"Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts"

Blaine Sweeter

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2019
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!
all your doing is proving youre more of a fascist than trump,,,
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

None of this computes to Drumpfsters. When the orange man says that he isnt wearing a mask his drones follow along nervously.
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
Nor is going to work or the store without a mask on you fucking retard.
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

This is why we have elections, BS. If the people want to be locked down and forced to wear masks forever, they will have that opportunity by voting D in 2020.
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
Nor is going to work or the store without a mask on you fucking retard.
I can choose not to go to a store, and if my employer mandates it that is his right.

The Govt has no authority to force people to wear a mask, idiot.
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
Nor is going to work or the store without a mask on you fucking retard.
its called life,liberty and pursuit of happiness you racist prick,,,
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

This is why we have elections, BS. If the people want to be locked down and forced to wear masks forever, they will have that opportunity by voting D in 2020.
what is Trump's plan? stop testing? declare mission accomplished on an ac carrier?
Seatbelts is a great example of how people get turned into sheep. We were told it was safer, most agreed but really didn’t think a law forcing you to wear one was a good idea. So when the sheep wouldn’t do as they were told by those that know what’s best for them they started “nudging” you in the right direction. Laws “suggesting” you should wear one. No fines or anything but an officer would pull you over, waste some of your time and have a friendly little chat about how all of this could have been avoided if you had just taken their “suggestion”.

Of course that didn’t take long to turn into click it or ticket but the sheep had to get a few nudges before the actual shove could be justified.

Makes you think. What kind of “suggestions” are they making today?
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
Nor is going to work or the store without a mask on you fucking retard.
its called life,liberty and pursuit of happiness you racist prick,,,
Its also called murder if someone dies you inbred pos.
People die with seatbelts on all the time. shouldnt the death rate be lower since use is universal now?
Worked at a place where Mr Safety put a poster up stating 50% of drivers killed driving tractor trailers were unbelted. Called him over and pointed out what that meant, of course he hadnt even thought about it.
Last edited:
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
Nor is going to work or the store without a mask on you fucking retard.
its called life,liberty and pursuit of happiness you racist prick,,,
Its also called murder if someone dies you inbred pos.
my lord youre a stupid one,,,

so if someone dies of a heart attack its murder???
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

What the federal government is responsible for is written in the US Constitution. Seat belts are not in there. Mind you, technically, those are state laws, which were created because of pressure from the federal government due to federal politicians getting paid off by the insurance companies.

Anytime you have the words "government" and "force" in the same sentence, look out, because you are about to lose more freedoms. Commie Care is a great example of that.
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
Nor is going to work or the store without a mask on you fucking retard.
I can choose not to go to a store, and if my employer mandates it that is his right.

The Govt has no authority to force people to wear a mask, idiot.
That has nothing to do with the point.

The government does have the authority to force you wear a mask. All they have to do is start charging your asses with attempted murder or assault.
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
Nor is going to work or the store without a mask on you fucking retard.
its called life,liberty and pursuit of happiness you racist prick,,,
Its also called murder if someone dies you inbred pos.
my lord youre a stupid one,,,

so if someone dies of a heart attack its murder???
Yes if you intentionally caused the heart attack you fucking retard.
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
Nor is going to work or the store without a mask on you fucking retard.
its called life,liberty and pursuit of happiness you racist prick,,,
Its also called murder if someone dies you inbred pos.
my lord youre a stupid one,,,

so if someone dies of a heart attack its murder???
Yes if you caused the heart attack you fucking retard.
but I didnt,,,it was through natural causes,,,just like th kung flu
I bet ANYTHING Trump was one of them who was against them, too, just like he is masks.

Before face masks, Americans went to war against seat belts
  • A small but vocal minority of people in the US are protesting face-mask mandates.
  • In the early 1980s, the public-safety battle was over seat belts. Most Americans didn't use them, and 65% opposed them being enforced by law.
  • "There was a libertarian streak among resistors," car-safety pioneer Ralph Nader told Business Insider. "They took the stance that 'you're not going to tie the American people up in seat belts.'"
  • More than 50 years after "Unsafe at Any Speed," Nader said, "We are a very hard society to change cognitively.""""

So let's take the politics out of this mask thing and get healthy again!
Protect yourself, protect your friends and take your tip from the scientists and docs!

Driving a car is not a Constitutional right, you blithering idiot.
Nor is going to work or the store without a mask on you fucking retard.
its called life,liberty and pursuit of happiness you racist prick,,,
Its also called murder if someone dies you inbred pos.
my lord youre a stupid one,,,

so if someone dies of a heart attack its murder???
Yes if you caused the heart attack you fucking retard.
but I didnt,,,it was through natural causes,,,just like th kung flu
Thats what "if" means retard.

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