Biden Admin wants to pardon people based on race


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
The Biden Crime Family Administration is apparently making plans to issue pardons based on race. This is within their definition of racial equity.

People were prosecuted based upon race. I suppose one could argue wrong is wrong but unfortunately there are still many who do not understand that.
The Biden Crime Family Administration is apparently making plans to issue pardons based on race. This is within their definition of racial equity.

Biden is setting bad precedent.
The Biden Crime Family Administration is apparently making plans to issue pardons based on race. This is within their definition of racial equity.

explain this shit nugget from the idiotic first source:

"Now he wants to do the same for white people."
People were prosecuted based upon race. I suppose one could argue wrong is wrong but unfortunately there are still many who do not understand that.
Your getting into the crime rates and incarceration rates. You'll likely not agree that the per capita rates for each should have nothing to do with per capita rates of pardons.
People were prosecuted based upon race. I suppose one could argue wrong is wrong but unfortunately there are still many who do not understand that.
Your getting into the crime rates and incarceration rates. You'll likely not agree that the per capita rates for each should have nothing to do with per capita rates of pardons.

I said that one could argue that. As long as we continue to defend an unjust justice system though I'm not going to worry about the solutions used to solve it.
People were prosecuted based upon race. I suppose one could argue wrong is wrong but unfortunately there are still many who do not understand that.
Your getting into the crime rates and incarceration rates. You'll likely not agree that the per capita rates for each should have nothing to do with per capita rates of pardons.

I said that one could argue that. As long as we continue to defend an unjust justice system though I'm not going to worry about the solutions used to solve it.
Too many people consider prosecution, conviction and punishment as unjustified when it happens to someone of their own race, and especially when it happens to a family member...regardless of the crime committed. How often have you heard a mother proclaim that her son just couldn't have done the face of overwhelming evidence that he did?

The per capita crime rates, arrests, convictions, and incarcerations all vary in accordance with the cultures of the groups being compared. If a whole race (or any grouping of people) has a higher per capita crime rate, it is because it has a higher percentage of criminals.

There is no justification in basing the granting or withholding of pardons on race.
The Biden Crime Family Administration is apparently making plans to issue pardons based on race. This is within their definition of racial equity.

explain this shit nugget from the idiotic first source:

"Now he wants to do the same for white people."
You'll have to ask the author of the article for an explanation.

You took the sentence out of context.

the article said:
Biden or his handlers want a pardon process based on race. As a senator, he backed legislation that led to mass incarceration and long drug sentences. Now he wants to do the same for white people.

As a Senator, Biden backed legislation (that I think was later signed by racist President Slick Willy Clinton) that led to incarceration of predominantly black criminals. I suppose his pardons-based-on-race program could possibly be designed to leave the whites in prison and release the blacks.

If that is not a suitable explanation to you, contact the source.
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My god these Moon Bats were stupid voting for Joe Dufus and then ignoring the fact he stole the election. What the hell were these morons thinking?
People were prosecuted based upon race. I suppose one could argue wrong is wrong but unfortunately there are still many who do not understand that.
Your getting into the crime rates and incarceration rates. You'll likely not agree that the per capita rates for each should have nothing to do with per capita rates of pardons.

I said that one could argue that. As long as we continue to defend an unjust justice system though I'm not going to worry about the solutions used to solve it.
Too many people consider prosecution, conviction and punishment as unjustified when it happens to someone of their own race, and especially when it happens to a family member...regardless of the crime committed. How often have you heard a mother proclaim that her son just couldn't have done the face of overwhelming evidence that he did?

The per capita crime rates, arrests, convictions, and incarcerations all vary in accordance with the cultures of the groups being compared. If a whole race (or any grouping of people) has a higher per capita crime rate, it is because it has a higher percentage of criminals.

There is no justification in basing the granting or withholding of pardons on race.
My god these Moon Bats were stupid voting for Joe Dufus and then ignoring the fact he stole the election. What the hell were these morons thinking?
I voted for Biden and I'm sorry I did. But the only other choice was a proven liar and degenerate who steals from suppliers, workers, college students and investors.

