Bank Bailout Bill: Is this why Andy Stern left SEIU?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Bank Bailout Bill: Is This Why Andy Stern Left SEIU? - Big Government

Wow, way too substantive for pull quotes. Read it all and watch the videos:

Some comments from me:

The housing bubble was caused by the government demanding banks make subprime mortgages to help the poor buy houses they could not, in reality, afford.

This was another example of a "well intentioned" liberal policy that had no hope of lasting. Bush tried to do something about this during his admin but thanks to people like Barney Fwank, it was allowed to continue until it came tumbling down like a stack of cards.

It always makes me angry when people like Fwank and Dodd are basically allowed to destroy the economy with "well intentioned" bad policy, block any attempts to reform that bad policy and then get to act like innocents blaming everyone else, when their policies come crashing down.

But, as usual, liberals are using their own bad policies to attack the businesses they forced their policies on.

...again, another 'political issue' inferior to the massive money (issuance) fraud going on right underneath your fucking fool republicrat noses..yet never a peep about the root$ of "the problem"..

...stfu, republicrats.. maybe learn what 'a dollar' is, then pop-off!.. ;)

...the rest of you, have a good day!..

...again, another 'political issue' inferior to the massive money (issuance) fraud going on right underneath your fucking fool republicrat noses..yet never a peep about the root$ of "the problem"..

...stfu, republicrats.. maybe learn what 'a dollar' is, then pop-off!.. ;)

...the rest of you, have a good day!..

Andy Stern! Didn't know you were on the forum!!!!!!

another 'political issue' inferior to the massive money (issuance) fraud going on right underneath your fucking fool republicrat noses..yet never a peep about the root$ of "the problem"

:anj_stfu: :dig: There is no issue inferior to Democrats using Fannie & Feddie to cause the subprime mortgage crisis. This is a proven fact & you have your head up your ass. :anj_stfu:
...KISS MY, you apparent stoooopid glenn beck parrot, 'we' have a rotten, motherfucking, money (issuance, creation, etc..) system about which you are apparently worse than concentrates/has concentrated money/power into the hands of a privileged few..the system is inherently unstable, unjust, insane, etc...everyone i personally know who has HONESTLY looked into thi$ abomination (obviously not you) has come to the conclusion that thi$ is at the root of the rot.. yourself a favor and read 'the truth in money book' by thoren and warner..'the secrets of the federal reserve' by eustace mullins...'the lost science of money' by steve zarlenga..anything by merrill jenkins, etc. it blissful going through life as just another stooooooooooopid republicrat fuck who doesn't even know what 'a dollar' is?.. ;)
another 'political issue' inferior to the massive money (issuance) fraud going on right underneath your fucking fool republicrat noses..yet never a peep about the root$ of "the problem"

:anj_stfu: :dig: There is no issue inferior to Democrats using Fannie & Feddie to cause the subprime mortgage crisis. This is a proven fact & you have your head up your ass. :anj_stfu:

If we still had reporters worth their salt in this country... there wouldn't be any questions about why Andy Stern left SEIU. We'd already know.

We'd know how all these labor and community organizations are interconnected with the radical left. And the politicians who ALLOWED the economic meltdown we're seeing right now would not be able to hide their guilt.

The "Greedy Wall Street" meme doesn't really hold water. For one thing, if Wall Street had broken any laws... we'd see these people being fitted with orange jumpsuits. As it is, no arrests have been made.

The fault lies with the people whose JOB it was to mind the cookie jar. We don't elect Wall Street bankers to write their own rules and police themselves. Wall Street's job is to MAKE MONEY. That's what they do. It's not their function to make regulatory law.

The BLAME lies with the people whose JOB it was to write and enforce appropriate regulatory law.
"If we still had reporters worth their salt in this country..."


..exactly who were these 'salty reporters' and when were the 'good old days!?' :confused:

For one thing, if Wall Street had broken any laws... we'd see these people being fitted with orange jumpsuits.


...when you are instrumental in writing all the fucking laws maybe you could avoid violating them? (most/all of you republicrats appear terribly naive/ignorant) ;)

..hint:...honestly learn how 'a dollar' originates..this may save you from making a lot of stoooopid fuck republicrat statements.. ;)
...KISS MY, you apparent stoooopid glenn beck parrot, 'we' have a rotten, motherfucking, money (issuance, creation, etc..) system about which you are apparently worse than concentrates/has concentrated money/power into the hands of a privileged few..the system is inherently unstable, unjust, insane, etc...everyone i personally know who has HONESTLY looked into thi$ abomination (obviously not you) has come to the conclusion that thi$ is at the root of the rot.. yourself a favor and read 'the truth in money book' by thoren and warner..'the secrets of the federal reserve' by eustace mullins...'the lost science of money' by steve zarlenga..anything by merrill jenkins, etc. it blissful going through life as just another stooooooooooopid republicrat fuck who doesn't even know what 'a dollar' is?.. ;)

OMG - I can't believe I have to post more facts to educate another idiot who read a biased book & think they knows something.

First a few questions for you.
1 - Who bought 80% of the mortgages in this country in 2008?
2 - Who lowered lending standards first forcing banks to follow?
3 - Who sued banks who did not give Affirmative Action loans?
4 - Who signed the deregulation bills that allowed government backed pension funds & FDIC bank accounts to be lent on risky subprime loans & buy up oil driving up prices on every American?
5 - Do you like the fact that every dollar you save is being used by wall street & government officials to drive up the price on every commodity you need to live while they all get rich by making you poor?
KISSMY WHISTLES: First a few questions for you.
1 - Who bought 80% of the mortgages in this country in 2008?
2 - Who lowered lending standards first forcing banks to follow?
3 - Who sued banks who did not give Affirmative Action loans?
4 - Who signed the deregulation bills that allowed government backed pension funds & FDIC bank accounts to be lent on risky subprime loans & buy up oil driving up prices on every American?
5 - Do you like the fact that every dollar you save is being used by wall street & government officials to drive up the price on every commodity you need to live while they all get rich by making you poor?


