Bachmann, Perry lie a LOT


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Michele Bachmann HPV: More Factual Gaffes Than Any Other Republican Candidate - International Business Times

But does that matter? Does anybody care if your candidate has an overwhelming tendency to lie?

In my estimation, if they're lying about eff-all everything else, then their campaign promises are probably meaningless. And before you go getting all RWNJ on me, check Obama's record.

By comparison,

Of the 35 Bachmann statements that had vetted as of Friday, only 14 percent were rated true or mostly true. Nine percent were rated "half true," and 77 percent -- more than three-quarters -- were rated mostly false, false or "pants on fire," a category reserved for assertions that are not only inaccurate but "ridiculous," according to the editors of the Web site.

Rick Perry scored better than Bachmann, but still very poorly. vetted 81 statements by the Texas governor and found that 23 percent were true or mostly true, 27 percent were "half true," and 49 percent were mostly false, false or "pants on fire." Mitt Romney (48 percent true, 35 percent false) and Ron Paul (55 percent true, 23 percent false) had more respectable numbers, though by no means excellent.

Bachmann blames long hours on the campaign trail -- "When you speak six times a day, slip-ups can occur," she said in August -- but even among her peers, she stands out. A 77 percent inaccuracy rating is nothing short of appalling.
But does that matter? Does anybody care if your candidate has an overwhelming tendency to lie?

Didnt seem to bother Democrats when they elected Obama. The primary should prove interesting.
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Too funny. I post the thread, find this article.

Michele Bachmann Errors | Bachmann HPV | Video | Mediaite

Ron Carey had this to say;

Well, Michele is very impulsive from a personality standpoint and, to her credit, she reads an awful lot of information, but sometimes I’m afraid that she reads maybe 80 or 90 percent and leaves out or forgets the ten or 20 percent that can change the outcome, so her impulsive nature coupled with the fact that she sometimes doesn’t digest information as carefully as she should leads to these kinds of impulsive statements that sometimes are just off the mark enough that it makes her into more of a provocative, controversial figure.
He continued:

One of the challenges I’ve found with working with Michele, and it’s consistent with other people who have worked with her, is the fact that she doesn’t use her staff well. She’s pretty much independent and does her own research. She’ll be out there on the stump, preparing her remarks and speaking off the cuff with no staff intervention or involvement whatsoever, so it’s really difficult to prep her and help her kind of back-check before she goes out speaking because she will be out there speaking and you’ll say, “Where did this come from?” and it’s something that she maybe heard on TV.

Oh, yeah; that's what we need. An impulsive CIC who doesn't bother with all the facts.
Gee I must have missed all those televised health care congressional meetings Barry promised us.

Maybe I was too busy reading the bills posted on the internet for five days before being voted on.
Michele Bachmann HPV: More Factual Gaffes Than Any Other Republican Candidate - International Business Times

But does that matter? Does anybody care if your candidate has an overwhelming tendency to lie?

In my estimation, if they're lying about eff-all everything else, then their campaign promises are probably meaningless. And before you go getting all RWNJ on me, check Obama's record.

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

By comparison,

Of the 35 Bachmann statements that had vetted as of Friday, only 14 percent were rated true or mostly true. Nine percent were rated "half true," and 77 percent -- more than three-quarters -- were rated mostly false, false or "pants on fire," a category reserved for assertions that are not only inaccurate but "ridiculous," according to the editors of the Web site.

Rick Perry scored better than Bachmann, but still very poorly. vetted 81 statements by the Texas governor and found that 23 percent were true or mostly true, 27 percent were "half true," and 49 percent were mostly false, false or "pants on fire." Mitt Romney (48 percent true, 35 percent false) and Ron Paul (55 percent true, 23 percent false) had more respectable numbers, though by no means excellent.

Bachmann blames long hours on the campaign trail -- "When you speak six times a day, slip-ups can occur," she said in August -- but even among her peers, she stands out. A 77 percent inaccuracy rating is nothing short of appalling.

If you care about lies, why do you ignore that Obama Lies, and Twists the Truth almost every single time he opens his mouth?
Too funny. I post the thread, find this article.

Michele Bachmann Errors | Bachmann HPV | Video | Mediaite

Ron Carey had this to say;

Well, Michele is very impulsive from a personality standpoint and, to her credit, she reads an awful lot of information, but sometimes I’m afraid that she reads maybe 80 or 90 percent and leaves out or forgets the ten or 20 percent that can change the outcome, so her impulsive nature coupled with the fact that she sometimes doesn’t digest information as carefully as she should leads to these kinds of impulsive statements that sometimes are just off the mark enough that it makes her into more of a provocative, controversial figure.
He continued:

One of the challenges I’ve found with working with Michele, and it’s consistent with other people who have worked with her, is the fact that she doesn’t use her staff well. She’s pretty much independent and does her own research. She’ll be out there on the stump, preparing her remarks and speaking off the cuff with no staff intervention or involvement whatsoever, so it’s really difficult to prep her and help her kind of back-check before she goes out speaking because she will be out there speaking and you’ll say, “Where did this come from?” and it’s something that she maybe heard on TV.

