Back To Mueller Manafort Conviction--With Basis In Ukraine Meddling (Cited By Nunes)?


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Now subsequent Thursday, then just possibly Republicans will in fact reassess and realign any support for the Trump Administration going forward. Thursday, Rep. Nunes is noted to have remarked that the Trump Campaign in fact had a Ukraine problem: "Reason to be wary." The Congress member simply failed to remark how deep the problem really was.

It directly involved the Trump Campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort.

Mueller documents: Manafort pushed Ukraine hack theory

The Clinton's had ties to lots of World Governments going back decades. Election interference never came up and likely never happened. The Foundation problems were legacy issues, comparing: Like noting that at least the Reagan Library has some planes in it(?).

Paul Manafort is in prison, RNC Trump Campaign chairman: Possibly like Judiciary Committee members may be able to recall. House Intel Committee has put on record the litany of evidence regarding US Administration being overly friendly with Russian worldwide national interference campaigns.

It even happens here--and is apparently Republican Administration welcomed!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Problem of Usury Economics, (Matt 25:14-30): Not addressed in Marxist agendas, capital dissolution/dispersion agendas, Money Velocity agendas, or even great Turquoise accumulation agendas(?)!)
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There are headlines from many papers documenting that the Ukraine opposed Trump. Its not just Russian propaganda.
Trump gave Ukraine lethal aid, and Obama gave them blankets, who who was stronger opposing Russian aggression?
The Global Interpretation of the September release of the impounded aid for Ukraine is that Bipartisan Congressional action was about to be introduced to do just that, and to prevent The Trump Administration from holding it up, ever again. That was scheduled for a vote the very next day.

Trump administration reinstates military aid for Ukraine

The testimony at House Intel is that the Trump Administration had no interest at all in Ukraine. The testimony at House Intel is that only bigger stuff--foreign interference in US elections--is what the Trump Administration really wants, even now. That is now, in recent events: Campaign plank number one of the Republican Party, USA. . . .Unless and Except a different course is taken in the Senate.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Obama Remedy to Republican-Supported "Great Recession" was a Remedy to Usury Economics, like presented in Matt 20:1-16: Equal amount payments regardless if the people had worked all the time-frame or not--Financial Inclusion of value to the marketplace! Support of the Free Market Place was taken away by the Republicans two years later, so is not Bi-Partisan, but is only Democrat: In recent current events.).
Obama had the Ukraine scared to death that Trump would stop all foreign aid...that they would be facing Russia all was a lie and the Ukrainian government can see that now and are willing to help clear the air.....dems should be very concerned....especially the magic Kenyan....
Now subsequent Thursday, then just possibly Republicans will in fact reassess and realign any support for the Trump Administration going forward. Thursday, Rep. Nunes is noted to have remarked that the Trump Campaign in fact had a Ukraine problem: "Reason to be wary." The Congress member simply failed to remark how deep the problem really was.

It directly involved the Trump Campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort.

Mueller documents: Manafort pushed Ukraine hack theory

The Clinton's had ties to lots of World Governments going back decades. Election interference never came up and likely never happened. The Foundation problems were legacy issues, comparing: Like noting that at least the Reagan Library has some planes in it(?).

Paul Manafort is in prison, RNC Trump Campaign chairman: Possibly like Judiciary Committee members may be able to recall. House Intel Committee has put on record the litany of evidence regarding US Administration being overly friendly with Russian worldwide national interference campaigns.

It even happens here--and is apparently Republican Administration welcomed!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Problem of Usury Economics, (Matt 25:14-30): Not addressed in Marxist agendas, capital dissolution/dispersion agendas, Money Velocity agendas, or even great Turquoise accumulation agendas(?)!)

And remember- that supposed concern Trump has about corruption in Ukraine?

He never asked Unkraine to investigate Manafort.
The Obama Administration policy was about non-lethal aid so as not to promote a Russian Escalation of armed mutilations of Ukrainians along their really, really long shared border. Trump has problems with even the Mexican-US border, in fact. Mutilating Baby-genitalia--while ripping them out of the arms of the parents--is not widely shown something Trump opposes. In fact, subsequent entering the White House--then Donald Trump had to be persuaded to lethal aid to Ukraine. Friendly to Putin was the entry foreign policy.

