BDS Going Down in Flames


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
It looks like the days of the BDS (Bowel Discharge Movement) are numbered. It has been exposed for what it is.

And now...Blacklisted in almost all the major universities!

The American Studies Association's BDS Resolution | The Louis D. Brandeis Center Blog

The ASA’s New Image
The ASA Was the Biggest Loser

In the end, the ASA is the biggest loser, and this outcome will not be lost on other associations. For its efforts, the ASA is now publicly mocked, ridiculed and condemned, even by some of its own members and past presidents, as well as by major scholars and numerous university presidents. Even those who do not discern anti-Semitism in the ASA resolution nevertheless perceive a violation of academic freedom. The American Association of University Professors announced that the boycott would violate the academic freedom “not only of Israeli scholars but also of American scholars who might be pressured to comply with it.” More importantly, perhaps, the ASA has now lost any scholarly reputation that it might previously have had and is now seen as a largely political institution.

Four universities have already terminated their institutional memberships in the ASA. Penn State Harrisburg was the first to cut its formal ties, followed by Brandeis University, Indiana University at Bloomington, and Kenyon College. These four institutions should be honored for their leadership.

In short order, over sixty universities have issued strong statements rejecting the ASA’s actions. Professor William A. Jacobson compiled this list of institutions that have denounced the ASA boycott:

American University (D.C.)
Birmingham Southern College
Boston University
Bowdon College
Brandeis University
Brooklyn College, CUNY
Brown University
Case Western Reserve University
Cornell University
Dickinson College
Duke University
Florida International University
Fordham University
George Washington University
Hamilton College
Harvard University
Haverford College
Indiana University
Johns Hopkins University
Kenyon College
Lehigh University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michigan State
Middlebury College
New York University
Northwestern University
Ohio State
Princeton University
Purdue University
Rhode Island College
Rutgers University
Smith College
Stanford University
The City University of New York
Trinity College (CT)
Tufts University
Tulane University
University of Alabama System
University of California System
University of California-Berkeley
University of California-Irvine
University of California-San Diego
University of Chicago
University of Cincinnati
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Kansas
University of Maryland
University of Maryland – Baltimore County
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Southern California
University of Texas-Austin
Washington University in St. Louis
Wesleyan University
Willamette University
Yale University
Yeshiva University

Other Universities May (and Should) Cut Ties

More universities may, and should, cut their institutional memberships with ASA. As former Harvard University President Lawrence Summers has cogently argued, “My hope would be that responsible university leaders will become very reluctant to see their university’s funds used to finance faculty membership and faculty travel to an association that is showing itself not to be a scholarly association but really more of a political tool.”

The Courts May Have the Final Say

The ASA may be held accountable in other ways too. Its resolution has, to say the least, pushed the legal envelope with respect to anti-boycott laws. Several groups, including the Louis D. Brandeis Center, are contemplating taking legal action against the association. Anti-Israel boycotts may violate federal anti-boycott law, as well as the laws of some states, such as Section 296(13) of New York’s Human Rights’ Law, and localities. The ASA, and other institutions that adopt such boycott resolutions, should not be surprised to find themselves in court.

In addition, the BDS resolution may jeopardize the ASA’s tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service, since it is arguably a political activity outside of the ASA’s mission. The ASA is on notice that its tax-exempt status may soon be challenged.

MLA is Next

Sadly, the ASA is not alone. Despite the troubles that the ASA has brought upon itself, other academic associations are considering similar action. The Modern Language Association (MLA) is next in line. In its upcoming conference, the MLA is considering an anti-Israel motion. While not technically a BDS resolution, the MLA’s more narrowly crafted resolution also reflects antipathy towards the Jewish state.

Update: Georgetown University has informed us that they do not have an institutional membership in the ASA and that they have issued a statement criticizing the ASA’s action. We have heard from Columbia University faculty that both Columbia and Barnard have also issued statements criticizing the ASA’s resolution.
The great thing about this is that so many universities are joining everyday that pretty soon BDS will be outlawed on any American university campus.

There is a God.
The great thing about this is that so many universities are joining everyday that pretty soon BDS will be outlawed on any American university campus.

There is a God.

And sharia is screeching that it is all a Zionist plot and that satan is behind it all
The great thing about this is that so many universities are joining everyday that pretty soon BDS will be outlawed on any American university campus.