Oh, yeah; that's what we need. An impulsive CIC who doesn't bother with all the facts.

As opposed to one that Takes so long to make a decision the Moment to act is already gone? LOL
Wow...the defense to them two beingliars is...obama this or dems that or worse, so what.


Here is the thing. We are so going to kick your collective asses in 2012 and there is nothing you can do about it.

Wow...the defense to them two beingliars is...obama this or dems that or worse, so what.


Here is the thing. We are so going to kick your collective asses in 2012 and there is nothing you can do about it.


Whats this years strategy? Dont talk about accomplishments again?
Michele Bachmann HPV: More Factual Gaffes Than Any Other Republican Candidate - International Business Times

But does that matter? Does anybody care if your candidate has an overwhelming tendency to lie?

In my estimation, if they're lying about eff-all everything else, then their campaign promises are probably meaningless. And before you go getting all RWNJ on me, check Obama's record.

By comparison,

Of the 35 Bachmann statements that had vetted as of Friday, only 14 percent were rated true or mostly true. Nine percent were rated "half true," and 77 percent -- more than three-quarters -- were rated mostly false, false or "pants on fire," a category reserved for assertions that are not only inaccurate but "ridiculous," according to the editors of the Web site.

Rick Perry scored better than Bachmann, but still very poorly. vetted 81 statements by the Texas governor and found that 23 percent were true or mostly true, 27 percent were "half true," and 49 percent were mostly false, false or "pants on fire." Mitt Romney (48 percent true, 35 percent false) and Ron Paul (55 percent true, 23 percent false) had more respectable numbers, though by no means excellent.

Bachmann blames long hours on the campaign trail -- "When you speak six times a day, slip-ups can occur," she said in August -- but even among her peers, she stands out. A 77 percent inaccuracy rating is nothing short of appalling.

Do you have a link to the original source material, the actual 'vetted' comments. This site is widely partisan, particularly if you look at the obamameter that you posted. It does not surprise me though, Bachman does not strike me as the most through investigator ever.
But does that matter? Does anybody care if your candidate has an overwhelming tendency to lie?

Didnt seem to bother Democrats when they elected Obama. The primary should prove interesting.

That's different, it's ok for democrats to do it because they love babies. Once they're a couple yrs old of course.

The only love them once they're born.

Too funny. I post the thread, find this article.

Michele Bachmann Errors | Bachmann HPV | Video | Mediaite

Ron Carey had this to say;

Well, Michele is very impulsive from a personality standpoint and, to her credit, she reads an awful lot of information, but sometimes I’m afraid that she reads maybe 80 or 90 percent and leaves out or forgets the ten or 20 percent that can change the outcome, so her impulsive nature coupled with the fact that she sometimes doesn’t digest information as carefully as she should leads to these kinds of impulsive statements that sometimes are just off the mark enough that it makes her into more of a provocative, controversial figure.
He continued:

One of the challenges I’ve found with working with Michele, and it’s consistent with other people who have worked with her, is the fact that she doesn’t use her staff well. She’s pretty much independent and does her own research. She’ll be out there on the stump, preparing her remarks and speaking off the cuff with no staff intervention or involvement whatsoever, so it’s really difficult to prep her and help her kind of back-check before she goes out speaking because she will be out there speaking and you’ll say, “Where did this come from?” and it’s something that she maybe heard on TV.

Oh, yeah; that's what we need. An impulsive CIC who doesn't bother with all the facts.

It's clear Bachmann was stretching the truth about that vaccine program. She acted like hundreds of little girls were subjected to the program when in fact it never made it into law.

After the debate she repeated an unsubstantiated claim that the vaccine caused someone's daughter to become retarded.

I've pretty much lost all respect for Bachmann because of this. She's compromised her principles and shown that she'll resort to underhanded tricks and half-truths just to get elected.

The left expects this of their leaders....however I and many like me don't.
Too funny. I post the thread, find this article.

Michele Bachmann Errors | Bachmann HPV | Video | Mediaite

Ron Carey had this to say;

Well, Michele is very impulsive from a personality standpoint and, to her credit, she reads an awful lot of information, but sometimes I’m afraid that she reads maybe 80 or 90 percent and leaves out or forgets the ten or 20 percent that can change the outcome, so her impulsive nature coupled with the fact that she sometimes doesn’t digest information as carefully as she should leads to these kinds of impulsive statements that sometimes are just off the mark enough that it makes her into more of a provocative, controversial figure.
He continued:

One of the challenges I’ve found with working with Michele, and it’s consistent with other people who have worked with her, is the fact that she doesn’t use her staff well. She’s pretty much independent and does her own research. She’ll be out there on the stump, preparing her remarks and speaking off the cuff with no staff intervention or involvement whatsoever, so it’s really difficult to prep her and help her kind of back-check before she goes out speaking because she will be out there speaking and you’ll say, “Where did this come from?” and it’s something that she maybe heard on TV.

Oh, yeah; that's what we need. An impulsive CIC who doesn't bother with all the facts.

It's clear Bachmann was stretching the truth about that vaccine program. She acted like hundreds of little girls were subjected to the program when in fact it never made it into law.

