CDZ Attention all you partisan afficianado/acolytes


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Martin Niemöller was born in the Westphalian town of Lippstadt, Germany, on January 14, 1892. In 1910 he became a cadet in the Imperial German Navy. With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Niemöller was assigned to a U-Boat, of which he was eventually appointed the commander. Under the stipulations of the armistice of November 11, 1918, that ended hostilities in World War I, Niemöller and other commanders were ordered to turn over their U-Boats to England. Along with many others, Niemöller refused to obey this order, and was, as a consequence, discharged from the Navy.

In 1920, he decided to follow the path of his father and began seminary training at the University of Münster.

Niemöller enthusiastically welcomed the Third Reich. But a turning point in Niemöller's political sympathies came with a January 1934 meeting of Adolf Hitler, Niemöller, and two prominent Protestant bishops to discuss state pressures on churches. At the meeting it became clear that Niemöller's phone had been tapped by the Gestapo (German Secret State Police). It was also clear that the Pastors Emergency League (PEL), which Niemöller had helped found, was under close state surveillance. Following the meeting, Niemöller would come to see the Nazi state as a dictatorship, one which he would oppose.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Don't believe for a minute you're on the right side in a political back and forth.
Politicians class voters 2 ways: Enemies or Tools-
It's not if they come for you, but, when.

Mod Note: Thread has been moved to CDZ for broader discussion/participation.. Keep to Zone 1 rules when joining in...
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The post belongs in the history forum but we should take note and thank God every day that the American Founding Fathers created the greatest document in human history where the people were in charge and not the government. Meanwhile Europe was still being led by savages for the next two hundred years. We can whine about the system or we can take charge in the voting booth..
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The post belongs in the history forum but we should take note and thank God every day that the American Founding Fathers created the greatest document in human history where the people were in charge and not the government. Meanwhile Europe was still being led by savages for the next two hundred years. We can whine about the system or we can take charge in the voting booth..
The post belongs where it is- it is relevant to what the title says- the voting booth is a joke- the lesser of two evils is still evil- same destination different rate of descent- the point being partisan bickering serves one purpose and one purpose only: To create political tools so the evil can continue/
The post belongs in the history forum but we should take note and thank God every day that the American Founding Fathers created the greatest document in human history where the people were in charge and not the government. Meanwhile Europe was still being led by savages for the next two hundred years. We can whine about the system or we can take charge in the voting booth..
The post belongs where it is- it is relevant to what the title says- the voting booth is a joke- the lesser of two evils is still evil- same destination different rate of descent- the point being partisan bickering serves one purpose and one purpose only: To create political tools so the evil can continue/
So what do you propose?
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The post belongs in the history forum but we should take note and thank God every day that the American Founding Fathers created the greatest document in human history where the people were in charge and not the government. Meanwhile Europe was still being led by savages for the next two hundred years. We can whine about the system or we can take charge in the voting booth..
The post belongs where it is- it is relevant to what the title says- the voting booth is a joke- the lesser of two evils is still evil- same destination different rate of descent- the point being partisan bickering serves one purpose and one purpose only: To create political tools so the evil can continue/
So what do you propose?
Leave your space a little better than you found it- pay no attention to partisan hacks.
I don't believe i live in the same America i was born in, i believe it's evolved into some sort of Orwellian dystopia .

And partisans, well they're all simply parroting what they've been told to

For ex, is there any relevant dif betwixt 'hope and change', and 'maga'...?

aren't they both simple slogans for simple minds , who can't conceive complex issues will never have simple solutions?

It's a shame really, the illusion of choice, illusion of freedom ,along with all this 'civil war' baloney , because people just can't come to grips with who we really are now

Martin Niemöller was born in the Westphalian town of Lippstadt, Germany, on January 14, 1892. In 1910 he became a cadet in the Imperial German Navy. With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Niemöller was assigned to a U-Boat, of which he was eventually appointed the commander. Under the stipulations of the armistice of November 11, 1918, that ended hostilities in World War I, Niemöller and other commanders were ordered to turn over their U-Boats to England. Along with many others, Niemöller refused to obey this order, and was, as a consequence, discharged from the Navy.

In 1920, he decided to follow the path of his father and began seminary training at the University of Münster.

Niemöller enthusiastically welcomed the Third Reich. But a turning point in Niemöller's political sympathies came with a January 1934 meeting of Adolf Hitler, Niemöller, and two prominent Protestant bishops to discuss state pressures on churches. At the meeting it became clear that Niemöller's phone had been tapped by the Gestapo (German Secret State Police). It was also clear that the Pastors Emergency League (PEL), which Niemöller had helped found, was under close state surveillance. Following the meeting, Niemöller would come to see the Nazi state as a dictatorship, one which he would oppose.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Don't believe for a minute you're on the right side in a political back and forth.
Politicians class voters 2 ways: Enemies or Tools-
It's not if they come for you, but, when.
what's your point here?
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what's your point here?

Thanks for validating my point(s).

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Don't believe for a minute you're on the right side in a political back and forth.
Politicians class voters 2 ways: Enemies or Tools-
It's not if they come for you, but, when.[/QUOTE]
what's your point here?[/QUOTE]
what's your point here?
what's your point here?

