Bibi tells American Jews to "get lost"!


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
In his upcoming speech to Congress on March 3rd, Netanfuckyou is basically telling American Jews to fuck off and get lost. By going around Obama's back and soliciting Boehner's invitation, he has decided his allegiance is with the GOP. American Jews, on the other hand, are the most consistant Obama and Democratic Party supporters in US politics.

It's no news flash that American Jews tend to be liberal. In 2013, the Pew Research Religious and Public Life Project spelled out the obvious:

Jews are among the most strongly liberal, Democratic groups in U.S. politics. There are more than twice as many self-identified Jewish liberals as conservatives, while among the general public, this balance is nearly reversed. In addition, about seven-in-ten Jews identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. Jews are more supportive of President Barack Obama than are most other religious groups. And about eight-in-ten Jews say homosexuality should be accepted by society
Almost 70% of them voted for Obama the last two elections.

In 2008, Obama drew 74 percent of the Jewish vote (maybe up to 78 percent). In 2012, he won about 69 percent.
Which means they agree with Obama's foreign policies. Netanfuckyou's speech to Congress, is in opposition to that. Furthermore, American Jews are not too concerned about Israel or Iran...

[A] poll asked American Jews to cite two issues of importance to them. Only 8 percent mentioned Israel, which put this subject in 10th place, far behind the economy and health care. Another survey conducted earlier in 2014 showed American Jewish voters overwhelmingly supporting Obama and listing the economy and the growing gap between the rich and poor as their top issues. As the New York Times reported, "Concern about Israel or Iran ranked very low...
I have to admit, American Jews rock!

Zionists, who say their Jews, don't.

And right-wingers, who claim to be Christian, lost Christ a long time ago.
In his upcoming speech to Congress on March 3rd, Netanfuckyou is basically telling American Jews to fuck off and get lost. By going around Obama's back and soliciting Boehner's invitation, he has decided his allegiance is with the GOP. American Jews, on the other hand, are the most consistant Obama and Democratic Party supporters in US politics.

It's no news flash that American Jews tend to be liberal. In 2013, the Pew Research Religious and Public Life Project spelled out the obvious:

Jews are among the most strongly liberal, Democratic groups in U.S. politics. There are more than twice as many self-identified Jewish liberals as conservatives, while among the general public, this balance is nearly reversed. In addition, about seven-in-ten Jews identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. Jews are more supportive of President Barack Obama than are most other religious groups. And about eight-in-ten Jews say homosexuality should be accepted by society
Almost 70% of them voted for Obama the last two elections.

In 2008, Obama drew 74 percent of the Jewish vote (maybe up to 78 percent). In 2012, he won about 69 percent.
Which means they agree with Obama's foreign policies. Netanfuckyou's speech to Congress, is in opposition to that. Furthermore, American Jews are not too concerned about Israel or Iran...

[A] poll asked American Jews to cite two issues of importance to them. Only 8 percent mentioned Israel, which put this subject in 10th place, far behind the economy and health care. Another survey conducted earlier in 2014 showed American Jewish voters overwhelmingly supporting Obama and listing the economy and the growing gap between the rich and poor as their top issues. As the New York Times reported, "Concern about Israel or Iran ranked very low...
I have to admit, American Jews rock!

Zionists who say their Jews, don't.

And right-wingers, who claim to be Christian, lost Christ a long time ago.

I do love it that the GOP is trying to play the Israel card but even american Jews aren't buying the GOP's game plan.
I do love it that the GOP is trying to play the Israel card but even american Jews aren't buying the GOP's game plan.
I love how many of them say they're members of the "GOP", just to distance themselves from the Republican Party. They act like people won't connect the dots.
as far as 'BIBI' is concerned mrobama supporting jews are probably a good group to lose . I mean , who needs them ??
In his upcoming speech to Congress on March 3rd, Netanfuckyou is basically telling American Jews to fuck off and get lost. By going around Obama's back and soliciting Boehner's invitation, he has decided his allegiance is with the GOP. American Jews, on the other hand, are the most consistant Obama and Democratic Party supporters in US politics.

