Biden amnesty for 90% of illegal immigrants, US now a ‘sanctuary country'

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Washington Examiner ^ | May 6 | Paul Bedard

Mark Morgan has played a key role in U.S. immigration enforcement for 30 years.

He served in the FBI, was chief of the U.S. Border Patrol for former President Barack Obama, and ran U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, then Customs and Border Protection for former President Donald Trump.

Watching what’s happening on the border and in key cities under President Joe Biden, the 30-year law enforcement veteran said he’s never seen it worse.

Now, with the Heritage Foundation, along with several other key Trump administration immigration officials, Morgan fears that Biden is handcuffing his former agencies and essentially granting amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants.

Reacting to new reports that Biden’s open-border team has cut deportations to an all-time low for April, he said, “I was in federal law enforcement for more than 30 years, and never until the Biden administration have I seen such a bold effort to tie the hands of law enforcement from upholding the rule of law.”

Biden has limited who can be deported to a tiny group, including suspected terrorists, very bad criminals, and the handful of illegal immigrants who crossed into the United States after Election Day. That essentially leaves 13 million off the hook.


And, everybody knew this all along. Absolutely no surprise. Conservatives knew this would happen with whomever followed President Trump.
Liberals knew this was their game plan all along.

Yet, it happened anyway. Like, Manifest Destiny in reverse.

Tell me again why this is NOT AN REAL IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE!!!!!
Giving amnesty for 90% of illegals is only 50% of the issue.

The other 50% is the message that it sends out, which is come here whatever method you want and you'll be allowed to stay no problem.

Might buy a 14-dollar ESTA and hop across myself. Norwegian Air does some cheap flights from London. See you guys shortly my soon to be fellow citizens. :thewave:
I noted that if Trump refused to actually address the actual issue the problem will only grow and here we are.

Trump was addressing it.

There were zero catch and release in 2020. The agreement with Mexico to remain in Mexico. Etc., etc., etc.

Trump had to fight endless lawsuits over his actions, something people should not forget. Still, he did quite a lot in addressing this issue.
Giving amnesty for 90% of illegals is only 50% of the issue.

The other 50% is the message that it sends out, which is come here whatever method you want and you'll be allowed to stay no problem.

Might buy a 14-dollar ESTA and hop across myself. Norwegian Air does some cheap flights from London. See you guys shortly my soon to be fellow citizens. :thewave:

Get a good tan first.
Giving amnesty for 90% of illegals is only 50% of the issue.

The other 50% is the message that it sends out, which is come here whatever method you want and you'll be allowed to stay no problem.

Might buy a 14-dollar ESTA and hop across myself. Norwegian Air does some cheap flights from London. See you guys shortly my soon to be fellow citizens. :thewave:

Get a good tan first.
Don't worry about it - I'm black.

from the waist down
I noted that if Trump refused to actually address the actual issue the problem will only grow and here we are.
....babble shit from you..Mr Trump was trying to turn the US around from turning into a shithole, like Africa......
now we have dumbass Biden accelerating the US into that shithole
I noted that if Trump refused to actually address the actual issue the problem will only grow and here we are.
....babble shit from you..Mr Trump was trying to turn the US around from turning into a shithole, like Africa......
now we have dumbass Biden accelerating the US into that shithole

The GOP had the White House, Senate and House and could have passed mandatory e-verify but did nothing. The illegals came and filled the jobs of the entities that filled the politicians coffers.

And here we are.
I noted that if Trump refused to actually address the actual issue the problem will only grow and here we are.
....babble shit from you..Mr Trump was trying to turn the US around from turning into a shithole, like Africa......
now we have dumbass Biden accelerating the US into that shithole

The GOP had the White House, Senate and House and could have passed mandatory e-verify but did nothing. The illegals came and filled the jobs of the entities that filled the politicians coffers.

And here we are.
hahahhahah---but you said Mr Trump was not letting them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
you idiots always get caught babbling shit and being hypocrites
I noted that if Trump refused to actually address the actual issue the problem will only grow and here we are.
....babble shit from you..Mr Trump was trying to turn the US around from turning into a shithole, like Africa......
now we have dumbass Biden accelerating the US into that shithole

The GOP had the White House, Senate and House and could have passed mandatory e-verify but did nothing. The illegals came and filled the jobs of the entities that filled the politicians coffers.

And here we are.
hahahhahah---but you said Mr Trump was not letting them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
you idiots always get caught babbling shit and being hypocrites

I said no such thing. They came by the thousands.
I noted that if Trump refused to actually address the actual issue the problem will only grow and here we are.
....babble shit from you..Mr Trump was trying to turn the US around from turning into a shithole, like Africa......
now we have dumbass Biden accelerating the US into that shithole

The GOP had the White House, Senate and House and could have passed mandatory e-verify but did nothing. The illegals came and filled the jobs of the entities that filled the politicians coffers.

And here we are.
hahahhahah---but you said Mr Trump was not letting them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
you idiots always get caught babbling shit and being hypocrites

I said no such thing. They came by the thousands.
stop the stupid shit!!!!!! you people called him RACIST for it
I noted that if Trump refused to actually address the actual issue the problem will only grow and here we are.
....babble shit from you..Mr Trump was trying to turn the US around from turning into a shithole, like Africa......
now we have dumbass Biden accelerating the US into that shithole

The GOP had the White House, Senate and House and could have passed mandatory e-verify but did nothing. The illegals came and filled the jobs of the entities that filled the politicians coffers.

And here we are.
hahahhahah---but you said Mr Trump was not letting them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
you idiots always get caught babbling shit and being hypocrites

I said no such thing. They came by the thousands.
stop the stupid shit!!!!!! you people called him RACIST for it

And here we are...................
Biden takes is AGE privilege SERIOUSLY-----when the consequences of his
insanity PAN OUT-----he will be ...............elsewhere
I noted that if Trump refused to actually address the actual issue the problem will only grow and here we are.
The issue is we need to deport the democrats and keep the hard working, family oriented, religious Latin Americans
The fasted way to destroy America is with illegal aliens who will take jobs and lower wages for low-wage-earning Americans who do not need the competition. I have compassion for people who want a better life but not illegals at the expense of American's way of life. The reason people are not going back to work is that the jobs offered are not paying enough for them to take care of their families and unemployment does. Almost 40 years ago I saw two of my friends whose business went bankrupt because they were underbid by cheap illegal alien labor. And I voted for this Democrat.

108,000 immigrants have illegally entered the US so far in 2021​

9,000 illegals entered in all of 2020.​

Biden should be impeached;

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