..kissmy, you apparent goddamned republicrat fool..if you're going to work your asskisser about 'money issues'...FIRST A QUESTION FOR YOU, YOU REPUBLICRAT RADIO PARROT:.. HOW DO 'DOLLARS' ORIGINATE?

(hint: 'they print them,' is a stooopid fuck republicrat answer!)

..(these stooopid republicrats 'don't even know that they don't know') ;)
A dollar is suppose to represent the value of goods and services rendered. Democrats think you just print more. Try to offer something of substance otherwise your just a useless Kool-aid drinking zombie.
another 'political issue' inferior to the massive money (issuance) fraud going on right underneath your fucking fool republicrat noses..yet never a peep about the root$ of "the problem"

:anj_stfu: :dig: There is no issue inferior to Democrats using Fannie & Feddie to cause the subprime mortgage crisis. This is a proven fact & you have your head up your ass. :anj_stfu:


Mo chara, please don't tell me your defending sweetie! She's so dumb she makes Dainty look smart. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Anyone else see the irony of Andy Stern leaving the SEIU $85m in debt and heading for his new job.... at the deficit commission..... or is it just me?
Oh yeah.

You know Stern wouldn't have left unless he had a GUBMIT job all lined up.

After all. Gotta take care of those Union folks now. You didn't think they would just settle for GM did you??
KISSMY WHISTLES: First a few questions for you.
1 - Who bought 80% of the mortgages in this country in 2008?
2 - Who lowered lending standards first forcing banks to follow?
3 - Who sued banks who did not give Affirmative Action loans?
4 - Who signed the deregulation bills that allowed government backed pension funds & FDIC bank accounts to be lent on risky subprime loans & buy up oil driving up prices on every American?
5 - Do you like the fact that every dollar you save is being used by wall street & government officials to drive up the price on every commodity you need to live while they all get rich by making you poor?


..kissmy, you apparent goddamned republicrat fool..if you're going to work your asskisser about 'money issues'...FIRST A QUESTION FOR YOU, YOU REPUBLICRAT RADIO PARROT:.. HOW DO 'DOLLARS' ORIGINATE?

(hint: 'they print them,' is a stooopid fuck republicrat answer!)

..(these stooopid republicrats 'don't even know that they don't know') ;)

:cuckoo:Obviously you can't answer any questions because you are fool.:cuckoo::anj_stfu:

I am not a republican. I know all the answers because I am smarter than all you communist dim-wit-ocrats combined. M3 money is created when money is lent out. M1 money is created when the Fed prints new money because borrowers & governments do not pay back the loans. M1 is currency that can be lent out many times over eventually causing far more inflation than M3 money.
..caliphony and kissmy are some awful stooooooooooooopid fuck republicrat cheerleaders: they bitch and moan about 'the way things are' always forgetting 'he who has the money rules'..and the stinking fraudulent way the banksters rule us all..

...(these fucking republicrat idiots know more about tiger woods' latest pee-pee antics than they do about the fraudulent origin and nature of the stinking motherfucking 'money' $y$tem in which they are en$laved!) :rolleyes:

stfu, republicrats!..

A Privatised Money Supply: Modern Banking and the Fractional Reserve System

"A Privatised Money Supply

Modern Banking and the Fractional Reserve System

Do you know where the bank gets the $160,000 for your mortgage? It's very simple. Someone walks over to a computer and types 160,000 beside your name. With only $27.93 of cash reserves for every $10,000 of assets (as of June 1999) the bank has just created the remaining $159,553 of that interest-earning money out of thin air. When, after 25 years of hard work, you pay off your mortgage, the $159,553 vanishes back into thin air. Not so the interest however. It vanishes into the banker's pocket. Chartered (i.e. privately owned) banks, such as The Bank of Montreal, The Royal Bank, The CIBC, etc. have created about 95 percent of our total money supply ($589.1 billion as of Sept 1999) in exactly this way. But the cash reserves in their vaults amount to only a paltry $3.893 billion. (About $32 billion of cash circulates in public hands.) This is called fractional reserve banking, and it's the greatest scam of all time because it creates debt for no reason other than to enrich the banking class. Its long term effect – as becomes clearer every day – is to steadily suck wealth out of the community and into the hands of a few people, a fact that bankers and most politicians stubbornly refuse to admit. Charging interest on money created out of nothing is, in the main, unjust and immoral, and Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, the Bible (Deuteronomy 23:19), the Koran (2:275-278), the Catholic Church, many codes of law and most writers on morals have condemned it for more than two thousand years. The historical name for this evil is usury. Nevertheless bankers enjoy peace of mind because they know that the public thinks they merely lend out the savings of their depositors. In fact, banks create more than 95 percent of all deposits, for when a bank creates a loan it simultaneously creates a deposit. What banks do to justify the accusation of being economic parasites is to lend out interest-bearing money of their own creation using a very thin sliver of legal tender (cash) to back it up.

How did the banks gain this oppressive power of charging interest on mere computer entries? Very simply they lobbied and hoodwinked our politicians into giving it to them...

Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile... Once a nation parts with control of its credit, it matters not who makes the nation's laws... Usury once in control will wreck any nation.

William Lyon Mackenzie King

Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin... Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of the pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again... Take this great power away from them and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in... But, if you want to be the slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.

Sir Josiah Stamp

(Governor of the Bank of England in the 1920s)

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