It's no news flash that American Jews tend to be liberal. In 2013, the Pew Research Religious and Public Life Project spelled out the obvious:

Jews are among the most strongly liberal, Democratic groups in U.S. politics. There are more than twice as many self-identified Jewish liberals as conservatives, while among the general public, this balance is nearly reversed. In addition, about seven-in-ten Jews identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. Jews are more supportive of President Barack Obama than are most other religious groups. And about eight-in-ten Jews say homosexuality should be accepted by society
Almost 70% of them voted for Obama the last two elections.

In 2008, Obama drew 74 percent of the Jewish vote (maybe up to 78 percent). In 2012, he won about 69 percent.
Which means they agree with Obama's foreign policies. Netanfuckyou's speech to Congress, is in opposition to that. Furthermore, American Jews are not too concerned about Israel or Iran...

[A] poll asked American Jews to cite two issues of importance to them. Only 8 percent mentioned Israel, which put this subject in 10th place, far behind the economy and health care. Another survey conducted earlier in 2014 showed American Jewish voters overwhelmingly supporting Obama and listing the economy and the growing gap between the rich and poor as their top issues. As the New York Times reported, "Concern about Israel or Iran ranked very low...
I have to admit, American Jews rock!

Zionists, who say their Jews, don't.

And right-wingers, who claim to be Christian, lost Christ a long time ago.

While you and your fellow neo Marxist lost all trace of your humanity when you starved 10 million innocents to death.

Here we have it another JEW HATRED post from dildo because he does not know why he hates the Jews so much, he just does.
Its more of an 'Obama-intervene-in-Israel's-elections-because-he-disagree-with-Netanyahu-so-he-support-V15-Illegal-funds-campaign-by-the-most-selfish-people-on-earth-...-leftists' scent to me.
The V15 funds are already being investigated, Netanyahu is gonna score big time and so does the polls shows, I really wonder if this is actually Netanyahu's plan since he won so hard I can't even imagine why would someone push his neck to such political guillotine for no reason, and so does with the line crossing since Democrats losing big time on American Jews opinion.
Can any of the mods move this to Politics forum please? I don't see how this is related to the I/P conflict..
I do love it that the GOP is trying to play the Israel card but even american Jews aren't buying the GOP's game plan.
I love how many of them say they're members of the "GOP", just to distance themselves from the Republican Party. They act like people won't connect the dots.
We should have let the GOP dixiecrats secede, but its not too late!
The Jewish Bolshevik regime had begun murdering their way through ethnic Europeans as early as the 1920’s. Initially these crimes were concealed behind the Jewish Bolshevik construct of the ‘Soviet Union’ but with a Jewish victory in 1945 a new paradigm was concocted with the German Nation as the scapegoat. The source of the Big Lie can be traced back to the Jewish architect of ethnic European GenocideVladimir Lenin who pronounced that “a lie told often enough becomes the truth”. While the Jewish Bolshevik genocide of ethnic Europeans is concealed, for the 70 years since WWII ethnic Europe has been saturated with propaganda regarding a Jewish ‘Holocaust’.

Ethnic European peoples are particularly susceptible to Jewish propaganda with their nations so insular as opposed to the international nature of the Jewish tribe. Ethnic Europeans of the German Nation are not united with ethnic Europeans of the Russian Nation consequently international information becomes limited to that which the Jewish tribe allows to filter through their network. A specific example of networking between Jewish cells occurred during WWI. Jewish Zionist Leo Motzkin presided over the Copenhagen office of the Zionist organization and operated as liaison between Zionist organizations in all other European nations. Trust is also a significant issue. The ethnic European of a number of nations appears capable of trusting implicitly that their own racial brethren are perpetrating horrendous atrocities. Yet will self-censor the crimes and atrocities that another race has perpetrated against their own. Trust between fraternal nations is at its lowest ebb during territorial instability when pseudo-patriotism encourages ethnic Europeans to paint their racial brethren as a nation of beasts. Jewish propaganda operates at a premium during war when there is most unrest. It feeds and maintains ethnic division an example of which is ‘Holocaust’ propaganda that primarily demonises the German nation and in a wider context paralyses ethnic Europe with false guilt allowing Jewish interests priority throughout ethnic European territory. The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans

The Jewish Bolshovik Regime? That's crazy talk.

