August 6


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.
Where’s the monument located for what the Japanese did to women and children in China and Korea?

Yes, human life is precious. And people who had no part in the war died that day.

But a nations people must atone for the actions it started.
I'd rather remember those killed at Pearl Harbor.Japan brought the atomic bomb on themselves
Democrats dumped a reasonable smart Vice President Henry Wallace and replaced him with a dumb little bean counter Missouri senator Harry Truman when they knew that FDR was dying and would not live out his 4th term. Truman became president within three months of becoming vice president just like the democrat radicals planned. Japan was defeated and dying with no air cover to resist constant daylight raids and no effective navy. There were Bushido army holdouts but they could have been starved into submission or ordered to surrender without the use of the horrible weapon. Truman was a stooge without a clue and refused to negotiate with the defeated Japanese except for unconditional surrender (one of the major conditions was not to execute the emperor and it was confirmed after we reduced men, women and children to hot ash). Meanwhile the Japanese holdouts were trying to negotiate terms with Stalin. Truman signed the order to drop the Bomb and the egg heads who developed the abomination got their wish to use it on (sub) humans.
Whitehall, you are an idiot. Japan was nowhere near surrender. PLAN B was to reposition the thousands of 4-engine bombers from the European theater and use them to attack Japan and reduce the entire country to rubble. That is what the atomic bombs prevented. The Bombs saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
Democrats dumped a reasonable smart Vice President Henry Wallace and replaced him with a dumb little bean counter Missouri senator Harry Truman when they knew that FDR was dying and would not live out his 4th term. Truman became president within three months of becoming vice president just like the democrat radicals planned. Japan was defeated and dying with no air cover to resist constant daylight raids and no effective navy. There were Bushido army holdouts but they could have been starved into submission or ordered to surrender without the use of the horrible weapon. Truman was a stooge without a clue and refused to negotiate with the defeated Japanese except for unconditional surrender (one of the major conditions was not to execute the emperor and it was confirmed after we reduced men, women and children to hot ash). Meanwhile the Japanese holdouts were trying to negotiate terms with Stalin. Truman signed the order to drop the Bomb and the egg heads who developed the abomination got their wish to use it on (sub) humans.

Yea, it’s hard to be compassionate about people who fought so ferociously. Who were so cruel to their pows. But I guess they had to do what they had to do. But so did we.

I have a saying. Don’t screw with me and then be shocked at how I respond.
I attended the Black Ship Festival when stationed in Japan many a year ago.............It celebrates PEACE and the roads had Japanese and American Flags all over the place. When walking through the area.........Japanese people showed us the Peace symbol with their hands repeatedly and we did the same.
They were basically saying to NEVER AGAIN go to War and promised not to do so again.

The Atom bomb is an abomination to mankind................Man has had and still has the capability to kill everyone on the planet..........and man is probably stupid enough to do it in time..............It's something that we should wish was never invented...........but reality is different.

Let's just hope the MAD Principle stays sane.

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor
I don't believe that is the Point of the OP.................not sure........

I believe it is a point about Nuclear Weapons in General.

No one gives Japan a pass for attacking us.........and I'd go as far to say the Atom Bomb actually saved lives because it shortened the war.

But Nukes are dangerous to mankind...........and I hope mankind can keep a lid on them............
I'd rather remember those killed at Pearl Harbor.Japan brought the atomic bomb on themselves

Japan had already been defeated by the time we dropped the bombs. We were fire bombing their cities uncontested because they no longer had an air force to oppose us. Our military incinerated cities full of innocent men, women and children just to test the bombs on a civilian population. It was disgusting. We have no right to criticize anybody.
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73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor
I don't believe that is the Point of the OP.................not sure........

I believe it is a point about Nuclear Weapons in General.

No one gives Japan a pass for attacking us.........and I'd go as far to say the Atom Bomb actually saved lives because it shortened the war.

But Nukes are dangerous to mankind...........and I hope mankind can keep a lid on them............