There is a God.

And sharia is screeching that it is all a Zionist plot and that satan is behind it all
I think she's out, shopping for a suicide vest at Beds Bombs and Beyond 72 Virgins.

Backlash Heats Up Over Association's Academic Boycott of Israel: Associations Now


A number of large universities have distanced themselves from the American Studies Association, which sparked controversy after approving an academic boycott of Israel last month.

Both Harvard and Yale are among the schools that are publicly opposing the boycott. “Academic boycotts subvert the academic freedoms and values necessary to the free flow of ideas, which is the lifeblood of the worldwide community of scholars,” Harvard said in a statement. “The recent resolution of the ASA proposing to boycott Israeli universities represents a direct threat to these ideals, ideals which universities and scholarly associations should be dedicated to defend.” Yale President Peter Salovey, meanwhile, called the ASA resolution “antithetical to the fundamental values of scholarship and academic freedom” but noted that the school’s faculty members were free to disagree on this point. Many schools that have released statements about the boycott have emphasized that the decision whether to leave the association is up to their respective American Studies departments.

Dropped memberships: At least four schools—Brandeis, Indiana University, Kenyon College, and Penn State Harrisburg—have dropped their institutional memberships in ASA, according to Tablet Magazine. A number of other schools listed in ASA’s member directory, including Brown and Northwestern, have said they are not members of the association, according to the magazine.
Brown Rejects Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions | BU Today | Boston University

President Robert A. Brown has rejected a scholarly group’s boycott of Israeli academic institutions, saying that he is “disappointed and concerned” that the American Studies Association (ASA) would support the move.

“Research, teaching, and scholarship flourish through robust exchange of ideas, across borders and among institutions in different parts of the world,” Brown writes. “Universities and their faculties can often transcend even profound political differences. It is ill-advised to make academic institutions the instrument with which to promote a political agenda by attempting to isolate students and scholars.

“Boston University cannot support this boycott,” the president concludes.
Oh damn! BDS movement going down in flames. Ever since it began Israel's economy has been booming in record numbers. How can this continue without the BDS movement to bring in a surge in foreign investments?
The BDS movement against apartheid South Africa took many years before it finally became effective and brought down the racist SA government.

With time the same thing will eventually happen to the apartheid state of Israel. ... :cool:
The BDS movement against apartheid South Africa took many years before it finally became effective and brought down the racist SA government.

With time the same thing will eventually happen to the apartheid state of Israel. ... :cool:

Only one problem with that statement, genius, the govt. of South Africa has stated that there is no apartheid in Israel. Oooops!
Oh damn! BDS movement going down in flames. Ever since it began Israel's economy has been booming in record numbers. How can this continue without the BDS movement to bring in a surge in foreign investments?
Exactly, all that these types of Bowel Movements do is garner even more support for Israel. LOL
The BDS movement against apartheid South Africa took many years before it finally became effective and brought down the racist SA government.

With time the same thing will eventually happen to the apartheid state of Israel. ... :cool:

LOL at comparing SA to Israel :lmao:
The BDS movement against apartheid South Africa took many years before it finally became effective and brought down the racist SA government.

With time the same thing will eventually happen to the apartheid state of Israel. ... :cool:

Only one problem with that statement, genius, the govt. of South Africa has stated that there is no apartheid in Israel. Oooops!

Isn't it funny when a Muslim accused Israel of apartheid, when the Muslim states in the ME are the most racist, anti - semitic apartheid countries in the world??

Sunni Troll = :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The BDS movement against apartheid South Africa took many years before it finally became effective and brought down the racist SA government.

With time the same thing will eventually happen to the apartheid state of Israel. ... :cool:

Only one problem with that statement, genius, the govt. of South Africa has stated that there is no apartheid in Israel. Oooops!
Nutanyahoo was too afraid to attend Mandela's funeral in SA because he most likely have been arrested for 'Crimes against Humanity'.

True story........ :cool:
The BDS movement against apartheid South Africa took many years before it finally became effective and brought down the racist SA government.

With time the same thing will eventually happen to the apartheid state of Israel. ... :cool:

Only one problem with that statement, genius, the govt. of South Africa has stated that there is no apartheid in Israel. Oooops!
Nutanyahoo was too afraid to attend Mandela's funeral in SA because he most likely have been arrested for 'Crimes against Humanity'.

