
I don't even know what balcenigia or whatever it is actually is.

I'd never heard the name till now. I'm guessing it's a product line or something? If it is, it's probably something I could never afford anyway.
I don't even know what balcenigia or whatever it is actually is.

I'd never heard the name till now. I'm guessing it's a product line or something? If it is, it's probably something I could never afford anyway.

It sounds like the name of a new STD. more time. Am I the only one that prior to last week had never heard of Balenciaga?

You know, the flipside of that perspective, and we see it quite a bit in order to justify whatever flavor of tyranny or corruption or is going on presently, is ''oh, well it's always been that way and nobody ever said anything, so what's the problem?"

Or ''we've done it that way before and nobody said anything, so what's the problem?"

The fact that they're so open about what they're actually doing now, and doing it in broad daylight, just really goes to show that they're telling society, hey, we're only giving you what you want. Why else would they not be worried about trying to hide it?

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Interestingly, it's the special interest groups (heatherns and Marxists and other similar purveyors of the erosion of virtue in society) who DO try to hide and block and bury any kind of meaningful, specific dialogue out in the wild of the www, and who have infiltrated social media platforms, and who have adopted their policies on their own social media platforms and therefore managed to censor any language that specifically pinpoints what they're actually supporting that empower and embolden the very source of the ideology. These are the middlemen, the useful idiots, who set the table for the heavy hitters and larger players who market this ideology in broad daylight to say ''hey, we're just giving you what you're asking for."

But people don't really want it.

They're just being censored in a very targeted, very defensive manner which acts as a blockade to them discussing what they specifically see happening and do NOT want. You see?

That first paragraph was a run-on sentence, so read it twice, it'll make sense. lol.

Anyway. The special interest groups who DO try to hide it and who DO try to shut down any meaningful dialiogue which specifically describes what is going on are an entirely different flavor of evil. But, like any other coward, they're terrified of meaningful confrontation being had and acively avoid it almost as much as they avoid logic.

But you're a damned domestic terrorist if you support orange man. That's fine. Right? Heh heh...
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Others said otherwise, but either way I can live with not knowing who some fashion brand is.

You sure this isn't you?

I don't even know what balcenigia or whatever it is actually is.

I'd never heard the name till now. I'm guessing it's a product line or something? If it is, it's probably something I could never afford anyway.
It’s a fashion line popular with younger women, that caters to a highish end crowd. My last fling liked their stuff.

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