Bernie Sanders Ties Hillary Clinton In New Poll Nationally Ahead Of New Hampshire Primary


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Hillary is going to lose to Bernie. He is still WAY behind in name recognition; as time goes on he will crush her.

Bernie Sanders Ties Hillary Clinton In New Poll Nationally Ahead Of New Hampshire Primary

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has caught up to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a new national poll and finds himself in a statistical dead heat with his rival, showing it's more than just early nominating states that are “feeling the Bern.” The news comes the morning after a sometimes contentious debate Thursday night between the two remaining Democratic presidential hopefuls in New Hampshire that had analysts divided on who came out ahead.
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I sure hope so!! We can all quit our jobs and live off the rich!! It'll be a workers paradise!!

Feel the Bern!!


he was predicted to win in NH several weeks ago ....

he's too far left to win a general election.
I don't think Clinton understood the threat Bernie poses to her. Just like she didn't understand the threat Obama posed to her.

She's been fending off the Gnu Right retards for so long, she stopped checking to her left.

Last year, I went to a town hall being held by a Democratic Senator. I was there to talk to him about the fucking over of vets by Congress.

I was surprised at how many Bernie Sanders supporters were there, and they made their presence there felt. There were far many more than I would have expected up to that point. I mean, the guy's a socialist!

The retards on the Right have spent so much idiot energy labeling everything socialist, they made the label completely meaningless. They cried wolf too many times, and now when it really fucking matters, no one gives a shit.

Anyway, I knew right then Sanders was going to give Clinton a run for her money.

That should have also tipped me off to something later when Trump announced. That heavy Sanders support should have told me Trump would go far, too, but it didn't occur to me.
Who can blame them. Hillary is under a cloud of possible indictment...she's a liar...and she's fake as hell.

Bernie has been Bernie, unapologetic democratic socialist, from way back...before it was cool to be a democratic socialist.

He talks the talk and walks the walk.

Hillary says whatever she has to to get elected...supports any position required. Against gay marriage when that was what it in favor when it is politically advantageous.

Took and is still taking millions from Wall St., didn't move a muscle to reign in Wall St when she had the opportunity as a Senator. Now, suddenly, when it's politically convenient, she sees the light.

Voted for war in Iraq to secure her hawkish bona fides when she thought that was the post 9/11 road to the White House...and when that blew up in her face, she did a 180 and became the dove that is required to get the nomination now.

Is it any wonder that authentic grass roots Bernie is starting to eat her lunch?

tl;dr --- Hillary is fake...Bernie isn't.
I don't think Clinton understood the threat Bernie poses to her. Just like she didn't understand the threat Obama posed to her.

She's been fending off the Gnu Right retards for so long, she stopped checking to her left.

Last year, I went to a town hall being held by a Democratic Senator. I was there to talk to him about the fucking over of vets by Congress.

I was surprised at how many Bernie Sanders supporters were there, and they made their presence there felt. There were far many more than I would have expected up to that point. I mean, the guy's a socialist!

The retards on the Right have spent so much idiot energy labeling everything socialist, they made the label completely meaningless. They cried wolf too many times, and now when it really fucking matters, no one gives a shit.

Anyway, I knew right then Sanders was going to give Clinton a run for her money.

That should have also tipped me off to something later when Trump announced. That heavy Sanders support should have told me Trump would go far, too, but it didn't occur to me.
I'm not surprised because the very liberal wing runs very well in small NE and rural states, esp where they caucus. There were the 2006 jokes about women in birkenstocks baking cookies for caucuses. The poll in the OP is probably an outier, and there is another poll from the same day that shows little national change. The difference is this time Bernie is pretty much discounted as weak hot air by the blacks.

I can't see voting for her, really, but she's getting beat up for telling people single payer isn't getting through the House, telling people that not supporting the DP for Tim McVey and the B Marathon bomber isn't politically viable if you plan on getting elected and .... having a superpac and taking money from Wall St .... which btw is how Slick got elected and how even Gore won the popular vote, and we saw biz even giving Kerry a long look. It's really no different from the voters who put in the Freedom Caucus, with the only real difference is the gop has gerrymandered districts where crazies can win.
80% of America is the middle class.

There has been a 15% shift from the upper mid class to the lower mid class in the last 10 years, making the lower mid class 2 times larger than the upper.

Lower mid class vote dem
Upper mid class vote rep

And you have a dem candidate out there, preaching to the center and lower mid class, telling them exactly what they want to hear.

You don't have to wait for the elections to happen, to figure out Sanders being the next president of the United States of America..........
The problem with the poll, or believing it, is that Hillary will win all of the southern primaries, indluding Tex and, imo, Fla. In the Midwest the dem voting blocks are largely controlled by smaller %'s of blacks, but older underemployed whites are still dems to some degree. I don't see where he gets 50% from college kids and upper income wayyyy liberals, and he's certainly not getting the PP votes. Then you move on to West, and you have the Latinos ... who should be fertile ground for the pro middle class growth message and social conservatims of the gop ... but of course we have the racists.
80% of America is the middle class.

There has been a 15% shift from the upper mid class to the lower mid class in the last 10 years, making the lower mid class 2 times larger than the upper.

Lower mid class vote dem
Upper mid class vote rep

And you have a dem candidate out there, preaching to the center and lower mid class, telling them exactly what they want to hear.

You don't have to wait for the elections to happen, to figure out Sanders being the next president of the United States of America..........
the battleground is typically the 65K to 120k households ... two parents with kids.
80% of America is the middle class.

There has been a 15% shift from the upper mid class to the lower mid class in the last 10 years, making the lower mid class 2 times larger than the upper.

Lower mid class vote dem
Upper mid class vote rep

And you have a dem candidate out there, preaching to the center and lower mid class, telling them exactly what they want to hear.

You don't have to wait for the elections to happen, to figure out Sanders being the next president of the United States of America..........
the battleground is typically the 65K to 120k households ... two parents with kids.

Gotta remember, these are the people making decent money, and able to get some money into their 401K.

These are the same people who got extremely pissed after the crash and following bailout and their 401K disappearing in front of their eyes.

I can imagine how Sanders taking on wall st feeling so sweet to these people.
The problem with the poll, or believing it, is that Hillary will win all of the southern primaries, indluding Tex and, imo, Fla. In the Midwest the dem voting blocks are largely controlled by smaller %'s of blacks, but older underemployed whites are still dems to some degree. I don't see where he gets 50% from college kids and upper income wayyyy liberals, and he's certainly not getting the PP votes. Then you move on to West, and you have the Latinos ... who should be fertile ground for the pro middle class growth message and social conservatims of the gop ... but of course we have the racists.

I'm looking forward to Hillary getting to the south and going with her southern drawl when she addresses her huge crowds of 20 people....

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