You'll recognize the pervert by the orange rat he wears on his big, ugly, inflated head.
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My god these Moon Bats were stupid voting for Joe Dufus and then ignoring the fact he stole the election. What the hell were these morons thinking?
I voted for Biden and I'm sorry I did. But the only other choice was a proven liar and degenerate who steals from suppliers, workers, college students and investors.

You'll recognize the pervert by the orange rat he wears on his big, ugly, inflated head.

The problem you had was being afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, a serious mental illness.

Trump was a great President. The best we had in modern times.

He effectively sealed the border, lowered taxes, put pressure on other countries to have fair trade deals, reduced regulations, reduced welfare, created a strong economy, established energy independence and rebuilt the military. He did a great job managing the pandemic from the Federal level. He put pride back into this country that has suffered so much while the Worthless Negro was in office.

Only somebody that was beaucoupe dinky dau would think that Joe Dufus was going to somehow do a better job.
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People were prosecuted based upon race. I suppose one could argue wrong is wrong but unfortunately there are still many who do not understand that.
Your getting into the crime rates and incarceration rates. You'll likely not agree that the per capita rates for each should have nothing to do with per capita rates of pardons.

I said that one could argue that. As long as we continue to defend an unjust justice system though I'm not going to worry about the solutions used to solve it.
Too many people consider prosecution, conviction and punishment as unjustified when it happens to someone of their own race, and especially when it happens to a family member...regardless of the crime committed. How often have you heard a mother proclaim that her son just couldn't have done the face of overwhelming evidence that he did?

The per capita crime rates, arrests, convictions, and incarcerations all vary in accordance with the cultures of the groups being compared. If a whole race (or any grouping of people) has a higher per capita crime rate, it is because it has a higher percentage of criminals.

There is no justification in basing the granting or withholding of pardons on race.
Do you have any personal comments to go along with that? What do you think it proves?
People were prosecuted based upon race. I suppose one could argue wrong is wrong but unfortunately there are still many who do not understand that.
Your getting into the crime rates and incarceration rates. You'll likely not agree that the per capita rates for each should have nothing to do with per capita rates of pardons.

I said that one could argue that. As long as we continue to defend an unjust justice system though I'm not going to worry about the solutions used to solve it.
Too many people consider prosecution, conviction and punishment as unjustified when it happens to someone of their own race, and especially when it happens to a family member...regardless of the crime committed. How often have you heard a mother proclaim that her son just couldn't have done the face of overwhelming evidence that he did?

The per capita crime rates, arrests, convictions, and incarcerations all vary in accordance with the cultures of the groups being compared. If a whole race (or any grouping of people) has a higher per capita crime rate, it is because it has a higher percentage of criminals.

There is no justification in basing the granting or withholding of pardons on race.
Do you have any personal comments to go along with that? What do you think it proves?

I've already made my personal comments.
People were prosecuted based upon race. I suppose one could argue wrong is wrong but unfortunately there are still many who do not understand that.
The two wrongs argument doesn't apply in any situation much less this one. When whites were not given the same punishment that's a consideration of clemency based on race. There are whites who for some reason don't understand that they are a race.
My god these Moon Bats were stupid voting for Joe Dufus and then ignoring the fact he stole the election. What the hell were these morons thinking?
I voted for Biden and I'm sorry I did. But the only other choice was a proven liar and degenerate who steals from suppliers, workers, college students and investors.

You'll recognize the pervert by the orange rat he wears on his big, ugly, inflated head.

The problem you had was being afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, a serious mental illness.

Trump was a great President. The best we had in modern times.

He effectively sealed the border, lowered taxes, put pressure on other countries to have fair trade deals, reduced regulations, reduced welfare, created a strong economy, established energy independence and rebuilt the military. He did a great job managing the pandemic from the Federal level. He put pride back into this country that has suffered so much while the Worthless Negro was in office.

Only somebody that was beaucoupe dinky dau would think that Joe Dufus was going to somehow do a better job.
Trump was good on one single thing: immigration. Other than that he was a clumsy, lying pervert and ignoramus who can appeal only to the truly naive and gullible.

His use of tariffs was laughable, costing Americans tens of billions of dollars. His other policies were mostly for show (for his naive sheep).

It would take far too long to look at all of the things Trump fucked up, and this is not the place for it.

Suffice it to say Trump is one of the most disgusting and dishonest humans to ever slither across this planet.

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