Biden declared winner of the 2020 election and the Dow tops 30,000


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Biden declared winner of the 2020 election and the Dow tops 30,000.
Another Trump lie that if Biden wins, the Dow will tank.
Also, it shows how stupid and wrong, those who call Biden a socialist, are.
If a socialist became President of the US the Dow would tank.
Time to start flushing the lies and liars out. The sooner they are gone the better.
Biden declared winner of the 2020 election and the Dow tops 30,000.
Another Trump lie that if Biden wins, the Dow will tank.
Also, it shows how stupid and wrong, those who call Biden a socialist, are.
If a socialist became President of the US the Dow would tank.
Time to start flushing the lies and liars out. The sooner they are gone the better.

He is just living off of Trump's economy, we have to wait to see what will happen once it becomes Biden's economy.
EVERY time something goes right.....they credit Socialism.
And EVERY time anything goes wrong, they blame a Republican.

I remember when Leftists in Venezuela were all in the streets cheering and celebrating their victory over capitalism and free markets.

it was about a year later they ran out of food and medical supplies and started crying over how horribly bad things were.


two words.....royal dumbasses
Let's see what happens when the Alzheimer's patient takes office.

The credit for this goes to Trump.


Izzat so. What did Rump do? LOSE? Play golf? Whine? Throw his toys about the room?
All of the above, that's it.

The stock market likes stability. It got dizzy when Rump was first elected and now it sees light at the end of the tunnel. It's just a tad bit more stable to see this most influential economy taken back from the tiny hands of an orange clown who sent Rooty to a garage door in front of a landscaping company next to a dildo shop,

Course, you'd prolly have to be invested in something to know that.
Biden declared winner of the 2020 election and the Dow tops 30,000.
Another Trump lie that if Biden wins, the Dow will tank.
Also, it shows how stupid and wrong, those who call Biden a socialist, are.
If a socialist became President of the US the Dow would tank.
Time to start flushing the lies and liars out. The sooner they are gone the better.

He is just living off of Trump's economy, we have to wait to see what will happen once it becomes Biden's economy.

I agree and that should be a hum dinger. If he does what he says he will do the economy will be in the toilet and UE through the roof.
Let's see what happens when the Alzheimer's patient takes office.

The credit for this goes to Trump.


Izzat so. What did Rump do? LOSE? Play golf? Whine? Throw his toys about the room?
All of the above, that's it.

The stock market likes stability. It got dizzy when Rump was first elected and now it sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Course, you'd prolly have to be invested in something to know that.

As I recall all you lefty loons said the stock market would be in the toilet when Trump was elected. Why don't you tell us how that worked out??
Biden declared winner of the 2020 election and the Dow tops 30,000.
Another Trump lie that if Biden wins, the Dow will tank.
Also, it shows how stupid and wrong, those who call Biden a socialist, are.
If a socialist became President of the US the Dow would tank.
Time to start flushing the lies and liars out. The sooner they are gone the better.

If it went up based on him winning you can be sure it's because they expect a few trillion added to the U.S debt and into Big Businesses pockets.
Biden declared winner of the 2020 election and the Dow tops 30,000.
Another Trump lie that if Biden wins, the Dow will tank.
Also, it shows how stupid and wrong, those who call Biden a socialist, are.
If a socialist became President of the US the Dow would tank.
Time to start flushing the lies and liars out. The sooner they are gone the better.

Already threads, Elmerrrrr
Tramp left him a desolate economy.

Not Trump. You can blame that on the Chinese virus.

Before the virus this country was doing great. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years and jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy all with Trump at the helm.

Lets see how Biden's economy does dealing with the same thing Trump had to deal with. I'd bet it will be just as it is now.

Once he does all he says he will do I can see the economy in the toilet and UE through the roof.

Get back to us with your dumbass post when that happens, which it will.
Let's see what happens when the Alzheimer's patient takes office.

The credit for this goes to Trump.


Izzat so. What did Rump do? LOSE? Play golf? Whine? Throw his toys about the room?
All of the above, that's it.

The stock market likes stability. It got dizzy when Rump was first elected and now it sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Course, you'd prolly have to be invested in something to know that.

As I recall all you lefty loons said the stock market would be in the toilet when Trump was elected. Why don't you tell us how that worked out??

I said that huh?


As far as "how it worked out", here ya go.

Dow tenyear.jpg

See where it bottoms out and then starts going up? That's where O'bama comes in.
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Let's see what happens when the Alzheimer's patient takes office.

The credit for this goes to Trump.


Izzat so. What did Rump do? LOSE? Play golf? Whine? Throw his toys about the room?
All of the above, that's it.

The stock market likes stability. It got dizzy when Rump was first elected and now it sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Course, you'd prolly have to be invested in something to know that.

As I recall all you lefty loons said the stock market would be in the toilet when Trump was elected. Why don't you tell us how that worked out??

I said that huh?


Look it up yourself. I'm sure you can as I'm also sure you said it.
EVERY time something goes right.....they credit Socialism.
And EVERY time anything goes wrong, they blame a Republican.

I remember when Leftists in Venezuela were all in the streets cheering and celebrating their victory over capitalism and free markets.

it was about a year later they ran out of food and medical supplies and started crying over how horribly bad things were.


two words.....royal dumbasses
You are a dumb ass. I said socialism would be harmful to the US economy.
Let's see what happens when the Alzheimer's patient takes office.

The credit for this goes to Trump.


Izzat so. What did Rump do? LOSE? Play golf? Whine? Throw his toys about the room?
All of the above, that's it.

The stock market likes stability. It got dizzy when Rump was first elected and now it sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Course, you'd prolly have to be invested in something to know that.

As I recall all you lefty loons said the stock market would be in the toilet when Trump was elected. Why don't you tell us how that worked out??

I said that huh?


Look it up yourself. I'm sure you can as I'm also sure you said it.

I can't look up what does not exist. I know everything I post. Besides which it's YOUR job to look up your own pulled-outta-the-ass assertions, not mine.
Let's see what happens when the Alzheimer's patient takes office.

The credit for this goes to Trump.


Izzat so. What did Rump do? LOSE? Play golf? Whine? Throw his toys about the room?
All of the above, that's it.

The stock market likes stability. It got dizzy when Rump was first elected and now it sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Course, you'd prolly have to be invested in something to know that.

As I recall all you lefty loons said the stock market would be in the toilet when Trump was elected. Why don't you tell us how that worked out??

I said that huh?


Look it up yourself. I'm sure you can as I'm also sure you said it.

I can't look up what does not exist. I know everything I post. Besides which it's YOUR job to look up your own pulled-outta-the-ass assertions, not mine.

No skin off my ass. If you didn't post it I'm sure you thought it just like the rest of the lefty loons.
In case you missed the whole thing. The market has been going up thanks to the news on the COVID vaccine. Has nothing to do with Dumb Biden. But since Trump fast tracked work on the vaccine it can be attributed to him.
But of course since things are looking up in the stock market leftist idiotsshould be claiming it is due to 44 as they did with every economic success on Trumps part.

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