Attention Clinton supporters


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Hillary's electability has been badly damaged by her scandals. Before you start talking about right wing propaganda just consider that for the last week CNN, ABC and MSNBC have been reporting on new information involving her emails. Do you really think those news outlets would be pushing Republican propaganda? Whether or not you care is irrelevant; the fact remains that these scandals will sink her in the general election when it comes to independent voters. You know, the people that decide the election every single time. Bernie Sanders will destroy Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.

Bernie's biggest challenge so far has been his lack of name recognition. Most low information voters don't even know who he is, and many others have only heard of him. Once he's center stage and all of America is watching he will be unstoppable. We FINALLY have a chance to elect a TRUE progressive candidate not in the pocket of billionaires.

Please, make the right decision.
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Its simple. The Hillary supporters DO NOT CARE!. They didn't care when she defended a child rapist,they didn't care when she allowed her husband to use the oval office as his personal blow job room,They didn't care when she helped him cover up his NUMEROUS sexual assaults,why in the hell would they care when she KNOWINGLY lied about the murder of our people in Benghazi? THEY DON'T CARE! These people are not SANE! Oh and no Sanders would get DESTROYED if it comes down to him.I see his campaign A LOT like Ron Paul's. Lots of young folks but in the end people didn't vote for him.
Hillary's electability has been badly damaged by her scandals. Before you start talking about right wing propaganda just consider that for the last week CNN, ABC and MSNBC have been reporting on new information involving her emails. Do you really think those news outlets would be pushing Republican propaganda? Whether or not you care is irrelevant; the fact remains that these scandals will sink her in the general election when it comes to independent voters. You know, the people that decide the election every single time. Bernie Sanders will destroy Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.

Bernie's biggest challenge so far has been his lack of name recognition. Most low information voters don't even know who he is, and many others have only heard of him. Once he's center stage and all of America is watching he will be unstoppable. We FINALLY have a chance to elect a TRUE progressive candidate not in the pocket of billionaires.

Please, make the right decision.
Howard stern said why he thinks hillary lost. She didn’t try hard enough. She came off as elitist and thought trump was hanging himself everyday by saying the shit he said about McCain retards and women.

I remember hillary ran the same commercial about trump making fun of that handicap guy. After awhile it’s like ok but you haven’t visited mi wi or pa once.

Howard invited her on his show to explain to his demographic why they should vote for her. She declined.

Hillary collapsed then went into hiding. She didn’t want it as bad as trump and voters didn’t like her.

Trump would have beat Bernie too. Biden should have been our nominee damn bo for dying
I hate to think we didn5 go with our strongest candidate

There's really no way to know, but I'd bet a fortune that if Bernie could have just made it to the general where people would have had no choice but to notice him and pay attention, he would have won it all. I tried so hard to wake up the sleeping Clinton supporters. Whatever, old wounds.

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