~Be Truthful, What Would You Do??~


May 13, 2011
I posted a picture in a thread, where some dude was taking a picture of a supposed accident of some sorts...I am assuming.
But I have a question.....if you see an accident....car wreck.......and you are driving, would you stop to help??
If you were on your way to work or had an appointment, would you still stop??
If you had nothing better to do at all...would you stop??

Ok, let's say other people are there, and they have it under control.....would you stay then??
Or would you get back in your car and leave??

Ok now...be honest......if it was a bad acccident or something, and you know for certain the person, or persons, has died, would you snap some photos??
Maybe snap photos of just the magled car??
From a distance or up close??
Would you try and snap a photo or two of the bodies??

What about any pictures at all, of maybe the surrounding scenery, the accident "scene"??

People are nosy....people are crazy....people are morbid.
I know everyone has mixed feelings about this........if it were one of our family members, we are all almost certain to want no one to take any pictures.

I am not afraid of the gore and stuff like that....I would be a nosy person no doubt.

When my Mother's first husband was killed in a car crash, the newspaper, from way back in 1956....had a photo of his mangled car, and he was still sitting in the driver's seat, covered with a white sheet.
My Mother cut that article out of the newspaper, and placed it in his funeral book. It has yellowed a lot since then.......I have that book now of course. But when I look at the pictures of his wrecked car, I wonder how my Mother handled it when she saw.
I have stopped for accidents. I stopped for one on the day of one of my own weddings, in fact. Got myself covered from head to toe in blood helping a truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel and ran his truck into an overpass. The truck exploded right in front of me and threw the driver clear across the highway.

Amazingly, he survived. I administered first aid. A nurse stopped and joined us after a little while and we kept him alive until the ambulance showed up.

Needless to say, I was a little late to the wedding. I had to scoop scads of blood off me and then wash up.

That should have told me something. That was a flaming omen for how that marriage turned out.

I took an EMT course many years ago in the military. Volunteered. I was the first non-medical person they ever let take the course at that command. And I aced it. Graduated top of the class. Shamed those bastards. :lol:

I have a first aid kit in my trunk at all times. Not the kind you buy off the shelf. Much better. Compresses, coagulators, IBD, all kinds of good stuff. Your arm could fall off, and I got ya covered. Screaming doesn't bother me.

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But there is one thing about traffic accidents that raises my blood pressure through the roof.


Stupid idiots who slow down to gawk and choke up traffic. In both directions!

I will stop if somebody is in trouble and it looks like a non-EMT person might be able to help. If there is no emergency vehicle there yet, and no one obviously on the phone, I'll call 911.

... But if there are already people stopped to help, they have at least as much training as I do... and if someone is already on the phone, then it probably wouldn't help to have me stop and create even more of a traffic mess. In that case, I slow down not to "rubberneck" but to make sure that I am not going to run over debris that may still be on the road, etc.

If there are emergency vehicles, I slow down to make sure I don't hit one of their crew. There is never anywhere I need to be so quickly that I'd risk someone's life to get there on time.

I don't normally carry a camera with me in the car... but even if I did, I'd never take a photo of a wreck. That just seems grisly to me...

Let the police and/or journalists take photos.

-- Paravani
Never help, never stop, never get involved. Not worth the risk. Keep walking, hands in pockets, head down and pick up the pace. Let them bleed out.
Never help, never stop, never get involved. Not worth the risk. Keep walking, hands in pockets, head down and pick up the pace. Let them bleed out.

Damn dude....would you want everyone to do that if it were your Mother or family member??

I have stopped on two different occasions, where a wreck happened on the interstate right before my eyes.
I helped an elderly man to remain calm as a nurse who had stopped, was checking on his wife, who was unresponsive. Their car swerved right in front of me and hit a guard rail. I was lucky I wasn't hit.
I've stopped to offer help after encountering the result of a motorbike accident before the emergency services arrived. It wasn't a particularly bad crash, but, as a motorcyclist myself, I felt compelled to assist a fellow rider. But they only ailments the rider and passenger were suffering from was shock and few cuts and bruises.

If I drove past the scene of a mojor accident where the emergency services were in attendance, I'd carry-on driving as my presence would be more of a hindrance than a help. I'm not a doctor or paramedic. I'd only get in the way.

I've never (nor will I) take pictures or record footage of what could turn-out to be the worst - and most lasting - event of someone's life. We call it "rubber necking", and it's most frowned upon over here.
Because I am not a doctor or nurse, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I tried to help and only ended up making things worse. I would definitely be one to dial 911, but that would probably be it. I most definitely would not take pictures of what I saw because what I would be seeing is someone else's matter and not one of my own.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I've been very fortunate - I've never been one of the first at an accident scene. Of course I would call 911 and do what I could to keep everyone alive and well, but I would certainly take pictures. Film and photos can come in very handy in court.
If an accident occurred right in front of me, I would lend assistance if it was safe. I would not take any pics.
If I saw an accident, if there were people around helping, I wouldn't worry as the situation is under control. If no one was around then of course I would help in any way I could.

I would NEVER take pictures as it is disrespectful and sickening to take advantage of the death of a person.
We had a tragic accident (not a car crash) that resulted in a fatality here in the neighborhood. The victim died instantly, so there wasn't a question of assistance. A couple of neighbor guys took photos of the scene, the reason being that evidence could be moved or destroyed during the investigation and cleanup process.

The neighborhood generally agreed, the idea being that it's better to have the pictures and destroy them if they're not needed than to not have them and regret it.
I posted a picture in a thread, where some dude was taking a picture of a supposed accident of some sorts...I am assuming.
But I have a question.....if you see an accident....car wreck.......and you are driving, would you stop to help??
If you were on your way to work or had an appointment, would you still stop??
If you had nothing better to do at all...would you stop??

Ok, let's say other people are there, and they have it under control.....would you stay then??
Or would you get back in your car and leave??

Ok now...be honest......if it was a bad acccident or something, and you know for certain the person, or persons, has died, would you snap some photos??
Maybe snap photos of just the magled car??
From a distance or up close??
Would you try and snap a photo or two of the bodies??

What about any pictures at all, of maybe the surrounding scenery, the accident "scene"??

People are nosy....people are crazy....people are morbid.
I know everyone has mixed feelings about this........if it were one of our family members, we are all almost certain to want no one to take any pictures.

I am not afraid of the gore and stuff like that....I would be a nosy person no doubt.

When my Mother's first husband was killed in a car crash, the newspaper, from way back in 1956....had a photo of his mangled car, and he was still sitting in the driver's seat, covered with a white sheet.
My Mother cut that article out of the newspaper, and placed it in his funeral book. It has yellowed a lot since then.......I have that book now of course. But when I look at the pictures of his wrecked car, I wonder how my Mother handled it when she saw.

I have stopped for accidents..it is a moral obligation

What I do not understand is when accidents happen people stop to shoot video rather than helping out

we stop...this is an area where a car can go off the road and disappear in the ravines....plus in the winter..keeping someone warm can mean their life or death...a non threatening accident becomes dangerous when some one goes into shock
we stop...this is an area where a car can go off the road and disappear in the ravines....plus in the winter..keeping someone warm can mean their life or death...a non threatening accident becomes dangerous when some one goes into shock

I even stop when someone has slid off the road in a snowstorm. I have also had people stop to help me

Roadside courtesy can go a long way

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