Bands should stop touring

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
The coronavirus has forced some bands to cancel concerts, but they should build on that by cancelling concerts entirely to reduce the carbon footprint caused by air travel, tour vehicles, the energy and resource costs of concert special effects and the fuel used by people commuting to concerts.

The Beatles stopped touring in 1966 but remained a success. Other performance avenues are available, such as broadcast and streaming TV.

Stopping tours would also have moral and physical benefits for the performers: fewer temptations to have sex with groupies and less pressure to use drugs to overcome tour fatigue.
Same could be said of competitive sports, political campaigns, vacationing ... any assembly over 250 people is carbon polluting ... making movies, TV shows, radio broadcasts, posting to the internet ... all a waste and parboiling our atmosphere ... passenger vehicles, commercial airline travel, meat consumption, sex ... all just poisons the air we breathe ... why, even breathing creates anthropomorphic carbon dioxide ...

Thankfully global warming is only 2ºC over the next 100 years ... no one will notice that tiny of an increase ...

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