Zone1 Bergoglio: Proselytism [evangelization] is Pagan!


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
Bergoglio: Proselytism is Pagan!

This past Wednesday, the… apostate Jorge Bergoglio — “Pope Francis” — began a new cycle of .. lectures for his weekly general audience. The topic of this new series is the passion for evangelization… And who better to preach on this than the Jesuit from Buenos Aires, who considers false religions an “enrichment” for humanity and asserts that God wants there to be a diversity of religions?

Early on in his fake pontificate, Francis had already declared that proselytism is “solemn nonsense”. A few years later he upgraded that to saying that it was a “great sin against ecumenism” to try to convert an Eastern Orthodox person to Catholicism. (Just imagine having to mention that in confession — not pretty!)

… Bergoglio made clear what kind of sin proselytism [evangelization] is: it is paganism! Here is what Bergoglio said verbatim:

We need to put Jesus in contact with the people, without convincing them but allowing the Lord do the convincing. For as Pope Benedict taught us, “The Church does not engage in proselytism. Instead, she grows by ‘attraction’” (Homily at the Mass for the Inauguration of the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean, Aparecida, 13 May 2007). Don’t forget this: when you see Christians proselytising, making a list of people to come… these are not Christians, they are pagans disguised as Christians... The Church grows not by proselytism, it grows by attraction.

In other words: Junk your apologetics collection! The writings of the saints and doctors, of learned priests, bishops, and cardinals over two millennia, none of that matters anymore. The “Popes” since Vatican II know that evangelization must appeal entirely on the emotions and not at all to the intellect. …

When our Lord said “preach” and “teach”, He really meant “gaze”, “smile,”…[!] The great defenders of the Faith — such as St. John Chrysostom, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Francis de Sales, St. Robert Bellarmine — should obviously have spent their time smiling at the [people they encountered] rather than putting pen to paper.

In a way, it actually makes sense that Francis would reject the idea of convincing people of the truth of Catholicism, since for him, being a Christian is not about adhering to a doctrine, so what’s there to explain? For him, it’s all about “attraction, the opposite of proselytism.” So if there’s nothing else you remember about his Jan. 11 lecture, remember this: Bergoglio wants you to engage in the opposite of convincing people of [the True Faith Christ instituted]!

Not too long ago, [Francis] denounced Catholic traditionalism as “paganism of thought”. Yet, when he participated in a smudging ritual to gain access to the “sacred circle of spirits” so as to encounter the “Grandmother of the West” last year in Canada, he didn’t seem too troubled about paganism. Nor did the gift he gave to the president of Myanmar in 2017 appear to worry him — it was a Vatican-printed manuscript celebrating the life of Buddha
Matthew 28:18-20 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”

Trust what the Pope says, or trust what Jesus says.

Don't worry bones, no one wants you in Heaven if you don't want to be there... :smiliehug:
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I forgot.. no, didn't have time, as I recall, to say the source of that OP information

I found it at Novus Ordo Watch which believes, as I do, that the Vatican Francis sect is a fake religion. anti-Christs took over the Vatican in the 1960s

the Real Church is the Sedevacantists Church and I just found out recently that they have their own priests/bishops.

I guess Vatican II folks didn't want Catholics to know these things... because I didn't until recently and most Catholics do not, I am sure, know these things.

amazing how you can be in the Church (or what you thought was the Church) SO long without knowing.. that the Vatican was stolen out from under the Catholics..

It just shows how bad things really are in the 21st century

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