Biden Just Created His Version Of The "Red Line"


Platinum Member
May 13, 2012
Banana Republic
Everyone remembers Obama's ridiculous threat to Assad regarding the US response to Assad if he used chemical weapons.

Biden is now following Obama in demonstrating just how weak the present Administration is. Yesterday Biden's Secretary of State Blinken expressed the US position regarding China's hostile actions at home and abroad:

"In the interview, Blinken said the United States was not aiming to "contain China" but to "uphold this rules-based order - that China is posing a challenge to. Anyone who poses a challenge to that order, we're going to stand up and - and defend it.""

How has China treated Biden's message?

China has answered by being more aggressive to its neighbors, its mistreatment of its citizens and continues to steal hundreds of billions of dollars worth of US intellectual property:

"Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs Teodoro Locsin Jr. slammed China with decidedly undiplomatic language on Twitter Monday, suggesting the Asian giant “get the f--- out” as the two countries engage in a war of words over the South China Sea."

Theft of US intellectual property by China continues:

"Asked about the reported theft of hundreds of billions of dollars or more in U.S. trade secrets and intellectual property by China, Blinken said the Biden administration had "real concerns" about the IP issue."

"He said it sounded like the actions "of someone who's trying to compete unfairly and increasingly in adversarial ways. But we're much more effective and stronger when we're bringing like-minded and similarly aggrieved countries together to say to Beijing: 'This can't stand and it won't stand

And if Biden had done nothing, said nothing they would be critical of that also.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHh--that's what the left said about Mr Trump!!!
...I knew it would come back to bite you lefties---every day a new hypocritical story
The source may be questioned by some but the views expressed are absolutely accurate:

"China pretends it’s a developing country, steals technology, uses forced labor and manipulates markets to its advantage. It's a grand deception."

If biden stands his ground i won't complain, but the problem he is a pussy like Obama.
I dont see any chance of biden standing up to china

Biden is a government hack who's never ran a business or worked a real job so he's clueless on trade matters. He's been historically wrong on foreign policy. What does that leave?
Everyone remembers Obama's ridiculous threat to Assad
Biden is now following Obama
How has China treated Biden's message?

How does a baby treat a diaper?

Obama had his red line in the sand. Maybe we can call this Joe's pasty, wrinkly, gray line in the sand.

Fortunately, Joe will either forget about it or lose it first.
Everyone remembers Obama's ridiculous threat to Assad
Biden is now following Obama
How has China treated Biden's message?

How does a baby treat a diaper?

Obama had his red line in the sand. Maybe we can call this Joe's pasty, wrinkly, gray line in the sand.

Fortunately, Joe will either forget about it or lose it first.

Might be fortunate for Biden but we will have to deal with it at some point.


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