Biden official supports Confucius Institutes — rife with CCP propaganda


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Of course Biden also does as he and The Biden Crime Family are in the back pocket of the CCP.

Victoria Nuland, a former Obama administration State Department official, was nominated to work in the Biden in the administration.​
A reporter asked Nuland if the Obama administration was concerned about “the Confucius Institute’s expansion in the U.S. as the strongest Chinese soft power?”​
“No,” Nuland responded. “This [Confucius Institute] is something that we support. It’s part of the people-to-people understanding.”​
Nuland is also a Senior Counselor at Albright Stonebridge Group, a consulting firm that works extensively with China and employs Chinese Communist Party officials.​
Confucius Institutes are bastions of Chinese Communist propaganda.​

Bidenbama Welcomes the CCP Institutes​

Biden, like Obama, welcomes CCP propaganda institutes.​

In February, Biden ended the Trump rule that required revealing partnerships with the CCP.​
Also, in February, then-secretary of state Mike Pompeo warned Americans about the Confucius Institutes:​
Many of you are familiar with Confucius Institutes. Confucius Institutes purport to have the sole purpose of teaching Mandarin language skills and Chinese culture.
A bipartisan Senate committee found last year in 2019 that the Chinese Communist Party controls nearly every aspect of the Confucius Institutes’ activities here in the United States.
Sadly, China’s propaganda campaign starts even earlier than college. China has targeted K through 12 schools through its “Confucius Classrooms,” the CCP’s program to influence kids in elementary, middle, and high schools worldwide.
Do you know that we have no ability to establish similar programs in China? I’m sure that doesn’t surprise you.

Biden will always choose money over country no matter how devious and corrupt the source is. Biden just doesn't have the understanding of things like Trump had. Then again, maybe he's just protecting his 10%.
Victoria Nuland is a pro at getting the US into wars, and orchestrating dirty shit! :113:

"So the Answer is Yes then" - Nuland Grilled on Neo-Nazis in Ukraine​

Nuland Grilled on Neo-Nazis in Ukraine During The Violent Overthrow of The Government. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher: "So the Answer is Yes then" - Euromaiden Protests culminated in displays of open fascism and neo Nazism.

Victoria Nuland's Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to "Subvert Ukraine"​

The silence from the MSM is also no surprise as they too are in league with the CCP.

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