Trump’s Ukraine Maneuver Was Impeachable, but Was It a National Security Threat?

The subject planes have not been deployed to the incursion-front, in fact: Still Putin-Friendly, some might say, like Slate might say with basis in the link.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!:
(Moslem and Jewish circumvention of usury economics: In fact has no arithmetic basis. "Gain" is created in tacking an expense onto any purchases sold back to clients of the recipient contracts.)
Trump gave Ukraine lethal aid, and Obama gave them blankets, who who was stronger opposing Russian aggression?

By March 2015, the US had committed more than $120 million in security assistance for Ukraine and had pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
That assistance also included some 230 armored Humvee vehicles.

Trump appears to be echoing a critique leveled at the Obama administration by the late Republican Sen. John McCain. "The Ukrainians are being slaughtered and we're sending blankets and meals," McCain said in 2015. "Blankets don't do well against Russian tanks."
While it never provided lethal aid, many of the items that the Obama administration did provide were seen as critical to Ukraine's military. Part of the $250 million assistance package that the Trump administration announced (then froze and later unfroze) included many of the same items that were provided under Obama, including medical equipment, night vision gear and counter-artillery radar.

Fact-checking Trump's claim that Obama gave Ukraine "pillows and sheets" - CNNPolitics
Then to the matter of "Whistle-Blower" security concerns--yesterday I could post from another poster's link of a 2017 Politico article--regarding the not-too-friendly tactics of Russian interference in other nations, easily able to even happen here. The Republicans said now also friendly to methods like below, from Russians.
Chalupa left the DNC after the Democratic convention in late July to focus full time on her research into Manafort, Trump and Russia. She said she provided off-the-record information and guidance to “a lot of journalists” working on stories related to Manafort and Trump’s Russia connections, despite what she described as escalating harassment.

About a month-and-a-half after Chalupa first started receiving hacking alerts, someone broke into her car outside the Northwest Washington home where she lives with her husband and three young daughters, she said. They “rampaged it, basically, but didn’t take anything valuable — left money, sunglasses, $1,200 worth of golf clubs,” she said, explaining she didn’t file a police report after that incident because she didn’t connect it to her research and the hacking.

But by the time a similar vehicle break-in occurred involving two family cars, she was convinced that it was a Russia-linked intimidation campaign. The police report on the latter break-in noted that “both vehicles were unlocked by an unknown person and the interior was ransacked, with papers and the garage openers scattered throughout the cars. Nothing was taken from the vehicles.”

Then, early in the morning on another day, a woman “wearing white flowers in her hair” tried to break into her family’s home at 1:30 a.m., Chalupa said. Shulyar told Chalupa that the mysterious incident bore some of the hallmarks of intimidation campaigns used against foreigners in Russia, according to Chalupa.

“This is something that they do to U.S. diplomats, they do it to Ukrainians. Like, this is how they operate. They break into people’s homes. They harass people. They’re theatrical about it,” Chalupa said. “They must have seen when I was writing to the DNC staff, outlining who Manafort was, pulling articles, saying why it was significant, and painting the bigger picture.”

In a Yahoo News story naming Chalupa as one of 16 “ordinary people” who “shaped the 2016 election,” Isikoff wrote that after Chalupa left the DNC, FBI agents investigating the hacking questioned her and examined her laptop and smartphone.

Chalupa this month told Politico that, as her research and role in the election started becoming more public, she began receiving death threats, along with continued alerts of state-sponsored hacking. But she said, “None of this has scared me off.”

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Hapless tribes at base of Sinai: Then welcomed Prince of Egypt, maneuvered into exile: Bringing "Gift" of subjugation math, and blaming it all on some deity! See Deut 23:19-20!)
“The whole story originated with the Kremlin,” Chalupa said in an interview on Monday, pointing to an initial December 2016 statement from Russia’s spokeswoman accusing the Ukrainian government of trying to sabotage Trump’s campaign by exposing that Manafort hid millions in payment for his work pushing Kremlin-backed candidates in Ukraine.

