Biafra: Investigate Obama, Bush, leave Nigeria alone- Nigerians in Diaspora warn US lawyer over IPOB


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The United States Chapter of the Nigerians in Diaspora Monitoring Group (NDMG) has reacted to the emerging report that Fein & DelValle PLLC, an American law firm is gathering evidence to charge President Muhammadu Buhari and the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt. General Tukur Yusuf Buratai before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for proscribing the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

The group asked the firm to channel its energy to investigate former United States president, George Bush and Barack Obama and leave Nigeria alone.

Pasca Ogwola, Coordinator, USA/Canada, NDMG said it was disheartening that some people were unhappy over the proscription of IPOB and its activities.

Ogwola said the lawyer was exploring how to make money out of the defunct Biafra republic.

His statement reads in full:

The United States Chapter of the Nigerians in Diaspora Monitoring Group (NDMG) has learnt with disappointment that some Nigerians are being misled by news that Fein & DelValle PLLC, an American law firm, is gathering evidence to charge President Muhammadu Buhari and Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt. General Tukur Yusuf Buratai before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for successfully containing the terrorist group, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPoB).

The claims made by one of the lawyers for the firm, Bruce E. Fein, are ordinarily laughable but for the fact that they have all the makings of a scheme meant to con the unwary ones among our brothers of Igbo extraction out of their hard earned money while setting up our younger ones up for life threatening confrontations with law enforcement agencies. The lawyer is exploring how to make money out of the defunct Biafra republic and has no cares in world how this affect the local population who he has apparently dismissed as collateral damage in his quest to get rich.

Fein apparently lied to the inconspicuous audience he addressed at Chicago State University, USA earlier this month by creating the impression that there is a case against the Nigerian government and military before the ICC. It was a classical American Lawyer trick to con money out of unsuspecting people and this was adequately exposed when he said “litigation moves slowly. Patience, unity, and FINANCIAL support are indispensable to success.”
Biafra: Investigate Obama, Bush, leave Nigeria alone - Nigerians in Diaspora warn US lawyer over IPOB suit - Daily Post Nigeria

Things could get very interesting.
Thanks for posting this update. I had no idea these political
problems had taken this turn. Last I saw anything in the media,
a group of Independents were appealing to Trump to come back
them up in liberating themselves from economic oppression,
bullying and censorship.

When I first heard of the genocide going on in Biafra/Ogoniland
over the oil/mineral rights taken from the native villages by Dutch
Shell Oil, it was the illegal execution of Ken Sarowiwa that brought
the issues to international spotlight on human rights abuses and violations.

To summarize that history, I wrote this Song for Sarowiwa about
the plight of Ogoniland and the Nigerian Villagers in Biafra.

At the time I wrote these lyrics, I did not know the full
significance of the song "One Tin Soldier" to which this was
written. It adds more meaning that I did not consciously intend.

Thanks again for bringing this up, which I did not know about!

To the tune of "One Tin Soldier"

Here's a story of a struggle
Taking place across the sea
Between the peaceful
Ogoni people
And the Dutch Shell company

The tiny region of Biafra
Is sitting on an oil reserve
Blood is spilled by those who drill
But cannot quench
The endless thirst

They pillage and rape the villages
Plunder and steal the land
It's murder in the name of Mammon
The supply will never meet demand

So bow to the red and yellow
Pray to your Texaco stars
Let the market forces conquer
So more of us can drive our cars

The native people chose a leader
Seeking to negotiate
Sarowiwa died for freedom
Executed by the state

Called a traitor, jailed for treason
By a bought-out government
No public trial, no written record
Dollar signs
Are all they read

While pillagers rape the villages
Plunder and steal their land
Killing in the name of profit
The supply will never meet demand

So welcome the red and yellow
Hail to the Texaco stars
Let the market forces conquer
So we can keep our fancy cars

I say a prayer for Sarowiwa
On the highway while I drive
Though I'm running close to empty
I cannot even stop to cry

I hope the Heavens will forgive me
I count the stations passing by
Knowing every tank I use
Is fueling global genocide

The pillage and rape of villages
The plunder of Ogoniland
Murder in the name of Mammon
The supply will never meet demand

So worship the red and yellow
Pray to your Texaco stars
Let the market forces conquer
Foreign lands by starting wars

Let the market forces conquer
Foreign lands by starting wars





Imagine getting the "death penalty" for standing up for the locals against corrupt Nigerian govt, as Sarowiwa did.

And imagine having enough political friends and enemies that would use that scandal to publicize this plight worldwide.

It's crazy he got more publicity and support for the people by getting killed rather than living and fighting this battle alive.

But if support dies offer because the lawsuit got settled, then maybe the powers that be just used more "hush money" to shut down the whole issue.

Is this the mode of politics we really want to leave as a legacy and teach our kids in the future?

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