Biden Effect: France, UK, Italy and Germany Turn to Putin and Russia for Assistance in Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Effect: France, UK, Italy and Germany Turn to Putin and Russia for Assistance in Afghanistan​

23 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
As Joe Biden continues to falter, Germany and now the UK have reached out to Vladimir Putin to thwart further chaos in Afghanistan.
French and Italian leaders reached out to Putin last week to discuss the humanitarian issues in Afghanistan.

The entire Western world knows they cannot trust the Biden regime after this historic catastrophe they engineered in Afghanistan.
The Financial Times reported:
Britain will this week turn to China and Russia to try to stop Afghanistan sliding further into chaos, after recriminations between London and Washington over US President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of American troops.
UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s government is also working closely with France — with whom relations are strained after Brexit — to try to engineer a UN response to the crisis in Afghanistan…
Downing Street has denied any rift between Johnson and Biden, but the British prime minister’s foreign policy — heavily dependent on the US — has been shaken by the crisis and has forced London to court other capitals.
Johnson, anxious to show that the UK is still relevant as a “convening power” when he chairs a virtual summit of the G7 on Tuesday, tweeted that the group of wealthy nations would co-ordinate efforts “to ensure safe evacuations, prevent a humanitarian crisis and support the Afghan people”.

I'm very proud to be an American but due to the fraudulently elected Joe Bai Dung, I now feel embarrassed. Our allies are laughing at America and aren't respecting us like Trump said the other night.
In less than 8 short months America has gone from being America first to America last under the incompetent leadership of a Democrat controlled Joey Xi Bai Dung.
I have to laugh at all the trolls that believed and claimed that Trump was a tool of Russia and China when it has become proof positive that they fraudulently elected Joey Xi who apparently sold out as seen by his action of the last 7 months.
Welcome to Joey Xi's "Building Back Better"....
History will note that instead of Building back, Joey Xi has destroyed the nation in less than a year.
Most all of the European leaders wanted an America under Biden. Trump was to brash for them. Now that they got what they wished for and they realize just how awful it is for everyone.
The inmates are finally running the asylum.

Biden Effect: France, UK, Italy and Germany Turn to Putin and Russia for Assistance in Afghanistan​

23 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
As Joe Biden continues to falter, Germany and now the UK have reached out to Vladimir Putin to thwart further chaos in Afghanistan.
French and Italian leaders reached out to Putin last week to discuss the humanitarian issues in Afghanistan.

The entire Western world knows they cannot trust the Biden regime after this historic catastrophe they engineered in Afghanistan.
The Financial Times reported:
Britain will this week turn to China and Russia to try to stop Afghanistan sliding further into chaos, after recriminations between London and Washington over US President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of American troops.
UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s government is also working closely with France — with whom relations are strained after Brexit — to try to engineer a UN response to the crisis in Afghanistan…
Downing Street has denied any rift between Johnson and Biden, but the British prime minister’s foreign policy — heavily dependent on the US — has been shaken by the crisis and has forced London to court other capitals.
Johnson, anxious to show that the UK is still relevant as a “convening power” when he chairs a virtual summit of the G7 on Tuesday, tweeted that the group of wealthy nations would co-ordinate efforts “to ensure safe evacuations, prevent a humanitarian crisis and support the Afghan people”.

I'm very proud to be an American but due to the fraudulently elected Joe Bai Dung, I now feel embarrassed. Our allies are laughing at America and aren't respecting us like Trump said the other night.
In less than 8 short months America has gone from being America first to America last under the incompetent leadership of a Democrat controlled Joey Xi Bai Dung.
I have to laugh at all the trolls that believed and claimed that Trump was a tool of Russia and China when it has become proof positive that they fraudulently elected Joey Xi who apparently sold out as seen by his action of the last 7 months.
Welcome to Joey Xi's "Building Back Better"....
History will note that instead of Building back, Joey Xi has destroyed the nation in less than a year.
Most all of the European leaders wanted an America under Biden. Trump was to brash for them. Now that they got what they wished for and they realize just how awful it is for everyone.
The inmates are finally running the asylum.

This is Biden "Building It back Better"
Hahahahaha, can’t wait to see lefties spin this, after years of Putin hate. Are all of our allies now “traitors” for being friends with Putin?