Thanks for validating my point(s).

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Don't believe for a minute you're on the right side in a political back and forth.
Politicians class voters 2 ways: Enemies or Tools-
It's not if they come for you, but, when.
what's your point here?[/QUOTE]
what's your point here?
.....since you prove you don't want to discuss in a discussion forum, you get the ignore button
..your OP doesn't make a point--it's just babbling
Martin Niemöller
One can only wonder how Martin would view the NSA, HS, FBI, TSA, FEMA, CIA, etc etc..

Don't believe for a minute you're on the right side in a political back and forth.
Politicians class voters 2 ways: Enemies or Tools-
It's not if they come for you, but, when.

It's already started, a little known doctrine called N.I.M.S. National Incident Management System |

Basically, da Gub'Mit requires every state and municipal ERE (emergency response employee) to pass, essentially deputizing them all to the fed's whim

Juxtapose that to the PA's doctrine of any sitting potus having dominion over the other 2 branches in a national emergency, and we've got the perfect recipe for a dictatorship

The post belongs in the history forum but we should take note and thank God every day that the American Founding Fathers created the greatest document in human history where the people were in charge and not the government. Meanwhile Europe was still being led by savages for the next two hundred years. We can whine about the system or we can take charge in the voting booth..
The constitution was the greatest govt document in history.
It also gets abused daily, multiple times. Its standing in our legal system is questionable at best.
That "voting booth" you speak of is the biggest reason it gets trampled.
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America is full of morons
Can't disagree though I'm not that harsh (most of the time- LOL) but, I think that over simplifies the problem.
There are so many problems in this Country it's mind boggling and they're reduced to Party affiliation. Since the problems are so wide spread it can't be just one Party's fault. Both sides of the non-existent aisle in DC are culpable as neither has done anything to protect or secure our Liberty which is their number one job. Just look at the discussion in the Liberty thread- there are people who are contemptuous of it. I'm not a fan of pledges (because words mean things) but the Pledge of Allegiance is a pretty good summary of what this Country was founded for- Liberty and Justice for all-
I posted the poem to try to get people to see the parallels between themselves and those the poem was written about, and I was asked; what's my point? SMH- that isn't moronic it's shallow minded.
America is full of morons

i might be qualified....

I'm not a fan of pledges (because words mean things) but the Pledge of Allegiance is a pretty good summary of what this Country was founded for- Liberty and Justice for all-

words vs. actions.....

can you remember saying it in school, then having to hide under your desk?

I posted the poem to try to get people to see the parallels between themselves and those the poem was written about, and I was asked; what's my point? SMH- that isn't moronic it's shallow minded.

please post it again

can you remember saying it in school, then having to hide under your desk?
Yes I do- I am 71 will turn 72 next month-

I agree with the sentiment, sorta, except to say- the allegiance is to the Flag and the Republic for which it stands- that isn't a Party or a person. The Republic used to stand for Liberty and Justice for all (allegedly) until the internet became useful and we now see that ain't really been the case, so, it's no longer a useful tool to stir patriotism. It's a relic of the past we believed we had though reading will prove that belief inaccurate-
The post belongs in the history forum but we should take note and thank God every day that the American Founding Fathers created the greatest document in human history where the people were in charge and not the government. Meanwhile Europe was still being led by savages for the next two hundred years. We can whine about the system or we can take charge in the voting booth..

Wow....led by savages for the next two hundred very odd since in 1790 the Americans who wrote the Constitution considered Europe to be the pinnacle of civilization.

That being said- the Constitution is probably the greatest creation of law ever. I find it amazing how well (in general) the Constitution got things. Not perfect- that is why we have Constitutional Amendments. But damn good.
For voters to believe that they are electing people who care about them and will "fix" America, they are sadly mistaken. Both sides of the aisle are only concerned with pushing forward the agenda both sides have agreed to - though they publicly behave like they are earnest adversaries.

We are failing as a society and our turn will come - when I don't know - when America gets tossed onto the pile of failed nations. Can America - even at this stage - be saved? I wouldn't bet on it.

The Constitution is an excellent document to establish a nation. It may be beaten up looking, dented, tarnished with age, but still a great document. One can only hope that some other group of peoples can do a better job of respecting it and living under it's guidance.

Yet, all that said, what do we do? Do we give up? Do we trash everything and start over? Do we just lay down and get rolled over? I just don't know.
1790 the Americans who wrote the Constitution considered Europe to be the pinnacle of civilization.

Wasn't the Constitution written to abolish the monarchies that ruled Europe?

It's too bad that we have chipped away at its elegant formula of layered representative government and have now unleashed an easily manipulated mob to chase the latest fashion.
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1790 the Americans who wrote the Constitution considered Europe to be the pinnacle of civilization.

Wasn't the Constitution written to abolish the monarchies that ruled Europe?


The Constitution was written to clearly establish that America was not going to have a monarchy like Europe.

But virtually everything of 'civilization' came from Europe- the laws America developed were largely taken from British law, and virtually every important scientific book in that era was written in Europe. Franklin, Jefferson, and others built their libraries from books published by those European savages.

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