Biden Continues His, "I Made A Huge Mistake - PLEASE BAIL ME OUT" Tour


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In his 1st few days in office President Biden surrendered the United States' energy independence by putting thousands of Americans out of work by shutting down the pipeline, by stripping oil companies of their permits to drill, and put the fossil fuels industries on notice that he intended to wipe them all out, promising the workers he put out of jobs to set them up with Green Energy jobs, a promise he has still not delivered on.

As Inflation has risen, the cost of gas and energy has drastically risen, causing President Biden to beg OPEC to pump more oil to help lower our gas prices. OPEC responded by slightly increasing the number of barrels per day, not enough to prevent $5 a gallon price tag for gas in some parts of the US. To make matters worse, heating oil prices in the midst of rising inflation is expected to increase 54%.

Last week Biden was forced to return to the oil companies he promised to put out of business with his proverbial hat in hand to beg them to begin drilling / fracking ASAP to save his ass (and his plunging poll numbers).

This week, Biden continues his "I Made A Huge Mistake - PLEASE BAIL ME OUT" Tour :

"The White House has asked energy companies to help lower fuel prices amid a worldwide rise in energy costs."

White House Reportedly Asks Energy Companies to Lower Prices

"Um, let's forget about how I said I was going to destroy you all as part

of the Liberal Extremist 'Green New Deal' Era....ummm, do you think you
guys could bail my ass out of this energy crisis I helped create by surrendering
our energy independence, leaving us at the mercy of the worldwide energy
spikes? I know I said I was going to tax and drive you out of business, but
can you find it within your hearts to drastically cut your prices to help me


Oil production fell during 2020 from a high mark in Dec. of 2019 to the low mark in May 2020.

The construction Biden shut down had nothing to do with US production and would lead to more foreign imports not less. Not a single drilling permit was revoked The oil patch is recovering and production is about half way back to where it was in Jan 2019.

Funny how the Neo-GOP forget Trumpybear begging the Saudis as well. Typical Fascist.
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In his 1st few days in office President Biden surrendered the United States' energy independence by putting thousands of Americans out of work by shutting down the pipeline, by stripping oil companies of their permits to drill, and put the fossil fuels industries on notice that he intended to wipe them all out, promising the workers he put out of jobs to set them up with Green Energy jobs, a promise he has still not delivered on.

As Inflation has risen, the cost of gas and energy has drastically risen, causing President Biden to beg OPEC to pump more oil to help lower our gas prices. OPEC responded by slightly increasing the number of barrels per day, not enough to prevent $5 a gallon price tag for gas in some parts of the US. To make matters worse, heating oil prices in the midst of rising inflation is expected to increase 54%.

Last week Biden was forced to return to the oil companies he promised to put out of business with his proverbial hat in hand to beg them to begin drilling / fracking ASAP to save his ass (and his plunging poll numbers).

This week, Biden continues his "I Made A Huge Mistake - PLEASE BAIL ME OUT" Tour :

"The White House has asked energy companies to help lower fuel prices amid a worldwide rise in energy costs."

White House Reportedly Asks Energy Companies to Lower Prices

"Um, let's forget about how I said I was going to destroy you all as part

of the Liberal Extremist 'Green New Deal' Era....ummm, do you think you
guys could bail my ass out of this energy crisis I helped create by surrendering
our energy independence, leaving us at the mercy of the worldwide energy
spikes? I know I said I was going to tax and drive you out of business, but
can you find it within your hearts to drastically cut your prices to help me


They will comply but they will not forget.

They will comply but they will not forget.


Maybe, maybe not. From what I have read, a lot of the fracking operations who managed to survive the Saudi-OPEC feud have not made any effort thus far to expand operations because of the spike in demand. They don't see it as a smart investment given the current political climate against fossil fuels.
In his 1st few days in office President Biden surrendered the United States' energy independence by putting thousands of Americans out of work by shutting down the pipeline, by stripping oil companies of their permits to drill, and put the fossil fuels industries on notice that he intended to wipe them all out, promising the workers he put out of jobs to set them up with Green Energy jobs, a promise he has still not delivered on.

As Inflation has risen, the cost of gas and energy has drastically risen, causing President Biden to beg OPEC to pump more oil to help lower our gas prices. OPEC responded by slightly increasing the number of barrels per day, not enough to prevent $5 a gallon price tag for gas in some parts of the US. To make matters worse, heating oil prices in the midst of rising inflation is expected to increase 54%.

Last week Biden was forced to return to the oil companies he promised to put out of business with his proverbial hat in hand to beg them to begin drilling / fracking ASAP to save his ass (and his plunging poll numbers).

This week, Biden continues his "I Made A Huge Mistake - PLEASE BAIL ME OUT" Tour :

"The White House has asked energy companies to help lower fuel prices amid a worldwide rise in energy costs."