True story........ :cool:

Arrested by whom ??
"Apartehied Israel!" How do ya like that that? And here I actually believed that Israel is the only country in the entire Middle East to have citizens of virtually all living faiths & ethnicities including Muslim Palestinians with voting rights in the Israeli Knesset. Amazing what we can learn here. Please excuse me while I go tell my neighbors.

The BDS movement against apartheid South Africa took many years before it finally became effective and brought down the racist SA government.

With time the same thing will eventually happen to the apartheid state of Israel. ... :cool:
The BDS movement against apartheid South Africa took many years before it finally became effective and brought down the racist SA government.

With time the same thing will eventually happen to the apartheid state of Israel. ... :cool:

Only one problem with that statement, genius, the govt. of South Africa has stated that there is no apartheid in Israel. Oooops!
Nutanyahoo was too afraid to attend Mandela's funeral in SA because he most likely have been arrested for 'Crimes against Humanity'.

True story........ :cool:
Thanks, but I'll take what a South African Govt official says over what an ignorant Muslim convert named Sunni Girl says on the internet.

True story. :cool:

South African lawmaker: Israel NOT an apartheid state

Reverend Dr. Kenneth Meshoe, an outspoken member of the South Africa Parliament, recently expressed ongoing frustration with accusations that Israel is an apartheid state, calling such claims an insult to what his own nation went through.

Earlier this year, Dr. Meshoe visited San Francisco just around the time that American universities, especially in California, were swarming with anti-Israel propagandists whose new favorite ploy is to label Israel as a practitioner of apartheid against the Arabs of the region.

"As a black South African who lived under apartheid, my view, Israel cannot be compared to apartheid in South Africa," Meshoe wrote in the San Francisco Examiner. "Those who make the accusation expose their ignorance of what apartheid really is."
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NY bill PASSED!!!!!

vote 56/4
48 sponsored it
Glory glory hallelujah! This the beginning of the end for the BDS - Bowel Discharge Syndrome..... Allahuakbar!

New York Senate passes bill punishing ASA over Israel boycott
Alex Kane on January 28, 2014 5

Legislation that targets the American Studies Association over its decision to boycott Israel passed its first test today: a vote in the New York Senate. The bill, introduced by Democratic Senator Jeff Klein, the co-leader of the body, passed by a vote of 56-4.

The measure prohibits colleges and universities from spending taxpayer funds on academic groups that support boycotting Israel. While the measure applies to any academic organization that boycotts countries where the New York Board of Regents has chartered a school, the focus is on Israel. A companion bill is currently being considered in the Assembly. If it passes there–48 lawmakers are co-sponsors of it–it will be up to Governor Andrew Cuomo to either sign the bill or veto it.

“This legislation sends a very simple message, which is that we should never ask taxpayers to support religious, ethnic, or racial discrimination. We need to marginalize the politics of intolerance whenever it rears its ugly head,” Senator Klein, who represents the Bronx and Westchester, said in a statement. ”I will not allow the enemies of Israel or the Jewish people to gain an inch in New York. The First Amendment protects every organization’s right to speak, but it never requires taxpayers to foot the bill.”

The bill’s principal impact will fall on students or scholars from state schools who receive money from their institutions to travel to the ASA convention–or to conventions held by the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association and the Association for Asian American Studies, both of which have voted to boycott Israel. The legislation also prohibits state schools from paying membership fees to the ASA. In practice, this will affect individual departments at state institutions, since departments pay membership fees, not schools themselves.

Institutions violating the legislation would be cut off from state aid during the academic year the violation occurred. The legislation also has language that exempts certain kinds of boycotts: boycotts related to labor disputes, countries that are “state sponsors” of terrorism, and boycotts that target “unlawful discriminatory practices”.
The BDS movement against apartheid South Africa took many years before it finally became effective and brought down the racist SA government.

With time the same thing will eventually happen to the apartheid state of Israel. ... :cool:

Nope as when the price of fresh fruit goes up the people will demand to know why, could you afford to buy west bank oranges at $20 each. Or sweet peppers at $5 each when Israel will sell them at $1 a box and $2 a box.

Supply and demand and the consumer will always win.

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