After the debate she repeated an unsubstantiated claim that the vaccine caused someone's daughter to become retarded.

I've pretty much lost all respect for Bachmann because of this. She's compromised her principles and shown that she'll resort to underhanded tricks and half-truths just to get elected.

The left expects this of their leaders....however I and many like me don't.

Back when Bachmann declared her candidacy and most far right posters were falling all over themselves singing her praises, I told those folks what she was all about. I used documented instances and man, did I get called names or what?
As someone who has seen Bachmann in action since 2000 in Minnesota Senate and as a US Representative, I knew her better than most posters. So in light of her statement in the debate, people are finally getting a clue.
I can finally say,,I told you so! Maybe this time people will admit I was right.
Too funny. I post the thread, find this article.

Michele Bachmann Errors | Bachmann HPV | Video | Mediaite

Ron Carey had this to say;

Oh, yeah; that's what we need. An impulsive CIC who doesn't bother with all the facts.

It's clear Bachmann was stretching the truth about that vaccine program. She acted like hundreds of little girls were subjected to the program when in fact it never made it into law.

After the debate she repeated an unsubstantiated claim that the vaccine caused someone's daughter to become retarded.

I've pretty much lost all respect for Bachmann because of this. She's compromised her principles and shown that she'll resort to underhanded tricks and half-truths just to get elected.

The left expects this of their leaders....however I and many like me don't.

Back when Bachmann declared her candidacy and most far right posters were falling all over themselves singing her praises, I told those folks what she was all about. I used documented instances and man, did I get called names or what?
As someone who has seen Bachmann in action since 2000 in Minnesota Senate and as a US Representative, I knew her better than most posters. So in light of her statement in the debate, people are finally getting a clue.
I can finally say,,I told you so! Maybe this time people will admit I was right.

At least once the truth becomes known we'll get rid of her. I doubt the left would do the same.
Michele Bachmann HPV: More Factual Gaffes Than Any Other Republican Candidate - International Business Times

But does that matter? Does anybody care if your candidate has an overwhelming tendency to lie?

In my estimation, if they're lying about eff-all everything else, then their campaign promises are probably meaningless. And before you go getting all RWNJ on me, check Obama's record.

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

By comparison,

Of the 35 Bachmann statements that had vetted as of Friday, only 14 percent were rated true or mostly true. Nine percent were rated "half true," and 77 percent -- more than three-quarters -- were rated mostly false, false or "pants on fire," a category reserved for assertions that are not only inaccurate but "ridiculous," according to the editors of the Web site.

Rick Perry scored better than Bachmann, but still very poorly. vetted 81 statements by the Texas governor and found that 23 percent were true or mostly true, 27 percent were "half true," and 49 percent were mostly false, false or "pants on fire." Mitt Romney (48 percent true, 35 percent false) and Ron Paul (55 percent true, 23 percent false) had more respectable numbers, though by no means excellent.

Bachmann blames long hours on the campaign trail -- "When you speak six times a day, slip-ups can occur," she said in August -- but even among her peers, she stands out. A 77 percent inaccuracy rating is nothing short of appalling.

Do you not remember the thread I started about Bachmanns lies on this subject? I clearly cared enough to say she isn't trust worthy in my eyes.

You even came in the thread and said that they all do it and I was foolish to single her out. Now you post this? Partisan much?
Michele Bachmann HPV: More Factual Gaffes Than Any Other Republican Candidate - International Business Times

But does that matter? Does anybody care if your candidate has an overwhelming tendency to lie?

In my estimation, if they're lying about eff-all everything else, then their campaign promises are probably meaningless. And before you go getting all RWNJ on me, check Obama's record.

By comparison,

Of the 35 Bachmann statements that had vetted as of Friday, only 14 percent were rated true or mostly true. Nine percent were rated "half true," and 77 percent -- more than three-quarters -- were rated mostly false, false or "pants on fire," a category reserved for assertions that are not only inaccurate but "ridiculous," according to the editors of the Web site.

Rick Perry scored better than Bachmann, but still very poorly. vetted 81 statements by the Texas governor and found that 23 percent were true or mostly true, 27 percent were "half true," and 49 percent were mostly false, false or "pants on fire." Mitt Romney (48 percent true, 35 percent false) and Ron Paul (55 percent true, 23 percent false) had more respectable numbers, though by no means excellent.

Bachmann blames long hours on the campaign trail -- "When you speak six times a day, slip-ups can occur," she said in August -- but even among her peers, she stands out. A 77 percent inaccuracy rating is nothing short of appalling.

Lie...or simply clueless? Either way, it boggles the mind that they're so highly admired by social conservatives who cherish (supposedly) the Ten Commandments, one of which is to not bear false witness. And let's be clear what that means. It doesn't just mean that you shouldn't lie under oath. It means that you should be truthful in your dealings and interactions with other people. So, if you don't KNOW something, you should find out the truth before you make blankment statements of fact which later turn out to be factually untrue.

Bachmann makes a mockery of her professed faith. I would have to take a closer look at Perry's statements, but he generally comes across to me as a corrupt politician who long ago sold his support on public policy issues to people who were willing to pay for that support.

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