Yeah! they'r making deals with Putin! how many of them can fit at one time riding bareback on a horse? disgusting man!
All a big fucking show to permit up to two million afghans into the nation, and two, get the whore in the Oval Office.
Unless they plan to do some fullscale end-run around the Constitution, when she moves into the Oval Office, Mitch becomes the power in the Senate. He can literally stop her VP nominee from being approved as well as all the other socialist plans they haven't completed yet.

As for the Afghans, there will probably be hundreds of Taliban and or Alqueda brought in and when they inevitably attack us the filth in DC will do their best to tell Americans it was "white supremacists" or "domestic terrorists"

Biden Effect: France, UK, Italy and Germany Turn to Putin and Russia for Assistance in Afghanistan​

23 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
As Joe Biden continues to falter, Germany and now the UK have reached out to Vladimir Putin to thwart further chaos in Afghanistan.
French and Italian leaders reached out to Putin last week to discuss the humanitarian issues in Afghanistan.

The entire Western world knows they cannot trust the Biden regime after this historic catastrophe they engineered in Afghanistan.
The Financial Times reported:
Britain will this week turn to China and Russia to try to stop Afghanistan sliding further into chaos, after recriminations between London and Washington over US President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of American troops.
UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s government is also working closely with France — with whom relations are strained after Brexit — to try to engineer a UN response to the crisis in Afghanistan…
Downing Street has denied any rift between Johnson and Biden, but the British prime minister’s foreign policy — heavily dependent on the US — has been shaken by the crisis and has forced London to court other capitals.
Johnson, anxious to show that the UK is still relevant as a “convening power” when he chairs a virtual summit of the G7 on Tuesday, tweeted that the group of wealthy nations would co-ordinate efforts “to ensure safe evacuations, prevent a humanitarian crisis and support the Afghan people”.

I'm very proud to be an American but due to the fraudulently elected Joe Bai Dung, I now feel embarrassed. Our allies are laughing at America and aren't respecting us like Trump said the other night.
In less than 8 short months America has gone from being America first to America last under the incompetent leadership of a Democrat controlled Joey Xi Bai Dung.
I have to laugh at all the trolls that believed and claimed that Trump was a tool of Russia and China when it has become proof positive that they fraudulently elected Joey Xi who apparently sold out as seen by his action of the last 7 months.
Welcome to Joey Xi's "Building Back Better"....
History will note that instead of Building back, Joey Xi has destroyed the nation in less than a year.
Most all of the European leaders wanted an America under Biden. Trump was to brash for them. Now that they got what they wished for and they realize just how awful it is for everyone.
The inmates are finally running the asylum.

And remember kids, they're not turning to the Afghans for help, because the Afghans haven't done much for their own country in the last 20 years with US puppets in charge.
Unless they plan to do some fullscale end-run around the Constitution, when she moves into the Oval Office, Mitch becomes the power in the Senate. He can literally stop her VP nominee from being approved as well as all the other socialist plans they haven't completed yet.

As for the Afghans, there will probably be hundreds of Taliban and or Alqueda brought in and when they inevitably attack us the filth in DC will do their best to tell Americans it was "white supremacists" or "domestic terrorists"

Unfortunately, Replacing the Vice President -- "25th Amendment": Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress. The vice president takes the same oath of office as members of Congress.
Biden Effect: France, UK, Italy and Germany Turn to Putin and Russia for Assistance in Afghanistan
Progressing the decoupling of Europe from America the LOTUS initiated with his refusal to commit to NATO, which showed Europe where it stood and that the US could not be relied upon if Montenegro was attacked, for example. It has to be done, this is as good a time as any.

Biden Effect: France, UK, Italy and Germany Turn to Putin and Russia for Assistance in Afghanistan​

23 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
As Joe Biden continues to falter, Germany and now the UK have reached out to Vladimir Putin to thwart further chaos in Afghanistan.
French and Italian leaders reached out to Putin last week to discuss the humanitarian issues in Afghanistan.

