Best news for the last 30 years! A new oil pipeline intermarium will appear in Belarus and kill Juch


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Best news for the last 30 years! A new oil pipeline intermarium will appear in Belarus and kill Juchi Project . Unbelievable, Z. Pozniak´s plan to isolate Muscovite empire and its tackle its militaristic economy comes true , Europe has won again , the Asiatic barbarians down . Kim is out , Vova Pugabe is the next on the line for sure !


“In order to diversify oil supplies in Belarus in 2020-2023, an investment project will be implemented to build the Gomel-Gorki oil trunk pipeline,” Lukashenka’s press service said.

It is noted that the president signed the relevant order on April 29.

The customer for the design and construction of the pipeline was selected Gomeltransneft Druzhba OJSC.

Earlier it was reported that Belarus purchased the first batch of oil from the Saudi Aramco oil company.

"Pazniak argued that following the disintegration of the USSR, Eastern ... a conference on creating a Baltic– Black Sea oil collector as a regional initiative aimed"

"Memories of Empire and Entry into International Society"

"West, Russia Face Off in Belarus Over Baltic–Black Sea Waterway Project


Plans for a new Baltic–Black Sea waterway, passing through Ukraine, Belarus and Poland, have the potential to revolutionize the geopolitics of Europe’s East as well as exacerbate East-West tensions (see EDM, February 18). The European Union has labeled the project “E40,” and the United States has signaled its support. And were the E40 waterway to be incorporated within the broader regional framework of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI), the transit project would not only help the economies of all three participating countries and their neighbors but also promote trilateral cooperation on other issues, including security, and make each one of them more attractive partners for the West. This development would thus transform the frequently dismissed “countries in between” Russia and Western Europe—the geopolitical equivalent of “flyover states”—into a unified, collective player in its own right. Not surprisingly, such prospects are gaining support in the US and part of the EU but generating ever more opposition in Moscow. Russia rightfully views E40 as a threat to its influence in the region and even, according to some analysts, as an existential threat to Russia itself. Nonetheless, Moscow faces increasing difficulty in blocking the project by using the means it has employed in the past ." West, Russia Face Off in Belarus Over Baltic–Black Sea Waterway Project - Jamestown

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