The narrative that the government of Ukraine meddled in 2016 using Chalupa as an intermediary has made a comeback among Trump defenders as they beat back a mountain of emerging evidence that Trump used his leverage over Ukraine to pressure the country's leaders to investigate his political rivals, including former Vice President Joe Biden and the 2016 presidential campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

'I'm on a mission to testify': Dem Ukraine activist eager for impeachment cameo
Trump gave Ukraine lethal aid, and Obama gave them blankets, who who was stronger opposing Russian aggression?

By March 2015, the US had committed more than $120 million in security assistance for Ukraine and had pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
That assistance also included some 230 armored Humvee vehicles.

Trump appears to be echoing a critique leveled at the Obama administration by the late Republican Sen. John McCain. "The Ukrainians are being slaughtered and we're sending blankets and meals," McCain said in 2015. "Blankets don't do well against Russian tanks."
While it never provided lethal aid, many of the items that the Obama administration did provide were seen as critical to Ukraine's military. Part of the $250 million assistance package that the Trump administration announced (then froze and later unfroze) included many of the same items that were provided under Obama, including medical equipment, night vision gear and counter-artillery radar.

Fact-checking Trump's claim that Obama gave Ukraine "pillows and sheets" - CNNPolitics

Blab, blab, blab then at the end you quote CNN so the end result is just blab, blab, blab and nothing.
Trump gave Ukraine lethal aid, and Obama gave them blankets, who who was stronger opposing Russian aggression?

By March 2015, the US had committed more than $120 million in security assistance for Ukraine and had pledged an additional $75 million worth of equipment including UAVs, counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
That assistance also included some 230 armored Humvee vehicles.

Trump appears to be echoing a critique leveled at the Obama administration by the late Republican Sen. John McCain. "The Ukrainians are being slaughtered and we're sending blankets and meals," McCain said in 2015. "Blankets don't do well against Russian tanks."
While it never provided lethal aid, many of the items that the Obama administration did provide were seen as critical to Ukraine's military. Part of the $250 million assistance package that the Trump administration announced (then froze and later unfroze) included many of the same items that were provided under Obama, including medical equipment, night vision gear and counter-artillery radar.

Fact-checking Trump's claim that Obama gave Ukraine "pillows and sheets" - CNNPolitics

Blab, blab, blab then at the end you quote CNN so the end result is just blab, blab, blab and nothing.

Poor Dick, left swinging in the wind by Rushie and another phony talking point faithfully parroted by Trumpybear moroonies.
So far the hearings appear to be devoid of conclusions, but heavily well-documented about interactions, policy understandings, chain of command--direct linkage to the President of the United States, intending harm of US Nationals--and not too concerned about Ukraine.

Back to OP about Nunes. Mainly the Trump Administration, for example, had to be wary of Ukraine since their evidence was sending high-level Trump people to penitentiary.

No such conclusion was presented in the inquiry directly, so far. No basis conclusions were offered in the testimony, and not too much from Committee members. One Congress member is widely reported suggesting that nothing giant had been reported, a nowhere stated definition of an Impeachable Offense.

The accurate statement is that bombshell evidence was presented, without conclusions, yea or nay.

Next phase parts of the inquiry will be more about the fit of the evidence into actual charges.
Mostly there is no doubt of a Trial getting underway. Republicans are meeting at the White House to come up with a defense.

Adam Schiff and the Pelosi Democrats are better said to have become spot-right-on!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Silly Tribes of Sinae actually equated arithmetic with directions from a deity. The awe of Pharaoh had reached across the Nile, in the form of the Exiled Prince. The status is reported in Acts 7, later on. Earlier civilizations had invented "Tree Gods," "Water Gods," and "Animal Gods:" They were Pantheons but less human and more an explanation of how to regard phenomenon. Anything so ridiculous as a no-name, formless deity in the sky: Meant nothing about anything! That did became a conclusion with basis in actual legends and stories. Those would be better be said biased reporting, and not facts in evidence. They were influential!)

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