Bad Merchandise to Avoid


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
I am sick and tired of watching commercials on television telling me how wonderful copper is for your body.
CLUE: It isn't!

"Get a copper infused face mask for only $19.99 plus shipping and handling! Second one is free!"
I reported these quacks to the Federal Trade Commission for false advertising. Not that their copper infused socks, gloves or girdle are any better, mind you.

If you ever thought about buying any of this copper crap, forget it. Don't be a sucker.

AND don't buy My Pillow. It's overpriced Egyptian cotton like all the rest of his excessively advertised stuff. You pay for all his advertising costs and they are millions.

Alkaline water. Give me a break. One drop of your stomach acid will turn alkaline water into an acidic solution instantly.
Your body has buffers to maintain the proper pH. You want to pay 1,000 times more for your water than tap water?
Go ahead, throw your money away. In my home town, tap water is 6 gallons per penny. How much again is bottled water per gallon?
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I am sick and tired of watching commercials on television telling me how wonderful copper is for your body.
CLUE: It isn't!

"Get a copper infused face mask for only $19.99 plus shipping and handling! Second one is free!"
I reported these quacks to the Federal Trade Commission for false advertising. Not that their copper infused socks, gloves
or girdle are any better, mind you.

If you ever thought about buying any of this copper crap, forget it. Don't be a sucker.

AND don't buy My Pillow. It's overpriced Egyptian cotton like all the rest of his stuff.

Alkaline water. Give me a break. One drop of your stomach acid will turn alkaline water into an acidic solution instantly.
Your body has buffers to maintain the proper pH. You want to pay 1,000 times more for your water than tap water?
Go ahead, throw your money away. In my home town, tap water is 6 gallons per penny. How much again is bottled water per gallon?
People are stupid enough to buy any damn thing. How in hell do you think the democrats keep getting elected? Apparently the collective IQ of this nation is just slightly north of a friggin fern. There are any number of silly and downright stupid ads for silly shit on TV. Scumbag personal injury lawyers, insurance salesmen, healthcare insurance, snake oil of all kinds etc etc etc. I think we were a lot better off in the old days with ads for cigarettes and beer.
I am sick and tired of watching commercials on television telling me how wonderful copper is for your body.
CLUE: It isn't!

"Get a copper infused face mask for only $19.99 plus shipping and handling! Second one is free!"
I reported these quacks to the Federal Trade Commission for false advertising. Not that their copper infused socks, gloves or girdle are any better, mind you.

If you ever thought about buying any of this copper crap, forget it. Don't be a sucker.

AND don't buy My Pillow. It's overpriced Egyptian cotton like all the rest of his excessively advertised stuff. You pay for all his advertising costs and they are millions.

Alkaline water. Give me a break. One drop of your stomach acid will turn alkaline water into an acidic solution instantly.
Your body has buffers to maintain the proper pH. You want to pay 1,000 times more for your water than tap water?
Go ahead, throw your money away. In my home town, tap water is 6 gallons per penny. How much again is bottled water per gallon?

My Pillow is memory foam.

Do your research next time.
Copper has been shown to do absolutely nothing to benefit the body.
Remember those phony pads you put on your feet that draws all the impurities out of your body while you sleep? Copper is right up there with that fraud...
Maybe so....But the Copper Fit brand shoe insoles have been the best so far for my plantar fascitis...One of the least costly too...So there's that.
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The copper fit knee braces actually do work I have tried different knee braces for my knees and the copper fit was the only one that relieved the pain.
Copper has been shown to do absolutely nothing to benefit the body.
Remember those phony pads you put on your feet that draws all the impurities out of your body while you sleep? Copper is right up there with that fraud...

That's unfortunate... I could use a few less impurities...
One commercial that irks me is that woman (I think some home fixer up star) touting the magical, life changing phone dealio. Back in the mean old days she had to set the thermostat and turn on the lights ALL BY HAND.

Now she just tells her phone to do it.

