Being a conservative does NOT require the following...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Personally demeaning your political opposition

Calling those you don't agree with unamerican

Questioning someone's patriotism

Agreeing with every position of every GOP pundit or candidate

Being unwilling to settle for less than you ideal candidate

Answering every ridiculous racism charge

Excusing every position of any given GOP candidate

Being a Christian

Standing firm on Every position no matter how minuscule

Listing demands of other conservatives

Being perfect in your reflection of conservative positions

Most of all we need to stop the nonsense of telling each other that they are not, or hate, America. It's single handidly the dumbest thing I've seen regularly on here besides my spelling. Saying it in a joking manner is one thing but I see many of you attempting to use it as a weapon. It diminishes your position in any debate and makes you look small. The right nor the left holds a monopoly on patriotism.
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  • #5
When I was growing up watching Andy Griffith things seemed so simple. It's times like this that songs like this just don't have the same impact anymore. Unless of course I've been drinking....

[ame=]Bobby Mcferrin - Don't Worry Be Happy! - YouTube[/ame]
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Nice. Can a liberal please post the reverse in the same objective manner.

I believe sallow and a couple others could but they're on early in the morning usually. I'm off to work and usually miss the opportunity to rustle their feathers. Although that's a good thing as the last month of no clients killed my bank account.
You mean people need to have open minds? That's crazy:p

I believe most conservatives do have open minds which does not mean an empty mind or lacking conviction or certainty or cognizance. Of course we conservatives have our share of clueless wingnuts who spout mostly nonsense and don't have a clue why they are conservative. But I think their numbers are pretty small when compared to the very large and diverse group of citizens who tilt right of center in varying degrees on most things.
Personally demeaning your political opposition

Calling those you don't agree with unamerican

Questioning someone's patriotism

Agreeing with every position of every GOP pundit or candidate

Being unwilling to settle for less than you ideal candidate

Answering every ridiculous racism charge

Excusing every position of any given GOP candidate

Being a Christian

Standing firm on Every position no matter how minuscule

Listing demands of other conservatives

Being perfect in your reflection of conservative positions

Most of all we need to stop the nonsense of telling each other that they are not, or hate, America. It's single handidly the dumbest thing I've seen regularly on here besides my spelling. Saying it in a joking manner is one thing but I see many of you attempting to use it as a weapon. It diminishes your position in any debate and makes you look small. The right nor the left holds a monopoly on patriotism.

Amen! I mean, Agreed! uhhh, Standing Firm here, I think.
spell check is a gute thing!
Nice. Can a liberal please post the reverse in the same objective manner.

I used to feel pretty much the same. But to be honest, the ridiculous amount of idiocy and hatred spewed by those on the far right on this board has driven me so far away from even wanting to be considered on the fence.

Wow, I used to feel the same way also!

However, pgm didn't ask for the left wing to post a list, now did s/he?
What goes on here is, I think, a battle to prove that one is the MOST conservative by casting the nastiest affronts on anyone who won't sign onto the most radically ugly and hateful right wing narratives.

Rather than knowing anything real the TROLLS of the rightest persuasion mistake their capacity to INSULT for some kind of intelligence and as evidence of their undying loyalty.

Having an honest intellectualy debate here over issues of substance is becoming kind of difficult given this boards willingness to allow OBVIOUS trollism.

My first page of "new posts" this AM is almost exclusively hateful rather silly right wing taunts.

These are not invitations to debate real issues, there are merely inviations to casts insult.

Basically when two people stop talking about the issue at hand and start talking about the other posters, real discussion is pretty much over.

I am currently seeking a site where people actually want to discuss issues rather than trade stupid partisan barbs.
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Personally demeaning your political opposition

Calling those you don't agree with unamerican

Questioning someone's patriotism

Agreeing with every position of every GOP pundit or candidate

Being unwilling to settle for less than you ideal candidate

Answering every ridiculous racism charge

Excusing every position of any given GOP candidate

Being a Christian

Standing firm on Every position no matter how minuscule

Listing demands of other conservatives

Being perfect in your reflection of conservative positions

Most of all we need to stop the nonsense of telling each other that they are not, or hate, America. It's single handidly the dumbest thing I've seen regularly on here besides my spelling. Saying it in a joking manner is one thing but I see many of you attempting to use it as a weapon. It diminishes your position in any debate and makes you look small. The right nor the left holds a monopoly on patriotism.

You'd never do that, would you?
You mean people need to have open minds? That's crazy:p

I believe most conservatives do have open minds which does not mean an empty mind or lacking conviction or certainty or cognizance. Of course we conservatives have our share of clueless wingnuts who spout mostly nonsense and don't have a clue why they are conservative. But I think their numbers are pretty small when compared to the very large and diverse group of citizens who tilt right of center in varying degrees on most things.

What I see today is most people who call themselves conservatives are brainwashed. We can never debate issues, because we are too busy arguing about facts and the truth.

The health care debate was a prime example. There was no government takeover of health care and there were no death panels. We found out after the bill was passed that Republicans willingly lied to undermine reform. Their sole purpose was to hand our President his 'Waterloo'

What is truly sad and bordering on evil, is the so called 'death panels' are a huge cost cutting measure and a compassionate, family-friendly measure that ultimately respects individual rights. Conservatives funded by insurance cartels have grossly twisted it into the erroneous phrase “death panels.”

Maybe you right wingers need to start acting like adults and stop the bullshit lies like 'death panels' ...

Paying for end of life counseling or advance directives would have a HUGE saving because about 30% of all Medicare dollars is spent in the last year of life.

