Ban Guns


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Saw a great line today:

"Ban guns. If that upsets anyone, send them your 'thoughts and prayers.'

Works for me.
Saw a great line today:

"Ban guns. If that upsets anyone, send them your 'thoughts and prayers.'

Works for me.

Might as well ban murder too. Oh....wait. Already did that...
Saw a great line today:

"Ban guns. If that upsets anyone, send them your 'thoughts and prayers.'

Works for me.

That is a great platform for the Democrat party to run on.

They need to go full speed.

Ban all guns.

Mass confiscation.

Give us the detailed plan.
Guns laws will not work. You cannot take guns away from bad guys because they are good guys until they start shooting others. A good guy cannot shoot a bad guy before he starts shooting because you do not know he is a theat and you are the bad guy if you shoot him. Even if there are armed guards in groups of people by the time the bad guy starts shooting and you shoot him he has already shot a dozen people. If a bad guy wants a gun he will not try to buy it legally but he will find as many as he wants legally. The only way to stop this is if we become a police state and that's not going to happen so we may as well get used the bad guys with guns shooting people. If there were no guns there are still cars that can drive into a group of people and take them out or a bomb. So we may as well get used to the problem with bad guys killing people. And we are always going to have bad guys. Why are there bad guys with guns who want to kill a lot of people? We as a society created them.

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