CDZ author of Rich Dad Poor Dad predicts world’s biggest crash in October

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Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Personal finance guru predicts world’s biggest crash in October

‘A crash is a really good time to get rich’, says author of Rich Dad Poor Dad

Justin Vallejo
Sat, 2 October 2021, 12:38 am

Robert Kiyosaki, author of bestselling “Rich Dad Poor Dad” (YouTube @Kitco News)
The author of bestselling Rich Dad Poor Dad predicts that a "giant" market crash coming in October has already been triggered and will bring down gold, silver and Bitcoin with it.
Personal finance expert Robert Kiyosaki warned the crash is coming regardless of whether the US debt ceiling is raised or what measures are imposed by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen or Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell.
"This is going to be the biggest crash in world history. We have never had this much debt pumped up… the debt to GDP ratio is out of sight," Mr Kiyosaki said.
Mr Kiyosaki said the stock market was being artificially inflated by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve with decisions disconnected from the realities of the current economy in the United States.
The reason why Ms Yellen and Mr Powell are "scrambling", he said, is they’ve expanded the volume of money while the velocity of money is plummeting as no one spends and their cash lingers in savings.
Mr Kiyosaki said people don’t have to go to Harvard University to understand that "you can’t keep printing fake money … that’s not good".

"So they pump all this money in, prices go up," he told Kitco News on Wednesday. "So it is transitory inflation, but we’re stacked with this massive debt and all it’s done is bump up the stock market and real estate market."
"The money has not gone into the economy, that’s the sad part. So the rich get richer, but the poor and middle class are getting poorer. It’s tragic what’s happening today."
He added earlier that the "house of cards" is coming down and that real estate would crash with the stock market, while the impact from China’s Evergrande Group implosion would spread to the United States.
Evergrande, the second-largest developer in China, is on the brink of bankruptcy with more than $300bn in debt – the most indebted company in the world.
Mr Kiyosaki is best known for his 1997 book Rich Dad Poor Dad, which advocated the financial literacy that rich parents taught their kids about money that the poor and middle class did not.
While a giant market crash will spell financial disaster for foolish investors, Mr Kiyosaki says the impending market doom is an opportunity for smart investors.
"I like crashes, so this next crash is going to be really, really good, but it’ll bring down gold, silver, Bitcoin stocks, but the good news is a crash is a good time to get rich, so that’s why I’m optimistic and I’m very optimistic on gold silver and Bitcoin, not on stocks," he said.
"So when it comes down, and it’s going to bring everything down with it, that’s when I’m going to be buying more gold, silver, and Bitcoin.”
There are many, many, many hucksters out there who prey on the financial ignorance and general paranoia of others.

You can usually find them pumping gold and silver. You can usually find them "predicting" a "crash" of some sort.

You can usually find them advertising to people of a certain political ideology, who are conditioned to paranoia and who believe what they are told in their universe.
There are many, many, many hucksters out there who prey on the financial ignorance and general paranoia of others.

You can usually find them pumping gold and silver. You can usually find them "predicting" a "crash" of some sort.

You can usually find them advertising to people of a certain political ideology, who are conditioned to paranoia and who believe what they are told in their universe.

Oh, it's coming, poser.

There's no doubt about it.

For someone who claims to work in the industry, you don't impress me much at all. You seem like just another Keynesian pimp making a few crumbs off the con before it finally goes bottom up.
Predicting exact large market movements is like trying to lasso a comet.

Why people do is beyond me.

It's not a question of if.

The question is when. That's always been the question. They've been able to kick the can down the road for a long time. But they can't kick it down the road much farther. They'll certainly try. And they are trying, observably. But they can't.

The stage is set for the crack-up-boom. And they know it's coming.

Which is why we're seeing the BIS start to come out of the woodwork. It usually tries to stay out of mind and out of sight but it sees the writing on the wall, clearly.

Those who understand will be fine and relatively unaffected. They'll have been long prepared. Those who are not? Well...we warned them for a long time. It was a courtesy. Nothing more. There was never really anything to prove. The inevitable is the inevitable. So, good luck to them...
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It's not a question of if.

The question is when. That's always been the question. They've been able to kick the can down the road for a long time. But they can't kick it down the road much farther. They'll certainly try. And they are trying, observably. But they can't.

The stage is set for the crack-up-boom. And they know it's coming.

Which is why we're seeing the BIS start to come out of the woodwork. It usually tries to stay out of mind and out of sight but it sees the writing on the wall, clearly.

Those who understand will be fine and relatively unaffected. They'll have been long prepared. Those who are not? Well...we warned them for a long time. It was a courtesy. Nothing more. There was never really anything to prove. The inevitable is the inevitable. So, good luck to them...
Yeah it’s coming some day. That’s an easy prediction, since we’ve always had economic ups and downs throughout history. However when the Fed and federal government are doing all they can to protect and enrich big corporations, a crash seems unlikely at this moment. I suspect something big will happen to trigger a crash. Like the dollar losing it’s reserve status or a big war.
Yeah it’s coming some day. That’s an easy prediction, since we’ve always had economic ups and downs throughout history. However when the Fed and federal government are doing all they can to protect and enrich big corporations, a crash seems unlikely at this moment. I suspect something big will happen to trigger a crash. Like the dollar losing it’s reserve status or a big war.
If someone is "predicting" a "crash", they're either (a) selling you something, (b) pretending to be something they are not, or (c) both.

