Ben Carson: ‘I deeply regret’ saying homosexuality is a choice


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC

Now if only the dimwitted democrats would apologize for tearing this nation apart.

All this homos BS is getting annoying
Too funny.

“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

It seems like every other day some GOP wannabee is backtracking on something stupid he said.

How long will this apology tour phase last?

Ben Carson I deeply regret saying homosexuality is a choice MSNBC

Chickenshit. If you say something and apologise, why should anyone listen to you ever again? Giuliani is a moron but at least he has some guts. Certainly more admirable than some tool who flipflops which ever way the polls blow.
All the heterofascism is annoying to normal Americans.

Yes, Carson was wrong; yes, he admitted it; so let's get back to normal programming.

Candidates say dumb things, and sometimes they should apologize. Carson did that and Giuliani doubled down on dumb.
Well isn't that Ben Carson one enlightened Republican. He hasn't had a chance to think through one of the most decisive subjects going at present; homosexuality. But he's thinking about running for POTUS.

So ole Ben just blurts out the most stupid thing he could think of. Then he wants to apologize. Cause really he's not all that smart. And he just flew in from Mars yesterday.

And the Repubs love him. Cause he's not to smart.
Its always funny when one of these Repub Clowns accidentally says what he really thinks and then lies to get off the hot seat.

Really though, what he thinks about much of anything isn't all that important. The biggest difference with Carson is that he has a career to go back to when he loses and won't have take a job lying on Fox.
Its always funny when one of these Repub Clowns accidentally says what he really thinks and then lies to get off the hot seat.

And I do like how the Republicans trot out at least one black guy as a Presidential candidate. Or at least a pretend candidate. Then the Repubs remember why they never support a black candidate for very long. He ain't white.
“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

Liberals cannot comprehend even simple concepts if there is ANY emotional appeal. The emotions will wipe out the message every time. This thread serves as more evidence.

Let me break it down to liberal sized pieces for some of you.

1. He said he doesn't know how everyone gets their sexual orientation.
2. He regrets that some people were hurt and found it divisive.
3. He appologized to all who got butthurt over that simple fact.

That's it! It doesn't mean what you think. I heard part of an interview with the lefty CNN (redundant, I know) opinionator and his point was that some people go to prison heterosexual and leave years later homosexual. So it seems orientation isn't a simple matter of predetermination by genes. Duh.

He's right of course. I believe an acclaimed neurosurgeon know more about the human brain than butthurt liberals that need to have their ears pleased above all else.
“I do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. I regret that my words to express that concept were hurtful and divisive. For that I apologize unreservedly to all that were offended.”

Liberals cannot comprehend even simple concepts if there is ANY emotional appeal. The emotions will wipe out the message every time. This thread serves as more evidence.

Let me break it down to liberal sized pieces for some of you.

1. He said he doesn't know how everyone gets their sexual orientation.
2. He regrets that some people were hurt and found it divisive.
3. He appologized to all who got butthurt over that simple fact.

That's it! It doesn't mean what you think. I heard part of an interview with the lefty CNN (redundant, I know) opinionator and his point was that some people go to prison heterosexual and leave years later homosexual. So it seems orientation isn't a simple matter of predetermination by genes. Duh.

He's right of course. I believe an acclaimed neurosurgeon know more about the human brain than butthurt liberals that need to have their ears pleased above all else.

well said, and totally correct. But remember, liberals must destroy all conservative minority candidates, all conservative women candidates, and anyone who supports them must be called a bigot, homophobe, or idiot.

They know that obozo had failed, they know that liberalism has failed, so all they have is personal attacks and lies. They are pathetic creatures.
So it seems orientation isn't a simple matter of predetermination by genes. Duh.

Sexual orientation is, and always has been, a product of both nature and nurture. That this is even debated by some people at this point is absolutely astonishing. Nobody wakes up one day and "chooses" to be gay. But nobody is born gay either. Just like nobody is born with a favorite food of a favorite type of music, and that nobody chooses these preferences either.

It was foolish for Carson to say that homosexuality is a choice, but it's also foolish when liberals say that homosexuality is an inherent trait.
Its always funny when one of these Repub Clowns accidentally says what he really thinks and then lies to get off the hot seat.

And I do like how the Republicans trot out at least one black guy as a Presidential candidate. Or at least a pretend candidate. Then the Repubs remember why they never support a black candidate for very long. He ain't white.

I don't think he's a real candidate either. He's just the Repub's version of a house nigra but purple with pink polka dots, it was still a stunning example of ignorance from a so-called "man of science".

Shouldn't we expect more from a potential prez candidate than ignorance like this?
is Ben the moron who said "people go to prison straight and come out gay ?

So it seems orientation isn't a simple matter of predetermination by genes. Duh.

Sexual orientation is, and always has been, a product of both nature and nurture. That this is even debated by some people at this point is absolutely astonishing. Nobody wakes up one day and "chooses" to be gay. But nobody is born gay either. Just like nobody is born with a favorite food of a favorite type of music, and that nobody chooses these preferences either.

It was foolish for Carson to say that homosexuality is a choice, but it's also foolish when liberals say that homosexuality is an inherent trait.

The so-called "experts" say that with some people its genetic and with some its a choice. The only debate is the ratio between the two. Most conclude that the genetic group is significantly smaller than the choice group. But I'm sure that our resident gays will disagree.
If yer gonna say somethin' like that (Choice), at least have the balls to stand by your opinion, rather than running for cover at the first sign of trouble.

Another worker-bee in the House of Waffles.

I'm not impressed.
So it seems orientation isn't a simple matter of predetermination by genes. Duh.

Sexual orientation is, and always has been, a product of both nature and nurture. That this is even debated by some people at this point is absolutely astonishing. Nobody wakes up one day and "chooses" to be gay. But nobody is born gay either. Just like nobody is born with a favorite food of a favorite type of music, and that nobody chooses these preferences either.

It was foolish for Carson to say that homosexuality is a choice, but it's also foolish when liberals say that homosexuality is an inherent trait.

The so-called "experts" say that with some people its genetic and with some its a choice. The only debate is the ratio between the two. Most conclude that the genetic group is significantly smaller than the choice group. But I'm sure that our resident gays will disagree.

All humans choose their sexual activity.
Its always funny when one of these Repub Clowns accidentally says what he really thinks and then lies to get off the hot seat.

And I do like how the Republicans trot out at least one black guy as a Presidential candidate. Or at least a pretend candidate. Then the Repubs remember why they never support a black candidate for very long. He ain't white.

I don't think he's a real candidate either. He's just the Repub's version of a house nigra but purple with pink polka dots, it was still a stunning example of ignorance from a so-called "man of science".

Shouldn't we expect more from a potential prez candidate than ignorance like this?

Carson scares the crap out of you dem/libs doesn't he? A brilliant black neurosurgeon, successful by his own hard work, not a politician, speaks what he believes, conservative beliefs, loves his country.

everything you libs hate.

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