Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2010
Pretty much every winter the denier cult dingbats idiotically scream that "it's so cold where I am therefore global warming must be a hoax", stupidly ignoring that "global" actually means global. Nitwit deniers on this forum have started threads like "where's my global warming?". Get a clue, denier cult fools, more places around the world are unusually hot than unusually cold. For example, as mentioned in this very recent article, Australia and Brazil are both cooking at a 120 degrees or more. I'm not sure how many of these denier cultists have ever experienced temperatures rising to 120 or 122 degrees for days in a row but, the way the world is warming, they soon will.

Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat
The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, with bats dropping from trees and kangaroos collapsing

The Seattle Times
By ROD McGUIRK - The Associated Press
January 9, 2014
CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While much of North America freezes under record low temperatures, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever. Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 122 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday. Since Dec. 27, records have been set at 34 locations across Australia — some by large margins — where temperature data has been collected for at least 40 years mostly in Queensland and New South Wales states. Brazil is also sizzling, with the heat index reaching 120 Fahrenheit.

The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife. In Winton, famous for being one of the hottest spots in Queensland and where Australia’s unofficial anthem, “Waltzing Matilda,” was penned, a large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus have recently been found dead, said Tom Upton, chief executive of Winton Shire Council. At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of the Queensland animal-welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue. Heat-stressed bats — including the black flying foxes, little red flying foxes and the endangered gray-headed flying foxes — cling to trees and urinate on themselves in a bid to reduce their body temperatures, she said. “As they succumb, they just fall in heaps at the base of trees,” Saunders said. “You can have 250 or more ... all dying at the base of trees.”
Rolling thunder does a good job of proving his opponents right poor sap.

Here he is touting weather in one area as proof of global warming.

It's a complete scam people and it's faithful like ole thunderbutt here are either gullible fools or partisan hack liars. There is no third option.
The AGW internet frauds always say, "Weather has nothing to do with climate change".......but are always the first monkeys to post up stories of weather anomalies.

When board members posted up photos this past week of Niagra Falls frozen solid, the response from the k00ks was, "You retards, weather and its effects have nothing to do with climate change" but they fall all over themselves posting up the latest heat wave!!!!!![

Rolling Thunder is a particularly hyper-fraud when it comes to this stuff.......the master of cherry picking the weather.
Rolling thunder does a good job of proving his opponents right poor sap.
You do a really good job, ProdFcked, of demonstrating how extremely retarded and completely ignorant denier cultists can be.

Here he is touting weather in one area as proof of global warming.
Here you are moronically misunderstanding what I'm saying in the OP. I point out the record hot temperatures in Australia (and elsewhere) not as "proof" of global warming, but as a logical counter to you denier cultists when you claim that some cold weather in the winter in a relatively small part of the planet somehow is evidence that global warming has "stopped" or even that "it's cooling".

It's a complete scam people and it's faithful like ole thunderbutt here are either gullible fools or partisan hack liars. There is no third option.
Anthropogenic global warming is a reality that is affirmed by virtually the entire world scientific community and is observed directly by almost everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass the way you denier cultists do. In your case, ProdFcked, you're so retarded it makes you incredibly gullible and easy for the fossil fuel industry propagandists to bamboozle with lies, misinformation and lame pseudo-science.
Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat

Sounds like St Thomas AZ or St George UT
Ahhhhhh.... shaddap., are your little feelings hurt, Hole? That's too bad, retard. When you come to a battle of the wits only half armed, like you do, you should expect to get your butt kicked to the curb like that. Unless, I suppose, being a half-wit, like you, you're too damn clueless to expect anything.
We are in the middle of a heatwave right now. Its close to 111 F outside and this will continue for the next three days.
Pretty much every winter the denier cult dingbats idiotically scream that "it's so cold where I am therefore global warming must be a hoax", stupidly ignoring that "global" actually means global. Nitwit deniers on this forum have started threads like "where's my global warming?". Get a clue, denier cult fools, more places around the world are unusually hot than unusually cold. For example, as mentioned in this very recent article, Australia and Brazil are both cooking at a 120 degrees or more. I'm not sure how many of these denier cultists have ever experienced temperatures rising to 120 or 122 degrees for days in a row but, the way the world is warming, they soon will.

Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat
The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, with bats dropping from trees and kangaroos collapsing

The Seattle Times
By ROD McGUIRK - The Associated Press
January 9, 2014
CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While much of North America freezes under record low temperatures, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever. Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 122 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday. Since Dec. 27, records have been set at 34 locations across Australia — some by large margins — where temperature data has been collected for at least 40 years mostly in Queensland and New South Wales states. Brazil is also sizzling, with the heat index reaching 120 Fahrenheit.

The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife. In Winton, famous for being one of the hottest spots in Queensland and where Australia’s unofficial anthem, “Waltzing Matilda,” was penned, a large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus have recently been found dead, said Tom Upton, chief executive of Winton Shire Council. At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of the Queensland animal-welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue. Heat-stressed bats — including the black flying foxes, little red flying foxes and the endangered gray-headed flying foxes — cling to trees and urinate on themselves in a bid to reduce their body temperatures, she said. “As they succumb, they just fall in heaps at the base of trees,” Saunders said. “You can have 250 or more ... all dying at the base of trees.”

