Bernie Sanders Is Exploiting the COVID-19 Pandemic To Push His Destructive Socialist Agenda


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Bernie Sanders Is Exploiting the COVID-19 Pandemic To Push His Destructive Socialist Agenda

In his public announcement Sanders stated, "We are in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic that could lead to the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans and infect millions of others, and we are entering an economic downturn that could be worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s. In this unprecedented moment in modern American history, it is imperative that we respond in an unprecedented way."

Sanders wants the next bill to include six provisions that are aimed at helping working people in the U.S. weather the crisis:

1. Addressing the employment crisis by ensuring workers remain employed and paid as well as providing social services for everyone in the country, regardless of citizenship or immigration status

2. Guaranteeing a free at point of service Medicare for All single payer healthcare system for everyone in the country

3. Immediately using the Defense Production Act to manufacture personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, and other needed healthcare equipment for frontline workers dealing with the pandemic

4. Providing food for everyone in the country for the duration of the crisis

5. $600 billion in aid to states and cities

6. An immediate suspension of collections of rent, mortgage payments, medical debt, and consumer debt for four months and a suspension of student loan payments through the duration of the pandemic

As usual, Sanders makes no mention of the economic hardship billionaires and Big Business are enduring in this crisis. Or more importantly, why congress must prioritize the long-term economic well-being of these indispensable Americans before making any additional financial commitment to the remaining 327 million insignificant and expendable citizens.

Sanders is projecting his own selfishness on hundreds-of-millions of Americans who refuse to take part in his attempted theft from our most important and valuable citizens in the 0.1%.

The current administration has the situation under control, and has since the beginning, demonstrated superior decision-making ability and assured the manufacture and delivery of key medical equipment and supplies to states and cities where they are needed most. No one can disagree with this.

Bernie Sanders Calls for 'Boldest Legislation in History' to Halt Spiraling Covid-19 Catastrophe


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