Barrio peeps protecting their community from ghetto peeps...WTF, you can’t make this shit up.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I think that your thread title raises an issue that most people (including me) are afraid to discuss.

So I will just say that the issue will definitely increase in importance in the coming decades.
When Democrats throw open the borders, the street wars over cheap housing and public services starts, and the two faction of Democrat street thugs will kill each other in big numbers. The illegal aliens will win, of coruse, since the Democrats will have to favor them over the hood rat petting zoo; their votes will far outnumber the black vote. Blacks think killing off whitey will help them; they're going find out the Asians and latinos don't gave a rat's ass how much they riot and whine. They're pretty much helpless without white people.
hard working hispanics hate welfare hood rats more than whitey does.

In Santa Monica the other night, a white liquor store owner recruited his neighbors to help him defend his store against looters (which they successfully did).
Standing next to him was a burly Hispanic brandishing an AR!
I'm sure he'll drink Modelo and El Presidente brandy free for at least a year!!
What is this race-baiting troll thread doing in the Politics forum?
What is this race-baiting troll thread doing in the Politics forum?
Pay attention pussy...
“Hell, I’m thinking Trump will garner a massive chunk of Latino voters as well. We need to get Mike Garcia of the 25th out there in the hoods campaigning for Trump.”

That makes it worthy of POLITICS
Stop being scared and add something of value or BEAT IT!
Hey, the Hispanic Americans didn't allow their neighborhood to be burned and looted for nothing. Good on 'em!
We all know the cops need reigned in a bit, but burning your neighborhood down doesn't do a damn thing!
When Democrats throw open the borders, the street wars over cheap housing and public services starts, and the two faction of Democrat street thugs will kill each other in big numbers. The illegal aliens will win, of coruse, since the Democrats will have to favor them over the hood rat petting zoo; their votes will far outnumber the black vote. Blacks think killing off whitey will help them; they're going find out the Asians and latinos don't gave a rat's ass how much they riot and whine. They're pretty much helpless without white people.

I, too, have long felt that Caucasians are the said ethnicity's best friends.

It is tragic beyond words that supporters of the Insurrection fail to realize this.
What is this race-baiting troll thread doing in the Politics forum?

It's not race baiting.
It's truthfully race illuminating!

You are now free to return to your kneeling position.... :auiqs.jpg: ...
This is the Politics forum, not the Lost Stormfront Assholes forum.
“Free speech as long as I agree with your speech”
Lost Stormfront Asshole who doesn't understand what "free speech" means ^^^.

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