The war with Japan was already over. We did it to test them on a civilian population and show Russia our willingness to use them.
I'd rather remember those killed at Pearl Harbor.Japan brought the atomic bomb on themselves

Japan had already been defeated by the time we dropped the bombs. We were fire bombing their cities because they no longer had an air force to oppose us. We had already killed far more civilians than they did, and then we decided to drop the bombs anyway. The bombs were dropped just for the sake of dropping them. Our military incinerated innocent men, women and children just to test the bombs on a civilian population. It was disgusting. We have no right to criticize anybody.
Japan had no intention of surrendering. The Council was controlled by hardliners and ONLY after the 2nd atomic bomb was dropped did the Emperor intervene to end the war and then the Army staged a Coup to stop THAT.

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor
I don't believe that is the Point of the OP.................not sure........

I believe it is a point about Nuclear Weapons in General.

No one gives Japan a pass for attacking us.........and I'd go as far to say the Atom Bomb actually saved lives because it shortened the war.

But Nukes are dangerous to mankind...........and I hope mankind can keep a lid on them............

The war with Japan was already over. We did it to test them on a civilian population and show Russia our willingness to use them.
Lie much? We dropped them to stop an invasion that would have seen a million allied casualties and probably the death of 6 to 8 million Japanese.

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor
I don't believe that is the Point of the OP.................not sure........

I believe it is a point about Nuclear Weapons in General.

No one gives Japan a pass for attacking us.........and I'd go as far to say the Atom Bomb actually saved lives because it shortened the war.

But Nukes are dangerous to mankind...........and I hope mankind can keep a lid on them............

The war with Japan was already over. We did it to test them on a civilian population and show Russia our willingness to use them.
My uncles and dad would say different................especially some of my uncles.............who were waiting for the invasion orders to end the War........

They believed we'd lose a million people taking the island of Japan..............and they were there...........I believe them over you.
I'd rather remember those killed at Pearl Harbor.Japan brought the atomic bomb on themselves

Japan had already been defeated by the time we dropped the bombs. We were fire bombing their cities because they no longer had an air force to oppose us. We had already killed far more civilians than they did, and then we decided to drop the bombs anyway. The bombs were dropped just for the sake of dropping them. Our military incinerated innocent men, women and children just to test the bombs on a civilian population. It was disgusting. We have no right to criticize anybody.
Japan had no intention of surrendering. The Council was controlled by hardliners and ONLY after the 2nd atomic bomb was dropped did the Emperor intervene to end the war and then the Army staged a Coup to stop THAT.

They had no air force left. We were bringing terror from the skies completely unopposed. Surrender was inevitable. It wasn't necessary to do what we did. It was out of a lack of respect for life. We could have just left and they would have had no way to continue fighting us.
I'd rather remember those killed at Pearl Harbor.Japan brought the atomic bomb on themselves

Japan had already been defeated by the time we dropped the bombs. We were fire bombing their cities because they no longer had an air force to oppose us. We had already killed far more civilians than they did, and then we decided to drop the bombs anyway. The bombs were dropped just for the sake of dropping them. Our military incinerated innocent men, women and children just to test the bombs on a civilian population. It was disgusting. We have no right to criticize anybody.
Japan had no intention of surrendering. The Council was controlled by hardliners and ONLY after the 2nd atomic bomb was dropped did the Emperor intervene to end the war and then the Army staged a Coup to stop THAT.

They had no air force left. We were bringing terror from the skies completely unopposed. Surrender was inevitable. It wasn't necessary to do what we did. It was out of a lack of respect for life.
Wrong as usual the Japanese Government intended to hold out for a negotiated settlement, guess what they wanted? Wait you do not have to guess they stated it. They wanted basically a ceasefire where all land taken from them was returned and we went back to the Nov 1941 start lines everywhere but China. No foreigners in Japan and removal of their Government. They made this demand even AFTER the first bomb was dropped and after the second they still refused to surrender, it took the intervention of the Emperor to end the war and THEN the Army which controlled the Government staged a Coup to prevent the Emperor from surrendering.
I was coming home on a navy hospital ship, during the bomb dropping period. We got the news every day and I remember well the day Japan surrendered. What struck me was that Instead of cheers of joy and huzzahs the entire ship became silent, so silent that for the first time I could hear the noise of the ship's rudder adjusting to keep the "Bountiful" on course.

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