Barry Gave Putin Crimea - Is Joe About To Give Putin The REST of Ukraine?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Russia Massing Troops on Ukraine Border;
US Forces in Europe Raise Watch to Highest
Level ‘Potential Imminent Crisis’

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF):
Putin put troops on the border of Ukraine - REALLY CLOSE to the Ukraine border - and conducted combat training, With tensions high after Putin has already annexed Crimea, there was a cross-border incident in which several Russian soldiers were killed ('sacrificed'), giving Putin an excuse to military attack Ukraine, if he so chooses to do so.

IF Putin does attack Ukraine, will Joe hang Ukraine out to dry, as Barry did when he 'gave' Crimea to Putin, or step in to save Ukraine?

"Russian forces massing on the border with Ukraine have prompted the U.S. European Command to raise its watch level to its highest point of “potential imminent crisis”, according to a New York Times report Tuesday night. On Wednesday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley spoke to senior Russian Gen. Valery Gerasimov about the buildup, according to Russia.

Four Ukrainian soldiers were killed last week in an extended battle in the contested Donetsk Region against Russia-backed separatists. Russian forces that were thought to have gathered for training exercises near the border have stayed and grown in numbers, prompting concerns."

Xiden will cave if one of two things happens 1) China tells him to 2) He's able to secure $$ for his family 3) all the above

Russia Massing Troops on Ukraine Border;
US Forces in Europe Raise Watch to Highest
Level ‘Potential Imminent Crisis’

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF):
Putin put troops on the border of Ukraine - REALLY CLOSE to the Ukraine border - and conducted combat training, With tensions high after Putin has already annexed Crimea, there was a cross-border incident in which several Russian soldiers were killed ('sacrificed'), giving Putin an excuse to military attack Ukraine, if he so chooses to do so.

IF Putin does attack Ukraine, will Joe hang Ukraine out to dry, as Barry did when he 'gave' Crimea to Putin, or step in to save Ukraine?

"Russian forces massing on the border with Ukraine have prompted the U.S. European Command to raise its watch level to its highest point of “potential imminent crisis”, according to a New York Times report Tuesday night. On Wednesday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley spoke to senior Russian Gen. Valery Gerasimov about the buildup, according to Russia.

Four Ukrainian soldiers were killed last week in an extended battle in the contested Donetsk Region against Russia-backed separatists. Russian forces that were thought to have gathered for training exercises near the border have stayed and grown in numbers, prompting concerns."

You lied about Obama giving Crimea to Putin. Obama doesn't make decisions in Crimea.
You lied about Obama giving Crimea to Putin. Obama doesn't make decisions in Crimea.

Barry turned his back on a promise to help Ukraine if putin and Russia ever attacked them. He withheld anti-tank and other weapons from them that would have helped them better defend their nation.

Barry gave Putin uranium, Crimea, and several years of uninterrupted hacking, spying, and interfering in the US. In turn Putin gave Barrypermission to invade Syria.

Russia Massing Troops on Ukraine Border;
US Forces in Europe Raise Watch to Highest
Level ‘Potential Imminent Crisis’

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF):
Putin put troops on the border of Ukraine - REALLY CLOSE to the Ukraine border - and conducted combat training, With tensions high after Putin has already annexed Crimea, there was a cross-border incident in which several Russian soldiers were killed ('sacrificed'), giving Putin an excuse to military attack Ukraine, if he so chooses to do so.

IF Putin does attack Ukraine, will Joe hang Ukraine out to dry, as Barry did when he 'gave' Crimea to Putin, or step in to save Ukraine?

"Russian forces massing on the border with Ukraine have prompted the U.S. European Command to raise its watch level to its highest point of “potential imminent crisis”, according to a New York Times report Tuesday night. On Wednesday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley spoke to senior Russian Gen. Valery Gerasimov about the buildup, according to Russia.

Four Ukrainian soldiers were killed last week in an extended battle in the contested Donetsk Region against Russia-backed separatists. Russian forces that were thought to have gathered for training exercises near the border have stayed and grown in numbers, prompting concerns."

Hunter has negotiated a price for "Peace in Our Time"
Meanwhile, Traitor Joe is busy reversing the excellent Trump policy on transgenders in the military.

Putin is laughing, as are Xi and the little fat man in North Korea.

While at the same Traitor Joe has destroyed our southern border during the days of the pandemic and sending illegals all over America.

Down here at the local level we can't stop the actions those corrupt DC scum engage in but we can damned sure let our "new neighbors" understand very clearly that they are NOT wanted and moving on would be in their best interests.
It's an interesting quality that stems from lawlessness. It's recognized as a serious danger by sober, forward-looking people. The temptation to take advantage of it is always there but they understand that once it's turned loose, it cannot easily be constrained again. It spreads like a cancer until all respect for law and the rights of fellow citizens is destroyed.
The Left have enjoyed a glaring double-standard in the application of our justice system for so long they've come to accept it as their RIGHT. A right to do as they wish with little or no consequences while their opponents are crushed under the same laws.
They own the media and have transformed it into an active 5th Column. The educational institutions are nothing more than propaganda factories and the Marxist cadres are so firmly infiltrated into the bureaucracy in DC that they truly have no fear and push the lie that they are the majority. Get in their way at your own peril.

That tide is beginning to turn. It may be too late to save our nation as founded, but it isn't too late to break up their smug little dominion. The only solace I find in what's coming is that the fools who are cheering the actions of these thugs in DC are going to find themselves in just as bad or worse conditions as the rest of America when their uncle Sugar stops sending the checks and they can't even feed themselves.
It amazes me how many so-called adults can look at the spending they're doing since this plandemic began, and actually still believe the economy can survive it indefinitely. I think they have no clue what the day after that crash will look like where THEY live. I chuckle a little when I think of that reality exploding in their faces and they realize that hating and blaming the Bad Orange Man isn't going to aid them at all. They'll be scurrying around trying to find food or shelter and realize that those poor downtrodden immigrants that the Republicans hate are now fighting THEM for resources. Yeah... that will be a day to remember.

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