And four years ago MILLIONS of animals were killed in Mongolia alone. 50,000 bats vs. MILLIONS. Yeah, that's a real accurate comparison allright:cuckoo:

"Imagine trying to survive in temperatures below minus 50 degrees F (minus 47 degrees C) for more than a month.

It happened in Mongolia this winter–weather so cold that livestock and other animals were dying painfully at a rate of a quarter of a million deaths every week, resulting in the loss of millions of animals over the season.

Imagine the impact such a disaster has on humans–economically, environmentally and health-wise."

Mongolian dzud kills millions of domestic animals ? News Watch

Or how about the 250,000 ALPACAS! who were killed by extreme cold last year?

"Peru’s government has declared a state of emergency in parts of the southern Andean region of Puno that have been hit with the coldest temperatures in a decade, daily El Comercio reported.

President Ollanta Humala, visiting the area this week, announced the emergency for seven provinces in Puno – Carabaya, Sandia, Lampa, San Antonio de Putina, Melgar, Puno and El Collao.

Hundreds of families have been affected and more than 250,000 alpacas have died due to freezing temperatures and snow storms that have hit the southern highlands.

Vehicles on the highway between Puno and Arequipa were also affected. Passengers on interprovincial buses were forced to wait some eight to 10 hours on the icy highways at temperatures of minus 15 degrees Celsius."

Peru Declares State of Emergency in Puno as Temperatures Drop

Another fact about Australia I find amusing is the climate types that it enjoys. Let's see what they are shall we?

◾Of the land area, 0.3% has a tropical rainforest climate (Af), 7.6% has a tropical wet and dry/ savanna climate (Aw), 33.3% has a semi-arid/ steppe climate (BS), 43.1% has a arid/ desert climate (BW), 10.9% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with significant precipitation in all seasons (Cf), 3.8% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry summers (Cs), 0.9% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry winters (Cw).

So,in effect, the AGW types are warning us that a country which is basically 76% DESERT, is all of a sudden hot.:lol::lol::lol:

Australia Climate, Average Weather, Temperatures, Rainfall, Sunshine, Humidity, Graphs
Pretty much every winter the denier cult dingbats idiotically scream that "it's so cold where I am therefore global warming must be a hoax", stupidly ignoring that "global" actually means global. Nitwit deniers on this forum have started threads like "where's my global warming?". Get a clue, denier cult fools, more places around the world are unusually hot than unusually cold. For example, as mentioned in this very recent article, Australia and Brazil are both cooking at a 120 degrees or more. I'm not sure how many of these denier cultists have ever experienced temperatures rising to 120 or 122 degrees for days in a row but, the way the world is warming, they soon will.

Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat
The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, with bats dropping from trees and kangaroos collapsing

The Seattle Times
By ROD McGUIRK - The Associated Press
January 9, 2014
CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While much of North America freezes under record low temperatures, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever. Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 122 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday. Since Dec. 27, records have been set at 34 locations across Australia — some by large margins — where temperature data has been collected for at least 40 years mostly in Queensland and New South Wales states. Brazil is also sizzling, with the heat index reaching 120 Fahrenheit.

The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife. In Winton, famous for being one of the hottest spots in Queensland and where Australia’s unofficial anthem, “Waltzing Matilda,” was penned, a large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus have recently been found dead, said Tom Upton, chief executive of Winton Shire Council. At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of the Queensland animal-welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue. Heat-stressed bats — including the black flying foxes, little red flying foxes and the endangered gray-headed flying foxes — cling to trees and urinate on themselves in a bid to reduce their body temperatures, she said. “As they succumb, they just fall in heaps at the base of trees,” Saunders said. “You can have 250 or more ... all dying at the base of trees.”
And four years ago MILLIONS of animals were killed in Mongolia alone. 50,000 bats vs. MILLIONS. Yeah, that's a real accurate comparison allright.
"Imagine trying to survive in temperatures below minus 50 degrees F (minus 47 degrees C) for more than a month.
It happened in Mongolia this winter–weather so cold that livestock and other animals were dying painfully at a rate of a quarter of a million deaths every week, resulting in the loss of millions of animals over the season.
Imagine the impact such a disaster has on humans–economically, environmentally and health-wise."
Mongolian dzud kills millions of domestic animals ? News Watch
Or how about the 250,000 ALPACAS! who were killed by extreme cold last year?
"Peru’s government has declared a state of emergency in parts of the southern Andean region of Puno that have been hit with the coldest temperatures in a decade, daily El Comercio reported.
President Ollanta Humala, visiting the area this week, announced the emergency for seven provinces in Puno – Carabaya, Sandia, Lampa, San Antonio de Putina, Melgar, Puno and El Collao.
Hundreds of families have been affected and more than 250,000 alpacas have died due to freezing temperatures and snow storms that have hit the southern highlands.
Vehicles on the highway between Puno and Arequipa were also affected. Passengers on interprovincial buses were forced to wait some eight to 10 hours on the icy highways at temperatures of minus 15 degrees Celsius."
Peru Declares State of Emergency in Puno as Temperatures Drop

Weather still happens, although it's getting wilder and more extreme now, and some places get hot and some places get cold, but the point is, you poor old senile retard, that more places are getting hotter now than are getting colder. Moreover the hot places are tending to get even hotter and there are fewer extreme cold snaps than there used to be.
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