Attorney Matthew DePerno Demolishes Defense in Call for Antrim County Election Audit


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
This is a chance for Trump's supporters to handle their case the right way. Employing a private company and allowing the unscrutinized counting without Demos participating is a killer for Trump's case.
Another performance like the Maricopa county nonsense will be a waste of time.

Face it, the only desirable effects are in making the claim of cheating.
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
In a call..before and after the alt-right media.
You do know this is going nowhere, right? :)
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
It's a feature, not a "glitch".
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
In a call..before and after the alt-right media.
You do know this is going nowhere, right? :)
No I do not know that, and either do you. You are an idiot and know very little.
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
This is a chance for Trump's supporters to handle their case the right way. Employing a private company and allowing the unscrutinized counting without Demos participating is a killer for Trump's case.
Another performance like the Maricopa county nonsense will be a waste of time.

Face it, the only desirable effects are in making the claim of cheating.
That reasoning should nullify the election because Republican observers were blocked on election night and the days after.
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
In a call..before and after the alt-right media.
You do know this is going nowhere, right? :)
No I do not know that, and either do you. You are an idiot and know very little.

This attorney can crow all he wants to a friendly media audience (let's face it, that's all this farce is), but the rubber meets the road in court. And I'm guessing he's getting his ass handed to him.
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
In a call..before and after the alt-right media.
You do know this is going nowhere, right? :)
No I do not know that, and either do you. You are an idiot and know very little.

This attorney can crow all he wants to a friendly media audience (let's face it, that's all this farce is), but the rubber meets the road in court. And I'm guessing he's getting his ass handed to him.
You are guessing that the intimidation and corruption will still work. Any denial of an audit just makes Democrats look more guilty, especially months after the election.
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
This is a chance for Trump's supporters to handle their case the right way. Employing a private company and allowing the unscrutinized counting without Demos participating is a killer for Trump's case.
Another performance like the Maricopa county nonsense will be a waste of time.

Face it, the only desirable effects are in making the claim of cheating.
That reasoning should nullify the election because Republican observers were blocked on election night and the days after.
It should and it could if the ballots were closely guarded by regular authorities. To allow the cyber-ninjas exclusive rights to handle them any way they chose has destroyed Trump's case.

The Trump side needs to abide by the rules or their case just becomes more 'blowing smoke'.

From a Canadian POV, it would be great to see this issue settled in an appropriate way. It's now become obvious that will be impossible.

Blowing smoke is the only way there can be any desired effect for Trump.

Take back the presidency on the basis of the people making a big enough protest! I wouldn't rule that out.

edit: It's obvious now that Trump is going to need the support of the military. legitimately supported or not?
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
In a call..before and after the alt-right media.
You do know this is going nowhere, right? :)
No I do not know that, and either do you. You are an idiot and know very little.

This attorney can crow all he wants to a friendly media audience (let's face it, that's all this farce is), but the rubber meets the road in court. And I'm guessing he's getting his ass handed to him.
We've thoroughly investigated ourselves and found that we're 100% legit! :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Will Biden leave the White House peacefully or must the troops stationed there escort him out?
If Biden loses the support of the 'troops', he won't be in any condition to walk or run anywhere. He will almost certainly be dead.

If you're going to talk of a fascist takeover of government then you can't stop short of understanding what it means.
The mods must be sleeping, they haven't moved this to the conspiracy theories forum yet.
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
In a call..before and after the alt-right media.
You do know this is going nowhere, right? :)
No I do not know that, and either do you. You are an idiot and know very little.

This attorney can crow all he wants to a friendly media audience (let's face it, that's all this farce is), but the rubber meets the road in court. And I'm guessing he's getting his ass handed to him.
You are guessing that the intimidation and corruption will still work. Any denial of an audit just makes Democrats look more guilty, especially months after the election.

No, I'm stating the FACTS will win out. And the facts are, all of these conspiracy theories have been debunked. There was no evidence of massive voter fraud or machine tampering.
This is simply a media sideshow to keep the big lie train running.
The mods must be sleeping, they haven't moved this to the conspiracy theories forum yet.
I think they consider it to not be a conspiracy theory.
In truth it's not because making waves for Trump is the motive for all of the recounts and hopes for recounts.
They're not going about it with intentions of there being any results. Allowing the cyber-ninjas exclusive access to ballots destroyed that case.

Can Trump's side make enough noise now or are they being largely ignored? Americans should be mostly concerned about that question.
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
In a call..before and after the alt-right media.
You do know this is going nowhere, right? :)
No I do not know that, and either do you. You are an idiot and know very little.

This attorney can crow all he wants to a friendly media audience (let's face it, that's all this farce is), but the rubber meets the road in court. And I'm guessing he's getting his ass handed to him.
You are guessing that the intimidation and corruption will still work. Any denial of an audit just makes Democrats look more guilty, especially months after the election.

No, I'm stating the FACTS will win out. And the facts are, all of these conspiracy theories have been debunked. There was no evidence of massive voter fraud or machine tampering.
This is simply a media sideshow to keep the big lie train running.
That's not the way it worked out when Hitler rose to power.
Surely some Americans can understand that the stage is being set.
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
In a call..before and after the alt-right media.
You do know this is going nowhere, right? :)
No I do not know that, and either do you. You are an idiot and know very little.

This attorney can crow all he wants to a friendly media audience (let's face it, that's all this farce is), but the rubber meets the road in court. And I'm guessing he's getting his ass handed to him.
You are guessing that the intimidation and corruption will still work. Any denial of an audit just makes Democrats look more guilty, especially months after the election.

No, I'm stating the FACTS will win out. And the facts are, all of these conspiracy theories have been debunked. There was no evidence of massive voter fraud or machine tampering.
This is simply a media sideshow to keep the big lie train running.
That's not the way it worked out when Hitler rose to power.
Surely some Americans can understand that the stage is being set.
Boy, are you dumb.
Boy, are you dumb.

Rightly or wrongly, making a big noise is the only way forward for Trump. I have to conclude that all legal means will fail now.
But the Trump cause can succeed if the American people are in the majority with the will to make it succeed.

I'm not taking sides, I'm just telling you that it doesn't appear that you have the numbers anymore.
And more important, you almost certainly don't have any significant numbers in the military.

Assassination of a sitting president? There's the Kennedy experience to ponder.
This is coming out and fraud will be proven. Has Dominion threatened this guy yet? I bet they have.
According to a report compiled by analyst Jeffrey Lendberg, the filing states [emphasis added]:

“The Antrim County Dominion Democracy Suite, Elections Management System (EMS), Results Tallying and Reporting RTR) application has been found to be subverted. Numerous error conditions that are identified by the tabulator are ignored by the EMS/RTR. The error conditions are easily reproduced and displayed on the tabulator, yet the EMS/RTR has been subverted in a fashion to purposefully ignore vote manipulation. This technical behavior is consistent with a subversion being deployed in the Antrim County EMS/RTR and is designed to mute such error reporting. This subversion technique is common among malicious actors seeking to proactively handle error conditions that would jeopardize their ability to modify software’s performance.”
This is a chance for Trump's supporters to handle their case the right way. Employing a private company and allowing the unscrutinized counting without Demos participating is a killer for Trump's case.
Another performance like the Maricopa county nonsense will be a waste of time.

Face it, the only desirable effects are in making the claim of cheating.
Lol. What a tool.

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