Ethnic cleansing of Europeans?

and what does this have to do with the topic?
The Jewish Bolshevik regime had begun murdering their way through ethnic Europeans as early as the 1920’s. Initially these crimes were concealed behind the Jewish Bolshevik construct of the ‘Soviet Union’ but with a Jewish victory in 1945 a new paradigm was concocted with the German Nation as the scapegoat. The source of the Big Lie can be traced back to the Jewish architect of ethnic European GenocideVladimir Lenin who pronounced that “a lie told often enough becomes the truth”. While the Jewish Bolshevik genocide of ethnic Europeans is concealed, for the 70 years since WWII ethnic Europe has been saturated with propaganda regarding a Jewish ‘Holocaust’.

Ethnic European peoples are particularly susceptible to Jewish propaganda with their nations so insular as opposed to the international nature of the Jewish tribe. Ethnic Europeans of the German Nation are not united with ethnic Europeans of the Russian Nation consequently international information becomes limited to that which the Jewish tribe allows to filter through their network. A specific example of networking between Jewish cells occurred during WWI. Jewish Zionist Leo Motzkin presided over the Copenhagen office of the Zionist organization and operated as liaison between Zionist organizations in all other European nations. Trust is also a significant issue. The ethnic European of a number of nations appears capable of trusting implicitly that their own racial brethren are perpetrating horrendous atrocities. Yet will self-censor the crimes and atrocities that another race has perpetrated against their own. Trust between fraternal nations is at its lowest ebb during territorial instability when pseudo-patriotism encourages ethnic Europeans to paint their racial brethren as a nation of beasts. Jewish propaganda operates at a premium during war when there is most unrest. It feeds and maintains ethnic division an example of which is ‘Holocaust’ propaganda that primarily demonises the German nation and in a wider context paralyses ethnic Europe with false guilt allowing Jewish interests priority throughout ethnic European territory. The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans

The Jewish Bolshovik Regime? That's crazy talk.

Ethnic cleansing of Europeans?

and what does this have to do with the topic?

Fanger aka jos the Jew hating Muslim will believe anything he reads as long as it vilifies Jews. He's missing a fee brain cells, so don't mind him.
The Jewish Bolshevik regime had begun murdering their way through ethnic Europeans as early as the 1920’s. Initially these crimes were concealed behind the Jewish Bolshevik construct of the ‘Soviet Union’ but with a Jewish victory in 1945 a new paradigm was concocted with the German Nation as the scapegoat. The source of the Big Lie can be traced back to the Jewish architect of ethnic European GenocideVladimir Lenin who pronounced that “a lie told often enough becomes the truth”. While the Jewish Bolshevik genocide of ethnic Europeans is concealed, for the 70 years since WWII ethnic Europe has been saturated with propaganda regarding a Jewish ‘Holocaust’.

Ethnic European peoples are particularly susceptible to Jewish propaganda with their nations so insular as opposed to the international nature of the Jewish tribe. Ethnic Europeans of the German Nation are not united with ethnic Europeans of the Russian Nation consequently international information becomes limited to that which the Jewish tribe allows to filter through their network. A specific example of networking between Jewish cells occurred during WWI. Jewish Zionist Leo Motzkin presided over the Copenhagen office of the Zionist organization and operated as liaison between Zionist organizations in all other European nations. Trust is also a significant issue. The ethnic European of a number of nations appears capable of trusting implicitly that their own racial brethren are perpetrating horrendous atrocities. Yet will self-censor the crimes and atrocities that another race has perpetrated against their own. Trust between fraternal nations is at its lowest ebb during territorial instability when pseudo-patriotism encourages ethnic Europeans to paint their racial brethren as a nation of beasts. Jewish propaganda operates at a premium during war when there is most unrest. It feeds and maintains ethnic division an example of which is ‘Holocaust’ propaganda that primarily demonises the German nation and in a wider context paralyses ethnic Europe with false guilt allowing Jewish interests priority throughout ethnic European territory. The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans

The Jewish Bolshovik Regime? That's crazy talk.