Pretty soon we'll be so lazy we'll have a device to blink for us.
Copper has been shown to do absolutely nothing to benefit the body.
Remember those phony pads you put on your feet that draws all the impurities out of your body while you sleep? Copper is right up there with that fraud...
So was having smoke blown up your ass to cure ills at one time. Democrats are still into it to this day.

LOL! That just cannot be a good thing.
Some people like the My Pillows. (I don't, they're too soft.)

Notably, they're US-made.

No, they are US Assembled. Like the man said, they are using Egyptian Cotton. In order to qualify for a Made in USA sticker, your product must be made from over 70% of materials made in the US. Those pillows aren't even close to that. And I bet even the fabric is imported. His whole sales pitch is a scam.
I am sick and tired of watching commercials on television telling me how wonderful copper is for your body.
CLUE: It isn't!

"Get a copper infused face mask for only $19.99 plus shipping and handling! Second one is free!"
I reported these quacks to the Federal Trade Commission for false advertising. Not that their copper infused socks, gloves or girdle are any better, mind you.

If you ever thought about buying any of this copper crap, forget it. Don't be a sucker.

AND don't buy My Pillow. It's overpriced Egyptian cotton like all the rest of his excessively advertised stuff. You pay for all his advertising costs and they are millions.

Alkaline water. Give me a break. One drop of your stomach acid will turn alkaline water into an acidic solution instantly.
Your body has buffers to maintain the proper pH. You want to pay 1,000 times more for your water than tap water?
Go ahead, throw your money away. In my home town, tap water is 6 gallons per penny. How much again is bottled water per gallon?

Did not get edited within the 60 minute time limit, dang it. So here's the addition.

Everyone uses potable tap water to wash their car, hose down the driveway, wash off the patio, water the grass and flush the toilet. It is extremely cheap stuff but wonderful far beyond its meager cost.

Chemistry footnote: The brilliant design of water includes, but is not limited to, its very high heat capacity, thirty times higher than gold, for example, its heat of fusion, eighty times its heat capacity as a liquid, and its heat of vaporization, 540 times its heat capacity as a liquid.
What these factors mean is that ice is 80 times more effective a coolant for your food and beverages in an ice chest than just water, which is good in and of itself. Even more, perspiration cools you enormously, 540 times better than water would without evaporating. These values show how stable our body temperatures are in cold or hot weather, thanks to their Designer, Nature's God. Physical constants didn't evolve, did they.
I highly recommend the Copper Fit fingerless gloves. They really help my semi-arthiritic hands.

Please take some placebos. They will definitely help you feel better. Oh, and buy one of those alkaline water machines. I think they run about $4,000 and when you bring in another new sucker, uh I mean "customer," you get a cut of the action.
I highly recommend the Copper Fit fingerless gloves. They really help my semi-arthiritic hands.

Please take some placebos. They will definitely help you feel better. Oh, and buy one of those alkaline water machines. I think they run about $4,000 and when you bring in another new sucker, uh I mean "customer," you get a cut of the action.

I only recommend what works. Gloves work for me. I have no experience with that other stuff.
I am sick and tired of watching commercials on television telling me how wonderful copper is for your body.
CLUE: It isn't!

"Get a copper infused face mask for only $19.99 plus shipping and handling! Second one is free!"
I reported these quacks to the Federal Trade Commission for false advertising. Not that their copper infused socks, gloves or girdle are any better, mind you.

If you ever thought about buying any of this copper crap, forget it. Don't be a sucker.

AND don't buy My Pillow. It's overpriced Egyptian cotton like all the rest of his excessively advertised stuff. You pay for all his advertising costs and they are millions.

Alkaline water. Give me a break. One drop of your stomach acid will turn alkaline water into an acidic solution instantly.
Your body has buffers to maintain the proper pH. You want to pay 1,000 times more for your water than tap water?
Go ahead, throw your money away. In my home town, tap water is 6 gallons per penny. How much again is bottled water per gallon?

My Pillow is memory foam.
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Do your research next time.

My Pillow is not memory foam...

At 2:26...

At 7:47...


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