also told Xi that he was willing to work with China on areas of mutual interest, like addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and nuclear proliferation.

That sure triggered a Bidenista Cultist. :abgg2q.jpg:
I can tell you, from what I read and consume news-wise, the far East (in particular), Europe and a couple of nations in the Middle East are hedging their bets purely based on this position.

We need the best, brightest and most courageous to stand up to them. I will say, I've been pleasantly surprised and happy that Biden hasn't backed down from patrolling the Taiwan Strait, SCS, nor has he pulled back any of the tariffs against the communists which Trump put in place. Other policies, are debatable.

I can say with some confidence, that there is going to be trouble in multiple forms. India, Japan and Taiwan, in particular have been the most loud. Japan is actively challenging Chinas claims to South China Sea directly with the UN. They have not been quiet, and I imagine their interest in ramping up their navy is in the cards. Aussies are not happy and there is a growing number of politicians there who have found their balls.

China wanted to push the world around and avoid conflict, however, they are fighting the world on multiple fronts. They were wise to understand that the economy is where nations win, however, they were a little too bold. The smart money is still on them winning all the marbles, but, we will see how the Wuhan Virus, HK and hostage diplomacy shakes everything down.
That sure triggered a Bidenista Cultist. :abgg2q.jpg:
Why did you not post the whole statement and only tried to cut n paste a misinformation story?
Hey, you stupid fucking troll, thread titles are limited.

That's what links are for, Dumbass.
Hmmm, you have an entire area below the title section...Or did you not notice?
You can't figure out how to use a link, Troll?

Not my problem.

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