Ethnic cleansing of Europeans?

and what does this have to do with the topic?

Fanger aka jos the Jew hating Muslim will believe anything he reads as long as it vilifies Jews. He's missing a fee brain cells, so don't mind him.

Maybe super-glue will help re-establish connections.

Seems this is a derailment attempt because I can't even remotely conjure a seque here.
The Jewish Bolshevik regime had begun murdering their way through ethnic Europeans as early as the 1920’s. Initially these crimes were concealed behind the Jewish Bolshevik construct of the ‘Soviet Union’ but with a Jewish victory in 1945 a new paradigm was concocted with the German Nation as the scapegoat. The source of the Big Lie can be traced back to the Jewish architect of ethnic European GenocideVladimir Lenin who pronounced that “a lie told often enough becomes the truth”. While the Jewish Bolshevik genocide of ethnic Europeans is concealed, for the 70 years since WWII ethnic Europe has been saturated with propaganda regarding a Jewish ‘Holocaust’.

Ethnic European peoples are particularly susceptible to Jewish propaganda with their nations so insular as opposed to the international nature of the Jewish tribe. Ethnic Europeans of the German Nation are not united with ethnic Europeans of the Russian Nation consequently international information becomes limited to that which the Jewish tribe allows to filter through their network. A specific example of networking between Jewish cells occurred during WWI. Jewish Zionist Leo Motzkin presided over the Copenhagen office of the Zionist organization and operated as liaison between Zionist organizations in all other European nations. Trust is also a significant issue. The ethnic European of a number of nations appears capable of trusting implicitly that their own racial brethren are perpetrating horrendous atrocities. Yet will self-censor the crimes and atrocities that another race has perpetrated against their own. Trust between fraternal nations is at its lowest ebb during territorial instability when pseudo-patriotism encourages ethnic Europeans to paint their racial brethren as a nation of beasts. Jewish propaganda operates at a premium during war when there is most unrest. It feeds and maintains ethnic division an example of which is ‘Holocaust’ propaganda that primarily demonises the German nation and in a wider context paralyses ethnic Europe with false guilt allowing Jewish interests priority throughout ethnic European territory. The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans

The Jewish Bolshovik Regime? That's crazy talk.

Ethnic cleansing of Europeans?

and what does this have to do with the topic?

Not a thing so should be removed
I do love it that the GOP is trying to play the Israel card but even american Jews aren't buying the GOP's game plan.
I love how many of them say they're members of the "GOP", just to distance themselves from the Republican Party. They act like people won't connect the dots.
We should have let the GOP dixiecrats secede, but its not too late!
Those were democrats you ignoramus
I do love it that the GOP is trying to play the Israel card but even american Jews aren't buying the GOP's game plan.
I love how many of them say they're members of the "GOP", just to distance themselves from the Republican Party. They act like people won't connect the dots.
We should have let the GOP dixiecrats secede, but its not too late!
Those were democrats you ignoramus
The democratic Dixiecrats have morphed into the GOP Dixiecrats especially the Tea Party...Ignoramus is you...

Dixiecrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The States' Rights Democratic Party (usually called the Dixiecrats) was a short-lived segregationist political party in the United States in 1948. It originated as a ...
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In his upcoming speech to Congress on March 3rd, Netanfuckyou is basically telling American Jews to fuck off and get lost. By going around Obama's back and soliciting Boehner's invitation, he has decided his allegiance is with the GOP. American Jews, on the other hand, are the most consistant Obama and Democratic Party supporters in US politics.

