Beto O'Rourke


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Wants to give illegals free healthcare. This is a non-starter for me. We have a major deficit and ~$22Trn in debt. We need to balance the budget and start paying down the debt. Entitlements account for 66% of mandatory spend. Beto wants to increase that. The issue with illegal immigration is not necessarily the crime but the $$ that has to be spent on education and healthcare. Until we can get this under control, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and giving them free healthcare is not the answer.

Vote for Ted Cruz
Wants to give illegals free healthcare. This is a non-starter for me. We have a major deficit and ~$22Trn in debt. We need to balance the budget and start paying down the debt. Entitlements account for 66% of mandatory spend. Beto wants to increase that. The issue with illegal immigration is not necessarily the crime but the $$ that has to be spent on education and healthcare. Until we can get this under control, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and giving them free healthcare is not the answer.

Vote for Ted Cruz
Says a guy from Massachusetts? The progressives are contributing to a campaign that hasn't even formed yet to oppose Susan Collins if she confirms Kavanaugh. Yet few of them live in Maine.
Mind your business, is what I say.
Wants to give illegals free healthcare. This is a non-starter for me. We have a major deficit and ~$22Trn in debt. We need to balance the budget and start paying down the debt. Entitlements account for 66% of mandatory spend. Beto wants to increase that. The issue with illegal immigration is not necessarily the crime but the $$ that has to be spent on education and healthcare. Until we can get this under control, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and giving them free healthcare is not the answer.

Vote for Ted Cruz
Says a guy from Massachusetts? The progressives are contributing to a campaign that hasn't even formed yet to oppose Susan Collins if she confirms Kavanaugh. Yet few of them live in Maine.
Mind your business, is what I say.

Yep. MA is lost to mindless leftists. Texas still has a chance. Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
Well Ted Cruz is a proven liar and we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country. What has he ever done for Texas, other than use them as a springboard for political ambitions? I hope, for the sake of Texas, he gets his ass sent to the curb.
Well Ted Cruz is a proven liar and we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country. What has he ever done for Texas, other than use them as a springboard for political ambitions? I hope, for the sake of Texas, he gets his ass sent to the curb.

we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country.

we don't?
Well Ted Cruz is a proven liar and we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country. What has he ever done for Texas, other than use them as a springboard for political ambitions? I hope, for the sake of Texas, he gets his ass sent to the curb.
He makes the hair rise up on the back of my neck. Mark my words, there's something not right there....
Wants to give illegals free healthcare. This is a non-starter for me. We have a major deficit and ~$22Trn in debt. We need to balance the budget and start paying down the debt. Entitlements account for 66% of mandatory spend. Beto wants to increase that. The issue with illegal immigration is not necessarily the crime but the $$ that has to be spent on education and healthcare. Until we can get this under control, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and giving them free healthcare is not the answer.

Vote for Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz is a LOSER according to Donald Trump; why should people vote for a LOSER?
Wants to give illegals free healthcare. This is a non-starter for me. We have a major deficit and ~$22Trn in debt. We need to balance the budget and start paying down the debt. Entitlements account for 66% of mandatory spend. Beto wants to increase that. The issue with illegal immigration is not necessarily the crime but the $$ that has to be spent on education and healthcare. Until we can get this under control, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and giving them free healthcare is not the answer.

Vote for Ted Cruz

I don't see how people who might not even like Cruz, but like the idea of open borders and felonious sociopaths in the senate even less aren't moved to support Cruz with at least a vote. I sent in $50, I'll have to sneak in some OT to cover it.

Of course I'm zealot when it comes to Cruz, until I see him do something that promotes global collectivism like some republicrats do all the time he has my unwavering support.

There's an admission of zealotry. You'll never see a bed wetter admit it.

Wants to give illegals free healthcare. This is a non-starter for me. We have a major deficit and ~$22Trn in debt. We need to balance the budget and start paying down the debt. Entitlements account for 66% of mandatory spend. Beto wants to increase that. The issue with illegal immigration is not necessarily the crime but the $$ that has to be spent on education and healthcare. Until we can get this under control, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and giving them free healthcare is not the answer.

Vote for Ted Cruz
Says a guy from Massachusetts? The progressives are contributing to a campaign that hasn't even formed yet to oppose Susan Collins if she confirms Kavanaugh. Yet few of them live in Maine.
Mind your business, is what I say.

Yep. MA is lost to mindless leftists. Texas still has a chance. Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
That should be up to Texas, if they want Cruz or not.
Well Ted Cruz is a proven liar and we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country. What has he ever done for Texas, other than use them as a springboard for political ambitions? I hope, for the sake of Texas, he gets his ass sent to the curb.

we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country.

we don't?
No. He refused to submit his birth certificate for official review as requested by President Trump during the 2016 campaign. He was not born in America and his father was a high ranking communist.
He makes the hair rise up on the back of my neck. Mark my words, there's something not right there....

Exactly, something is not right there when it comes to some of you liberals. With black fag it's just a mental deformity that should have him in the basement of a psyche ward. With you it's just an emotional response as you've been trained to do. It starts at the back of your neck, and stops where the Frontal Cortex either should be if you have one at all, which I believe you do, but you allowed much of it to be paralyzed with reactionary impulses.

If Ted Cruz alarms you, he is the sort of guy to bring back individual rights, REAL ONES, not the nonsense you bed wetters are trying to make normal, and that's why you're trained to be horrified.

