Biden/Obama regime killed hundreds of civilians and children in drone strikes


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Nobel peace prize? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If Biden wins, he will crank the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX back up and start wars and kill thousands of brown people.

Do liberals hate the Orange man so much that they will sacrifice hundreds of middle eastern children?

Nobel peace prize? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If Biden wins, he will crank the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX back up and start wars and kill thousands of brown people.

Do liberals hate the Orange man so much that they will sacrifice hundreds of middle eastern children?

He also had an American citizen murdered by way of drone strike, without due process, if I remember correctly.

That was a presidential first. :auiqs.jpg:
Nobel peace prize? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If Biden wins, he will crank the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX back up and start wars and kill thousands of brown people.

Do liberals hate the Orange man so much that they will sacrifice hundreds of middle eastern children?

He also had an American citizen murdered by way of drone strike, without due process, if I remember correctly.

That was a presidential first. :auiqs.jpg:
No, it wasn't a first...Americans who fought for the Nazis were killed without a trial also..
Apparently you have no idea that the VP is not part of the military chain of command.
This isn't about where Biden sits in the chain of command but I'm not surprised you are too fucking dumb
to discern what my comment was about.

This is about Biden smiling and nodding as Obama droned thousands of innocent civilians to death without one single peep to the contrary from Old Corrupt Joe.

Get a working brain!
Nobel peace prize? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If Biden wins, he will crank the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX back up and start wars and kill thousands of brown people.

Do liberals hate the Orange man so much that they will sacrifice hundreds of middle eastern children?

He also had an American citizen murdered by way of drone strike, without due process, if I remember correctly.

That was a presidential first. :auiqs.jpg:

You remember correctly.

Hey man, the Constitution is just a piece of paper scribbled on by some old white guys...sorta like the mens bathroom at a Dennys in South Boston.

Apparently you have no idea that the VP is not part of the military chain of command.
This isn't about where Biden sits in the chain of command but I'm not surprised you are too fucking dumb
to discern what my comment was about.

This is about Biden smiling and nodding as Obama droned thousands of innocent civilians to death without one single peep to the contrary from Old Corrupt Joe.

Get a working brain!

Dont get triggered, that poster is nuts.
Nobel peace prize? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If Biden wins, he will crank the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX back up and start wars and kill thousands of brown people.

Do liberals hate the Orange man so much that they will sacrifice hundreds of middle eastern children?

He also had an American citizen murdered by way of drone strike, without due process, if I remember correctly.

That was a presidential first. :auiqs.jpg:
No, it wasn't a first...Americans who fought for the Nazis were killed without a trial also..

Defending Obama, I see.

Dude, you've become an old, irrelevant anachronism. You Obama-lovers remind me of those handful of Imperialist Japanese soldiers, who never got the word that the war was over. They hid out in their snake and spider-infested caves, fighting to their last round of 6.5mm or 7.7 mm ammunition.

When they finally realized they couldn't win, they all collectively fell upon their own swords.

Like it or not, you're desperately trying to defend the single worst president this country has ever had. You know that and I know that.
Nobel peace prize? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If Biden wins, he will crank the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX back up and start wars and kill thousands of brown people.

Do liberals hate the Orange man so much that they will sacrifice hundreds of middle eastern children?

He also had an American citizen murdered by way of drone strike, without due process, if I remember correctly.

That was a presidential first. :auiqs.jpg:

You remember correctly.

Hey man, the Constitution is just a piece of paper scribbled on by some old white guys...sorta like the mens bathroom at a Dennys in South Boston.

" men's bathroom at a Dennys in South Boston."

That cracked me the hell up. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:
Nobel peace prize? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If Biden wins, he will crank the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX back up and start wars and kill thousands of brown people.

Do liberals hate the Orange man so much that they will sacrifice hundreds of middle eastern children?

He also had an American citizen murdered by way of drone strike, without due process, if I remember correctly.

That was a presidential first. :auiqs.jpg:
No, it wasn't a first...Americans who fought for the Nazis were killed without a trial also..

Defending Obama, I see.

Dude, you've become an old, irrelevant anachronism. You Obama-lovers remind me of those handful of Imperialist Japanese soldiers, who never got the word that the war was over. They hid out in their snake and spider-infested caves, fighting to their last round of 6.5mm or 7.7 mm ammunition.

When they finally realized they couldn't win, they all collectively fell upon their own swords.

Like it or not, you're desperately trying to defend the single worst president this country has ever had. You know that and I know that.

They really show their asses when they ignore that Obama started 5 wars and killed 500,000 brown people...meanwhile they still insist that Trump and Putin stole the 2016 election and Trump is Hitler.


They are indoctrinated brainwashed communist foot soldiers. There is no reasoning or genuine discourse. Its only ORANGE MAN BAD!
The kenyan lawn jockey and Xi'den liked to incinerate weddings and funerals, for some reason.... maybe a fetish.

Zero will likely always hold the record for bombing countries back to the Stone Age at..... wait for it...... 7
When did Biden have his own regime?
You are who you hang with.

The gatekeepers will toss you under the bus Joe.
Nobel peace prize? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If Biden wins, he will crank the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX back up and start wars and kill thousands of brown people.

Do liberals hate the Orange man so much that they will sacrifice hundreds of middle eastern children?

America's MIC is already cranked up to the max. The diff between prez Trump & a prez Biden is under prez Trump there is much less desire to play the world cop & nation building game. Under a Biden admin we would be in high gear playing the world cop & nation building game. The left lives for power/control & war for the sake of war, Stalin, Hitler & Mao more than prove my point about the left. I have spent a lifetime studying sociology & I can say the following with absolutely no chance of error; It is within mankinds nature to destroy themselves. I believe in speaking softly but carry a big stick, the big stick is the last resort though.
The kenyan lawn jockey and Xi'den liked to incinerate weddings and funerals, for some reason.... maybe a fetish.

Zero will likely always hold the record for bombing countries back to the Stone Age at..... wait for it...... 7

That has to be a record. Kenyan Jesus ran 7 wars. Thats just amazing.


And liberal sheep say Trump is Hitler. Its such a brainwashed cult.
Yes, and the Obama/Biden Administration ruined the lives of countless Africans just to protect the International Bankers. In the process they brought slavery back to North Africa, racial cleansing against blacks and created a mass black exodus of refugees into Italy.

The FAKE NEWS Media remained silent, of course.
Apparently you have no idea that the VP is not part of the military chain of command.
This isn't about where Biden sits in the chain of command but I'm not surprised you are too fucking dumb
to discern what my comment was about.

This is about Biden smiling and nodding as Obama droned thousands of innocent civilians to death without one single peep to the contrary from Old Corrupt Joe.

Get a working brain!
I bet you cried and passed out when they hung Saddam...

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