The entire Western world knows they cannot trust the Biden regime after this historic catastrophe they engineered in Afghanistan.
The Financial Times reported:
Britain will this week turn to China and Russia to try to stop Afghanistan sliding further into chaos, after recriminations between London and Washington over US President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of American troops.
UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s government is also working closely with France — with whom relations are strained after Brexit — to try to engineer a UN response to the crisis in Afghanistan…
Downing Street has denied any rift between Johnson and Biden, but the British prime minister’s foreign policy — heavily dependent on the US — has been shaken by the crisis and has forced London to court other capitals.
Johnson, anxious to show that the UK is still relevant as a “convening power” when he chairs a virtual summit of the G7 on Tuesday, tweeted that the group of wealthy nations would co-ordinate efforts “to ensure safe evacuations, prevent a humanitarian crisis and support the Afghan people”.

I'm very proud to be an American but due to the fraudulently elected Joe Bai Dung, I now feel embarrassed. Our allies are laughing at America and aren't respecting us like Trump said the other night.
In less than 8 short months America has gone from being America first to America last under the incompetent leadership of a Democrat controlled Joey Xi Bai Dung.
I have to laugh at all the trolls that believed and claimed that Trump was a tool of Russia and China when it has become proof positive that they fraudulently elected Joey Xi who apparently sold out as seen by his action of the last 7 months.
Welcome to Joey Xi's "Building Back Better"....
History will note that instead of Building back, Joey Xi has destroyed the nation in less than a year.
Most all of the European leaders wanted an America under Biden. Trump was to brash for them. Now that they got what they wished for and they realize just how awful it is for everyone.
The inmates are finally running the asylum.
In a statement issued after the talks, Russia, the U.S., China and Pakistan called on the warring parties to reduce the level of violence in the country — and specifically urged the Taliban not to pursue a spring offensive.

Unless they plan to do some fullscale end-run around the Constitution, when she moves into the Oval Office, Mitch becomes the power in the Senate. He can literally stop her VP nominee from being approved as well as all the other socialist plans they haven't completed yet.

As for the Afghans, there will probably be hundreds of Taliban and or Alqueda brought in and when they inevitably attack us the filth in DC will do their best to tell Americans it was "white supremacists" or "domestic terrorists"
They won't have to pull any fast one once they have demographic majority. They will own both houses, and the White House. They will then successfully vote to stack the Supreme Court and it will be all over but the cryin.

That is 10 years from now.

Biden Effect: France, UK, Italy and Germany Turn to Putin and Russia for Assistance in Afghanistan​

23 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
As Joe Biden continues to falter, Germany and now the UK have reached out to Vladimir Putin to thwart further chaos in Afghanistan.
French and Italian leaders reached out to Putin last week to discuss the humanitarian issues in Afghanistan.

The entire Western world knows they cannot trust the Biden regime after this historic catastrophe they engineered in Afghanistan.
The Financial Times reported:
Britain will this week turn to China and Russia to try to stop Afghanistan sliding further into chaos, after recriminations between London and Washington over US President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of American troops.
UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s government is also working closely with France — with whom relations are strained after Brexit — to try to engineer a UN response to the crisis in Afghanistan…
Downing Street has denied any rift between Johnson and Biden, but the British prime minister’s foreign policy — heavily dependent on the US — has been shaken by the crisis and has forced London to court other capitals.
Johnson, anxious to show that the UK is still relevant as a “convening power” when he chairs a virtual summit of the G7 on Tuesday, tweeted that the group of wealthy nations would co-ordinate efforts “to ensure safe evacuations, prevent a humanitarian crisis and support the Afghan people”.

I'm very proud to be an American but due to the fraudulently elected Joe Bai Dung, I now feel embarrassed. Our allies are laughing at America and aren't respecting us like Trump said the other night.
In less than 8 short months America has gone from being America first to America last under the incompetent leadership of a Democrat controlled Joey Xi Bai Dung.
I have to laugh at all the trolls that believed and claimed that Trump was a tool of Russia and China when it has become proof positive that they fraudulently elected Joey Xi who apparently sold out as seen by his action of the last 7 months.
Welcome to Joey Xi's "Building Back Better"....
History will note that instead of Building back, Joey Xi has destroyed the nation in less than a year.
Most all of the European leaders wanted an America under Biden. Trump was to brash for them. Now that they got what they wished for and they realize just how awful it is for everyone.
The inmates are finally running the asylum.

More BS from Gateway Pundit.
More BS from Gateway Pundit.



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