Advanced directives

It’s a simple concept: An individual, with the help of family, should have the ultimate say in the type of end-of-life care the individual receives. The best way to do that is through a careful consultation, with family and physician, before there is a health crisis — while the individual is still capable of having a rational voice in the decision.

Too often, those decisions are made when it’s too late for the individual to make the decisions. Instead, grieving family members are left to make the decision — and at times it’s nothing more than a guess.

Would the individual want extraordinary measures taken when the end is near? Why wouldn’t we trust the individual — in advance and when thinking clearly — to make that decision?

For those who crusade for the rights of the individual, here’s the question: Why are you so opposed to the individual being able to set down on paper, with help from family and physician, the standards and wishes for end-of-life care?

The issue of death panels became so hot during this year’s debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Educate yourself for works extremely well already in LaCrosse Wisconsin.

La Crosse health care systems offer a model of efficiency - JSOnline

Study: Advance directives effective

Our view: Promoting advanced directives puts decisions in proper hands
Lets get realistic on this.

As many of you people are aware I am a strict libertarian. I think people should be free from government as much as possible. But I also think if anything should be socialized it should be medicine. Why are we socializing the military industrial complex?? We care about life but we give our money to people who kill on mass scale. Medicine should be socialized frankly because it is the right thing to do. Everyone deserves access to medicines and professionals. Being poor does not disqualify you from being an American.

There would have to be limits set however. There is no avoiding death, there is only putting it off. Putting death off can be very expensive, not everyone will have access to the best treatments. These are facts. Everyone having good healthcare is better then a few having the best healthcare. Someone would have to make these decisions when the time comes.

If you could vaccinate for aids by transporting people to the moon for treatment, would it be wise to take everyone to the moon?? Ovcourse not! We would accept that life is itself a chance and that there are no warrenty's.

In my view the whole death panel whoopala stems from ignorance (as usuall) and narcissism.
Personally demeaning your political opposition

Calling those you don't agree with unamerican

Questioning someone's patriotism

Agreeing with every position of every GOP pundit or candidate

Being unwilling to settle for less than you ideal candidate

Answering every ridiculous racism charge

Excusing every position of any given GOP candidate

Being a Christian

Standing firm on Every position no matter how minuscule

Listing demands of other conservatives

Being perfect in your reflection of conservative positions

Most of all we need to stop the nonsense of telling each other that they are not, or hate, America. It's single handidly the dumbest thing I've seen regularly on here besides my spelling. Saying it in a joking manner is one thing but I see many of you attempting to use it as a weapon. It diminishes your position in any debate and makes you look small. The right nor the left holds a monopoly on patriotism.

:clap2: Great post.
Personally demeaning your political opposition

Calling those you don't agree with unamerican

Questioning someone's patriotism

Agreeing with every position of every GOP pundit or candidate

Being unwilling to settle for less than you ideal candidate

Answering every ridiculous racism charge

Excusing every position of any given GOP candidate

Being a Christian

Standing firm on Every position no matter how minuscule

Listing demands of other conservatives

Being perfect in your reflection of conservative positions

Most of all we need to stop the nonsense of telling each other that they are not, or hate, America. It's single handidly the dumbest thing I've seen regularly on here besides my spelling. Saying it in a joking manner is one thing but I see many of you attempting to use it as a weapon. It diminishes your position in any debate and makes you look small. The right nor the left holds a monopoly on patriotism.

Good golly Ms. Molly, what happened to Grampa? Did he put the cork in the bottle and take the 12-step pledge or what?
What goes on here is, I think, a battle to prove that one is the MOST conservative by casting the nastiest affronts on anyone who won't sign onto the most radically ugly and hateful right wing narratives.

Rather than knowing anything real the TROLLS of the rightest persuasion mistake their capacity to INSULT for some kind of intelligence and as evidence of their undying loyalty.

Having an honest intellectualy debate here over issues of substance is becoming kind of difficult given this boards willingness to allow OBVIOUS trollism.

My first page of "new posts" this AM is almost exclusively hateful rather silly right wing taunts.

These are not invitations to debate real issues, there are merely inviations to casts insult.

Basically when two people stop talking about the issue at hand and start talking about the other posters, real discussion is pretty much over.

I am currently seeking a site where people actually want to discuss issues rather than trade stupid partisan barbs.

any thread that starts with "libs" "leftists", lefty's, statists or the like is a troll thread intended to high five other like-minded rightwingnuts.

any thread that opens with "rightwingnuts" or teabaggers is a troll thread
Personally demeaning your political opposition

Calling those you don't agree with unamerican

Questioning someone's patriotism

Agreeing with every position of every GOP pundit or candidate

Being unwilling to settle for less than you ideal candidate

Answering every ridiculous racism charge

Excusing every position of any given GOP candidate

Being a Christian

Standing firm on Every position no matter how minuscule

Listing demands of other conservatives

Being perfect in your reflection of conservative positions

Most of all we need to stop the nonsense of telling each other that they are not, or hate, America. It's single handidly the dumbest thing I've seen regularly on here besides my spelling. Saying it in a joking manner is one thing but I see many of you attempting to use it as a weapon. It diminishes your position in any debate and makes you look small. The right nor the left holds a monopoly on patriotism.

Good golly Ms. Molly, what happened to Grampa? Did he put the cork in the bottle and take the 12-step pledge or what?

He made a very public apology some time ago..about being abusive. But I've never seen him to be more abusive then the average bear. But after his apology he's been good on his pledge.

Gotta applaud that!

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