Biden, again, botches Covid response


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"Worrying" - The UK COVID-19 Variant Has "Mutated Again" | ZeroHedge

Maybe Joe is not getting enough sleep? Under Biden's watch, the Obama funded Wuhan flu has mutated again! What's Biden's "plan" now that he can no longer peek over to read from Trump's Plan.

Biden's Plan for mutations: I'll have to circle back to you on that, I have to call Mar a Lago first to see what my Plan should be

Pray for humanity!
What's going on is like going in a bank, maskless, with a machete or gun or something, robbing the bank, then sauntering out, getting in a car with the top down and license plates front and back and driving away with the loot while cops and onlookers just stand there. Nobody does anything.

Then the bank robber goes and buys a nice house, buys furniture for it, throws parties that has armed guards surrounding the property in case the neighbors complain of the party noises and lives happily ever after even when he runs out of money. He can't be kicked out because nobody will do anything. He can always go to anothe bank and rob it...because nobody will do anything. Its a freeforall thing, with everyone doing what they want and nobody doing anything about it. Nothing.

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