In fact, I'd guess it would be far more profitable over time to go in exactly in the opposite direction of their "predictions".
It's basic economics, folks.

The monetary policy is finite. No prediction is required. All that is required is a fundamental understanding of economic theory and monetary policy.

They can't kick the can down the road much farther.

As I said. Crack-up-boom is coming. There's no way around it.

It's up to you to prepare for it. Do or do not. Doesn't matter to me. i only offer the advice as a courtesy.
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Remember the guy who wrote “DOW 36,000” like 20 years ago. He was roundly laughed at, at the time. But, here we are.
Remember the guy who wrote “DOW 36,000” like 20 years ago. He was roundly laughed at, at the time. But, here we are.

I was flipping through the channels on my idiot box last night and saw that Watters guy had Ron Paul on.

He was praising him for trying to tell people that all of this was going to happen. The out of control inflation/devaluing of the currency, the open border issues , etc.

When asked how he felt about being right again (recall that he also predicted the '08 bubble long before it happened, even correctly explaining precisey how it was going to go down) the stateman simply said ''not much fun.''

The conversation ended on them agreeing that the people who brought this on simply have no shame in themselves.

I tend to agree with him about that.
Natural Citizen
Ron Paul has been right about a lot of things. It’s too bad he wasn’t potus instead the fools who were.

His son is right too, particularly about lying Fauci.
Lying is but one symptom of what Fauci is---he is a true psychopath motivated by money and likely control and sadism as well.
There are many, many, many hucksters out there who prey on the financial ignorance and general paranoia of others.

You can usually find them pumping gold and silver. You can usually find them "predicting" a "crash" of some sort.

You can usually find them advertising to people of a certain political ideology, who are conditioned to paranoia and who believe what they are told in their universe.
Crypto currency seems to stink of opportunism and corruption as well.

Personal finance guru predicts world’s biggest crash in October

‘A crash is a really good time to get rich’, says author of Rich Dad Poor Dad

Justin Vallejo
Sat, 2 October 2021, 12:38 am

Robert Kiyosaki, author of bestselling “Rich Dad Poor Dad” (YouTube @Kitco News)
The author of bestselling Rich Dad Poor Dad predicts that a "giant" market crash coming in October has already been triggered and will bring down gold, silver and Bitcoin with it.
Personal finance expert Robert Kiyosaki warned the crash is coming regardless of whether the US debt ceiling is raised or what measures are imposed by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen or Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell.
"This is going to be the biggest crash in world history. We have never had this much debt pumped up… the debt to GDP ratio is out of sight," Mr Kiyosaki said.
Mr Kiyosaki said the stock market was being artificially inflated by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve with decisions disconnected from the realities of the current economy in the United States.
The reason why Ms Yellen and Mr Powell are "scrambling", he said, is they’ve expanded the volume of money while the velocity of money is plummeting as no one spends and their cash lingers in savings.
Mr Kiyosaki said people don’t have to go to Harvard University to understand that "you can’t keep printing fake money … that’s not good".

"So they pump all this money in, prices go up," he told Kitco News on Wednesday. "So it is transitory inflation, but we’re stacked with this massive debt and all it’s done is bump up the stock market and real estate market."
"The money has not gone into the economy, that’s the sad part. So the rich get richer, but the poor and middle class are getting poorer. It’s tragic what’s happening today."
He added earlier that the "house of cards" is coming down and that real estate would crash with the stock market, while the impact from China’s Evergrande Group implosion would spread to the United States.
Evergrande, the second-largest developer in China, is on the brink of bankruptcy with more than $300bn in debt – the most indebted company in the world.
Mr Kiyosaki is best known for his 1997 book Rich Dad Poor Dad, which advocated the financial literacy that rich parents taught their kids about money that the poor and middle class did not.
While a giant market crash will spell financial disaster for foolish investors, Mr Kiyosaki says the impending market doom is an opportunity for smart investors.
"I like crashes, so this next crash is going to be really, really good, but it’ll bring down gold, silver, Bitcoin stocks, but the good news is a crash is a good time to get rich, so that’s why I’m optimistic and I’m very optimistic on gold silver and Bitcoin, not on stocks," he said.
"So when it comes down, and it’s going to bring everything down with it, that’s when I’m going to be buying more gold, silver, and Bitcoin.”

October is over and no crash!!!

I've seen adverts for investment gurus that feature Ron Paul for the catch slogan. He doesn't get to the nitty gritty, and one is left having to pay some investment gurus..... all at your risk.
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