Biden losing momemntum by playing prevent defense


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
They thought they were playing it smart,,,hide biden... and use the virus as an excuse.

Unfortunately for hidin biden....not working too well.

They thought they were playing it smart,,,hide biden... and use the virus as an excuse.

Unfortunately for hidin biden....not working too well.

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can you link to a comment where you ever said Biden had momentum in the past?
They thought they were playing it smart,,,hide biden... and use the virus as an excuse.

Unfortunately for hidin biden....not working too well.

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A moonie newspaper. Trump shoots himself in the foot every day. The coronavirus is not going away. Everyone sees Trump for what he is. A divider and people are tired and fed up with Trump.
He’s trying to run out the clock. Hilary had the same strategy. It didn’t work to well for her.

Hillary Clinton's negatives were much higher. Biden does not have that.

Biden also has the challenge of taking down an incumbent. Honestly I think Biden will win. Do I think he’s the right guy, no, but I don’t think Trump is the right guy either. I have no horse in the race, so I can just call it like I see it.
If Democrats are too lazy (incapable?) of running for President (Hillary and Joe the ho) how do they think they could ever perform as President? Will Joe's basement become the equivalent of Hitler's bunker?
They thought they were playing it smart,,,hide biden... and use the virus as an excuse.

Unfortunately for hidin biden....not working too well.

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A moonie newspaper. Trump shoots himself in the foot every day. The coronavirus is not going away. Everyone sees Trump for what he is. A divider and people are tired and fed up with Trump.

Right, it is Trump who is the divider, not groups like BLM nor the fact that Biden has made both race and sex his primary focus on picking a running mate. The left is all about division. What is mind boggling is that most left wing voters don't seem to understand that.
You folks do realize that the election is 3 months away?

It actually is about six weeks away. In late September, several important swing states start mailing ballots to voters.

Yes, but it's a marathon, not a sprint race. As of yet I haven't seen any momentum for Biden to lose. If I were Biden's camp I'd advise playing the low expectations game up until the debates. Doing things after Labor Day like hopping aboard a train and making whistle stop campaign appearances in middle America. Low energy stuff, Trump's occasionally rallies aren't triathlons themselves. After the debates kick it up a notch and save any attempt at being an Ethiopian runner until the last 2 weeks of the campaign.
Vegas odds are looking better every for Hillaryk being "the candidate".

The DNC will drop biden if the polls turn against him.

AT this point the DNC is stuck with Biden. Democrats thought they could repeat the surge Biden received from Clyburn across the country and it's not working out as planned. I suspect the VP pick is being delayed because the DNC is having trouble buying off unity so when a VP is name the losers will pledge their full support.
They thought they were playing it smart,,,hide biden... and use the virus as an excuse.

Unfortunately for hidin biden....not working too well.

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I would agree that he's depending too much on American's voting on the number of dead caused by Trump's failure to respond to corvid as the rest of the developed world responded.

Americans are generally optimists who may conclude the worst is over even on scant evidence that it's true.

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