I'm not sure why it makes more sense to you that men feel free to walk around like clowns in dresses and expect to be taken seriously as a well developed adult, than it does to just wear jeans yourself. All the inane shit you moonbats have pushed on society while the meat puppet was in office repulsed most people. You still don't recognize that and you will insist the problem is with everyone else.
Well Ted Cruz is a proven liar and we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country. What has he ever done for Texas, other than use them as a springboard for political ambitions? I hope, for the sake of Texas, he gets his ass sent to the curb.

we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country.

we don't?
No. He refused to submit his birth certificate for official review as requested by President Trump during the 2016 campaign. He was not born in America and his father was a high ranking communist.

and his mother was born and bred American.

As much a citizen as McCain was.
He makes the hair rise up on the back of my neck. Mark my words, there's something not right there....

Exactly, something is not right there when it comes to some of you liberals. With black fag it's just a mental deformity that should have him in the basement of a psyche ward. With you it's just an emotional response as you've been trained to do. It starts at the back of your neck, and stops where the Frontal Cortex either should be if you have one at all, which I believe you do, but you allowed much of it to be paralyzed with reactionary impulses.

If Ted Cruz alarms you, he is the sort of guy to bring back individual rights, REAL ONES, not the nonsense you bed wetters are trying to make normal, and that's why you're trained to be horrified.

I'm not sure why it makes more sense to you that men feel free to walk around like clowns in dresses and expect to be taken seriously as a well developed adult, than it does to just wear jeans yourself. All the inane shit you moonbats have pushed on society while the meat puppet was in office repulsed most people. You still don't recognize that and you will insist the problem is with everyone else.
Oh, shup, Pete. This is an instinctive (you can say emotional if you want) response that has NOTHING to do with the guy's politics. But go ahead and vote for him, and keep making shit up about anyone who disagrees with you. Great arguments.
Wants to give illegals free healthcare. This is a non-starter for me. We have a major deficit and ~$22Trn in debt. We need to balance the budget and start paying down the debt. Entitlements account for 66% of mandatory spend. Beto wants to increase that. The issue with illegal immigration is not necessarily the crime but the $$ that has to be spent on education and healthcare. Until we can get this under control, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and giving them free healthcare is not the answer.

Vote for Ted Cruz

Where did he say that .. be specific and precise
Otherwise - BS

Also - The latest poll .. Worried? You should be! :lol:
Emerson 8/22 - 8/25 550 RV 4.4 39 38 Cruz +1
I am not one for visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, but I could never vote for a candidate whose father was involved in the assassination of JFK.
Well Ted Cruz is a proven liar and we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country. What has he ever done for Texas, other than use them as a springboard for political ambitions? I hope, for the sake of Texas, he gets his ass sent to the curb.

we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country.

we don't?

Nope - We really don't

Well Ted Cruz is a proven liar and we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country. What has he ever done for Texas, other than use them as a springboard for political ambitions? I hope, for the sake of Texas, he gets his ass sent to the curb.
He makes the hair rise up on the back of my neck. Mark my words, there's something not right there....
But a guy who bans the flag at his rallies and wants to give illegals health care is ok. You people are the most sick and perverse slime to ever infest a planet.
He makes the hair rise up on the back of my neck. Mark my words, there's something not right there....

Exactly, something is not right there when it comes to some of you liberals. With black fag it's just a mental deformity that should have him in the basement of a psyche ward. With you it's just an emotional response as you've been trained to do. It starts at the back of your neck, and stops where the Frontal Cortex either should be if you have one at all, which I believe you do, but you allowed much of it to be paralyzed with reactionary impulses.

If Ted Cruz alarms you, he is the sort of guy to bring back individual rights, REAL ONES, not the nonsense you bed wetters are trying to make normal, and that's why you're trained to be horrified.

I'm not sure why it makes more sense to you that men feel free to walk around like clowns in dresses and expect to be taken seriously as a well developed adult, than it does to just wear jeans yourself. All the inane shit you moonbats have pushed on society while the meat puppet was in office repulsed most people. You still don't recognize that and you will insist the problem is with everyone else.
Oh boy...

Somebody get this dude a Snickers
Well Ted Cruz is a proven liar and we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country. What has he ever done for Texas, other than use them as a springboard for political ambitions? I hope, for the sake of Texas, he gets his ass sent to the curb.
He makes the hair rise up on the back of my neck. Mark my words, there's something not right there....
But a guy who bans the flag at his rallies and wants to give illegals health care is ok. You people are the most sick and perverse slime to ever infest a planet.
Cruz isn't even a citizen. Feel free to take his healthcare away if you want. I don't care.
Well Ted Cruz is a proven liar and we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country. What has he ever done for Texas, other than use them as a springboard for political ambitions? I hope, for the sake of Texas, he gets his ass sent to the curb.

we don’t even know if he’s a legal citizen of the country.

we don't?
No. He refused to submit his birth certificate for official review as requested by President Trump during the 2016 campaign. He was not born in America and his father was a high ranking communist.

and his mother was born and bred American.

As much a citizen as McCain was.
Should be easy to prove by presenting his birth certificate to a Judge but...... HE WON'T. Obama's mother was American too, and we know he's not a citizen. Let's not make that mistake again.

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