White House Reportedly Asks Energy Companies to Lower Prices

"Um, let's forget about how I said I was going to destroy you all as part

of the Liberal Extremist 'Green New Deal' Era....ummm, do you think you
guys could bail my ass out of this energy crisis I helped create by surrendering
our energy independence, leaving us at the mercy of the worldwide energy
spikes? I know I said I was going to tax and drive you out of business, but
can you find it within your hearts to drastically cut your prices to help me


For 50 years everything he has had a hand in screwed America. Why do you think all these limp wrist democRats love him. That and Uncle Joe gives em free stuff to keep em breathing. Why do you think we pay higher taxes along with everything else. democRat economy. With out Uncle Joe they would die They need Uncle Joe to run their lives because they have done such a piss poor job of it.
Oil production fell during 2020 from a high mark in Dec. of 2019 to the low mark in May 2020.

The construction Biden shut down had nothing to do with US production and would lead to more foreign imports not less. Not a single drilling permit was revoked The oil patch is recovering and production is about half way back to where it was in Jan 2019.

Funny how the Neo-GOP forget Trumpybear begging the Saudis as well. Typical Fascist.
Oil privation rises and falls. The difference vs. 2020 is that the pipeline was still in play, permits were in place, and green energy was still developing. Biden and The Democrats ran on killing the pipeline and reducing domestic fossil fuel production. . Now he’s begging OPEC for output while himself, Kerry, and other Democrats get wealthy off of foreign oil investments.
Prices are up all over the world and yet you expect us to believe you when you try to blame one man...Your credibility is non-existent. Tell us why China is having a fuel shortage.
It's amazing to me how you allow excuses for Biden but Trump was responsible for everything.
The OP is straight bullshit.
Oil privation rises and falls. The difference vs. 2020 is that the pipeline was still in play, permits were in place, and green energy was still developing. Biden and The Democrats ran on killing the pipeline and reducing domestic fossil fuel production. . Now he’s begging OPEC for output while himself, Kerry, and other Democrats get wealthy off of foreign oil investments.
The drop in production occurred before the election during Trumpybears last disastrous year in office. The pipeline had nothing to do with the drop in production. Reality is what it is. US oil production has increased under Joe Biden. All Presidents look to OPEC to control oil prices including your lord Trumpybrerra.
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The drop in production occurred before the election during Trumpybears last disastrous year in office. The pipeline had nothing to do with the drop in production. Reality is what it is. US oil production has increased under Joe Biden. All Presidents look to OPEC to control oil prices including your lord Trumpybrerra.
What has Biden done to make US LESS dependent on OPEC?? What policies should he be pursuing that will make us less dependent in the short and long term??
What has Biden done to make US LESS dependent on OPEC?? What policies should he be pursuing that will make us less dependent in the short and long term??
We imported around 270 million barrels of oil in Aug of 2021. Only 33 million were from OPEC nations. They SA, still have the most cheap (near surface) reserves and can easily increase or decrease production.

We imported around 270 million barrels of oil in Aug of 2021. Only 33 million were from OPEC nations. They SA, still have the most cheap (near surface) reserves and can easily increase or decrease production.

Overall, wouldn’t it be better to pursue policies and actions that are market driven to reduce imports and the price of oil? Why should any President have to ask OPEC or any other foreign nation for output at a level that will reduce domestic prices? How about “control what you can control”…… more domestic production will result in less dependence on imports and whatever we import, will drive down prices.
Overall, wouldn’t it be better to pursue policies and actions that are market driven to reduce imports and the price of oil? Why should any President have to ask OPEC or any other foreign nation for output at a level that will reduce domestic prices? How about “control what you can control”…… more domestic production will result in less dependence on imports and whatever we import, will drive down prices.

Because the US had been consuming more oil that we can produce since the 60's
In his 1st few days in office President Biden surrendered the United States' energy independence by putting thousands of Americans out of work by shutting down the pipeline, by stripping oil companies of their permits to drill, and put the fossil fuels industries on notice that he intended to wipe them all out, promising the workers he put out of jobs to set them up with Green Energy jobs, a promise he has still not delivered on.

As Inflation has risen, the cost of gas and energy has drastically risen, causing President Biden to beg OPEC to pump more oil to help lower our gas prices. OPEC responded by slightly increasing the number of barrels per day, not enough to prevent $5 a gallon price tag for gas in some parts of the US. To make matters worse, heating oil prices in the midst of rising inflation is expected to increase 54%.

Last week Biden was forced to return to the oil companies he promised to put out of business with his proverbial hat in hand to beg them to begin drilling / fracking ASAP to save his ass (and his plunging poll numbers).

This week, Biden continues his "I Made A Huge Mistake - PLEASE BAIL ME OUT" Tour :

"The White House has asked energy companies to help lower fuel prices amid a worldwide rise in energy costs."

White House Reportedly Asks Energy Companies to Lower Prices

"Um, let's forget about how I said I was going to destroy you all as part

of the Liberal Extremist 'Green New Deal' Era....ummm, do you think you
guys could bail my ass out of this energy crisis I helped create by surrendering
our energy independence, leaving us at the mercy of the worldwide energy
spikes? I know I said I was going to tax and drive you out of business, but
can you find it within your hearts to drastically cut your prices to help me


My God, could National Review be more stupid?
For quite some time Uncle Joe has been handing out permits to drill on Federal Land like candy and nobody seems to be taking advantage. Why is that?


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