Back in 2015 Lindsey Graham had something to tell Trump supporters.

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
He addressed Trump supporters to try and tell them who they were supporting. They didn't listen and we got stuck with Gen. Bone Spurs. Since Graham has sold his soul to the devil since then we only have his taped interview but here it is again. True then, true now..
He addressed Trump supporters to try and tell them who they were supporting. They didn't listen and we got stuck with Gen. Bone spurs. Since Graham has sold his soul to the devil since then we only have his taped interview but here it is again. True then, true now..

Just a hack politician. What do you expect? If it is OK to lie almost daily from the top of the trump party, why would anybody expect underling boot lickers to have any character?
He addressed Trump supporters to try and tell them who they were supporting. They didn't listen and we got stuck with Gen. Bone spurs. Since Graham has sold his soul to the devil since then we only have his taped interview but here it is again. True then, true now..

The backlash that Graham no doubt received following his remarks have more than once given him cause to revise and extend.

Despite his personal opinions about Trump, he will do what is best for HIMSELF to confirm Trump's nominee to replace the rotting carcass of RBG.
You have a terrible memory. Let me help you out. During the Kavanaugh hearings the Democrats were SO DISGUSTING, SO VILE, SO UN-AMERICAN that Lindsey Graham suddenly found his backbone, ripped every one of them a new gaping asshole and became a Trump supporter. It was a beautiful moment, do you remember now?


You have a terrible memory. Let me help you out. During the Kavanaugh hearings the Democrats were SO DISGUSTING, SO VILE, SO UN-AMERICAN that Lindsey Graham suddenly found his backbone, ripped every one of them a new gaping asshole and became a Trump supporter. It was a beautiful moment, do you remember now?


Doesn't mean he wasn't telling the truth back then does it..
You have a terrible memory. Let me help you out. During the Kavanaugh hearings the Democrats were SO DISGUSTING, SO VILE, SO UN-AMERICAN that Lindsey Graham suddenly found his backbone, ripped every one of them a new gaping asshole and became a Trump supporter. It was a beautiful moment, do you remember now?
How does that make what he said back then not true?
You have a terrible memory. Let me help you out. During the Kavanaugh hearings the Democrats were SO DISGUSTING, SO VILE, SO UN-AMERICAN that Lindsey Graham suddenly found his backbone, ripped every one of them a new gaping asshole and became a Trump supporter. It was a beautiful moment, do you remember now?

That doesn't change what Little Lindsey said earlier. He gave his integrity away for political gain. Typical Trumpbott.
He addressed Trump supporters to try and tell them who they were supporting. They didn't listen and we got stuck with Gen. Bone Spurs. Since Graham has sold his soul to the devil since then we only have his taped interview but here it is again. True then, true now..

Who illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, and a President....who did Graham hammer the shit out of during the disgusting Kavanaugh inquisition...who attempted a political coup to overthrow the US govt by removing the newly elected President with the help of foreign spies and the Russians?

Yeah, that would be Obama and the criminal Democrats...not President Trump.

He addressed Trump supporters to try and tell them who they were supporting. They didn't listen and we got stuck with Gen. Bone Spurs. Since Graham has sold his soul to the devil since then we only have his taped interview but here it is again. True then, true now..

So, just so we are clear........Graham didn't like him for the following reasons: A, B, C and D. Trump was elected and Graham went back to work.

Like the rest of the US.

Got it.
You have a terrible memory. Let me help you out. During the Kavanaugh hearings the Democrats were SO DISGUSTING, SO VILE, SO UN-AMERICAN that Lindsey Graham suddenly found his backbone, ripped every one of them a new gaping asshole and became a Trump supporter. It was a beautiful moment, do you remember now?

That doesn't change what Little Lindsey said earlier. He gave his integrity away for political gain. Typical Trumpbott.
Why did the CDC shut down H1N1 testing 3 months after it was detected here,
yet, Biden has been telling Trump to speed up testing...asking for a friend
You have a terrible memory. Let me help you out. During the Kavanaugh hearings the Democrats were SO DISGUSTING, SO VILE, SO UN-AMERICAN that Lindsey Graham suddenly found his backbone, ripped every one of them a new gaping asshole and became a Trump supporter. It was a beautiful moment, do you remember now?

That doesn't change what Little Lindsey said earlier. He gave his integrity away for political gain. Typical Trumpbott.
Why did the CDC shut down H1N1 testing 3 months after it was detected here,
yet, Biden has been telling Trump to speed up testing...asking for a friend

Having trouble staying on subject? This link should help you with your off subject question.
You have a terrible memory. Let me help you out. During the Kavanaugh hearings the Democrats were SO DISGUSTING, SO VILE, SO UN-AMERICAN that Lindsey Graham suddenly found his backbone, ripped every one of them a new gaping asshole and became a Trump supporter. It was a beautiful moment, do you remember now?

That doesn't change what Little Lindsey said earlier. He gave his integrity away for political gain. Typical Trumpbott.
Why did the CDC shut down H1N1 testing 3 months after it was detected here,
yet, Biden has been telling Trump to speed up testing...asking for a friend

Having trouble staying on subject? This link should help you with your off subject question.
Allow me to help you

In the spring of 2009, a new version of the H1N1 influenza virus — the virus that caused the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic — emerged and began to spread rapidly. The swine flu killed anywhere from 151,700 to 575,400 people worldwide in its first 12 months, through April 2010, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and may have infected over 1 billion by the end of 2010.


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