It's no news flash that American Jews tend to be liberal. In 2013, the Pew Research Religious and Public Life Project spelled out the obvious:

Jews are among the most strongly liberal, Democratic groups in U.S. politics. There are more than twice as many self-identified Jewish liberals as conservatives, while among the general public, this balance is nearly reversed. In addition, about seven-in-ten Jews identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party. Jews are more supportive of President Barack Obama than are most other religious groups. And about eight-in-ten Jews say homosexuality should be accepted by society
Almost 70% of them voted for Obama the last two elections.

In 2008, Obama drew 74 percent of the Jewish vote (maybe up to 78 percent). In 2012, he won about 69 percent.
Which means they agree with Obama's foreign policies. Netanfuckyou's speech to Congress, is in opposition to that. Furthermore, American Jews are not too concerned about Israel or Iran...

[A] poll asked American Jews to cite two issues of importance to them. Only 8 percent mentioned Israel, which put this subject in 10th place, far behind the economy and health care. Another survey conducted earlier in 2014 showed American Jewish voters overwhelmingly supporting Obama and listing the economy and the growing gap between the rich and poor as their top issues. As the New York Times reported, "Concern about Israel or Iran ranked very low...
I have to admit, American Jews rock!

Zionists who say their Jews, don't.

And right-wingers, who claim to be Christian, lost Christ a long time ago.

I do love it that the GOP is trying to play the Israel card but even american Jews aren't buying the GOP's game plan.
No we are not. But the premise of the OP is also false.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Some of the American Jews do need to get lost. They need to remember that their legacy is part of them as much as democracy is.
No. Wrong. None of them need to get lost. That is pure bullshit. Whether ultra-orthodox, ve emet emunah or ultra liberal, we Jews need each other. And dissent within Jewry is what makes us strong. That's EXACTLY the principle upon which yeshivahs work.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The Jewish Bolshevik regime had begun murdering their way through ethnic Europeans as early as the 1920’s. Initially these crimes were concealed behind the Jewish Bolshevik construct of the ‘Soviet Union’ but with a Jewish victory in 1945 a new paradigm was concocted with the German Nation as the scapegoat. The source of the Big Lie can be traced back to the Jewish architect of ethnic European GenocideVladimir Lenin who pronounced that “a lie told often enough becomes the truth”. While the Jewish Bolshevik genocide of ethnic Europeans is concealed, for the 70 years since WWII ethnic Europe has been saturated with propaganda regarding a Jewish ‘Holocaust’.

Ethnic European peoples are particularly susceptible to Jewish propaganda with their nations so insular as opposed to the international nature of the Jewish tribe. Ethnic Europeans of the German Nation are not united with ethnic Europeans of the Russian Nation consequently international information becomes limited to that which the Jewish tribe allows to filter through their network. A specific example of networking between Jewish cells occurred during WWI. Jewish Zionist Leo Motzkin presided over the Copenhagen office of the Zionist organization and operated as liaison between Zionist organizations in all other European nations. Trust is also a significant issue. The ethnic European of a number of nations appears capable of trusting implicitly that their own racial brethren are perpetrating horrendous atrocities. Yet will self-censor the crimes and atrocities that another race has perpetrated against their own. Trust between fraternal nations is at its lowest ebb during territorial instability when pseudo-patriotism encourages ethnic Europeans to paint their racial brethren as a nation of beasts. Jewish propaganda operates at a premium during war when there is most unrest. It feeds and maintains ethnic division an example of which is ‘Holocaust’ propaganda that primarily demonises the German nation and in a wider context paralyses ethnic Europe with false guilt allowing Jewish interests priority throughout ethnic European territory. The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans

The Jewish Bolshovik Regime? That's crazy talk.

Ethnic cleansing of Europeans?

and what does this have to do with the topic?
It has nothing to do with the OP. It is simply hatred.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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