Attacks On Jews Around the World

Sixties Fan

Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2017
Attacks on the Jewish Community is nothing new. On individuals or their businesses, Synagogues and Schools is also nothing new.

From time to time there is a rise in Judeophobic, Antisemitic, Jew hatred acts, and we seem to be living in one of them.

It clearly started around five years ago. The rise in White Supremacy, Nazi, Christian and Muslim attacks on Jews in too many cities all over the world, simply because of being Jewish.

There are many excuses used to attack any Jew who comes their way.

Free Palestine
Dirty Jew
Israel does not have the right to exist,
Israel is guilty of Apartheid
Israel is committing ethnic cleansing
We don't hate Jews, only Zionists
etc, etc, etc

Be the attacks on the streets, on Campuses, on the subways or anywhere else, they are clearly uncalled for and come from what each of those individuals who decide to attack one individual Jew - who has not done anything to them, or all Jews due to what they have wrongly learned about Israel, Judaism, Jewish history etc

I will be posting each individual case I do find in the news. There have been too many, which is why I decided to start this thread to deal with this more than common phenomenon, which did not look as bad as this since the Nazis took over Germany.
It was reported on Thursday that a man in Wales has been jailed for nine months after daubing swastikas and racist slogans on the side of a hairdressers.

David Elwyn Richards, 52, admitted to shouting abuse and racially harassing Reece Nash in Johnstown, Wrexham on 14th December. Mr Richards also admitted to racially aggravated damage after he painted the hairdressers that Mr Nash resided above with swastikas and racist slogans.

It was also reported that Mr Richards had Nazi-related tattoos on his body, and when police visited his home, they found that his bedroom was covered in “racist and antisemitic symbols and slogans”.

Judge Niclas Parry reportedly had to send Mr Richards out of the courtroom during the sentencing due to multiple disruptions.

Addressing the defence’s suggestion that a rehabilitation activity programme may be a more effective means of addressing Mr Richards’ issues, Judge Parry disagreed, stating: “This is a case about blatant ugly racism. It must be understood that racism will not be allowed to flourish.”

An 18-year-old Jewish man wearing a kippa in Cologne, Germany, was beaten by a group of 10 attackers in a public green space and taken to the hospital with a broken nose and cheekbone.

Police arrested two suspects in what they are deeming an antisemitic hate crime. The attack was captured on police surveillance video on Friday.

The suspects, ages 18 and 19, were released on Saturday on their own recognizance. There was no further information released about them.


Join the club.
It is not the same club. Never has been as Christians are responsible :

1) Being the first to suppress and attack Jews for the past 1700 years for any excuse they could come up with, and continue to come up with.

2) Christians are the ones responsible for the existence of Islam, which has always also suppressed Christians, because they learned from the older brother about supremacy over the Jews and how to "treat the Jews "

In other words, although it is horrible that Christians from all over the world are being persecuted by Muslims, they are reaping what they sowed for creating hatred for the Jewish People and continuing with that hatred to this day.
It is not the same club. Never has been as Christians are responsible :

1) Being the first to suppress and attack Jews for the past 1700 years for any excuse they could come up with, and continue to come up with.

2) Christians are the ones responsible for the existence of Islam, which has always also suppressed Christians, because they learned from the older brother about supremacy over the Jews and how to "treat the Jews "

In other words, although it is horrible that Christians from all over the world are being persecuted by Muslims, they are reaping what they sowed for creating hatred for the Jewish People and continuing with that hatred to this day.
1-So the Christians murdered by ISIS are deserved of their murders because they were mean to Jews? hmm? Interesting take.
2-Christians are responsible...for the existence of Islam? Because the Muslims taught the Christians to hate Jews? But I thought Christians attacked Jews for 1700 years?

In other words...after reading your overt hate speech. I can totally see why Jews are being persecuted. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Fuckin nutjob.
Every Jew should consider carrying arms or being trained in the use of firearms.


"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

-- Albert Einstein
I am not Jewish. But I guess I am underneath. A boss who was Jewish in the 80s told me that I was a Jew but didn't know it was yet. With what I have have seen from the "Christians" since them, I am seriously cool with being Jewish.

the problem is that Judaism is not a fallback position. It is a religion. I would have to study it, perhaps with a rabbi, learn its precepts, so when I pray, I pray with a whole and a free heart.
1-So the Christians murdered by ISIS are deserved of their murders because they were mean to Jews? hmm? Interesting take.
2-Christians are responsible...for the existence of Islam? Because the Muslims taught the Christians to hate Jews? But I thought Christians attacked Jews for 1700 years?

In other words...after reading your overt hate speech. I can totally see why Jews are being persecuted. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Fuckin nutjob.

They don't like being reminded of their enthusiastic alliance with Muslims in their invasions of Europe for centuries, and their mass murders of Christians before the rise of Islam. If you don't repeat the 'hapless victim' nonsense fabricated by Jewish racists you're a 'natzee n stuff'. The Orthodox and right wingers still won't condemn the Turks for their Armenian and Greek genocides, and some even still defend them. Netanyahu wouldn't condemn them either.
I am not Jewish. But I guess I am underneath. A boss who was Jewish in the 80s told me that I was a Jew but didn't know it was yet. With what I have have seen from the "Christians" since them, I am seriously cool with being Jewish.

the problem is that Judaism is not a fallback position. It is a religion. I would have to study it, perhaps with a rabbi, learn its precepts, so when I pray, I pray with a whole and a free heart.
1-So the Christians murdered by ISIS are deserved of their murders because they were mean to Jews? hmm? Interesting take.
2-Christians are responsible...for the existence of Islam? Because the Muslims taught the Christians to hate Jews? But I thought Christians attacked Jews for 1700 years?

In other words...after reading your overt hate speech. I can totally see why Jews are being persecuted. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Fuckin nutjob.
This thread is not about teaching anyone history.

Christianity and Islam are in the same club (referring to your first post) when it comes to the Jewish People, and individuals from each one have been attacking Jews as evidenced by the above posts.

All I wrote can be researched and read.
You have misquoted some of what I wrote due to possible lack of historical knowledge.

Lack of knowledge of what I wrote led you to call it a hate speech, rather than something which is historically accurate.

Thanks for deciding that Jews, after all, do deserve to be persecuted.
This thread is not about teaching anyone history.

Christianity and Islam are in the same club (referring to your first post) when it comes to the Jewish People, and individuals from each one have been attacking Jews as evidenced by the above posts.

All I wrote can be researched and read.
You have misquoted some of what I wrote due to possible lack of historical knowledge.

Lack of knowledge of what I wrote led you to call it a hate speech, rather than something which is historically accurate.

Thanks for deciding that Jews, after all, do deserve to be persecuted.
Well, I was just trying to relate with a common ground where Christians are persecuted as well. We do share those very important Judeo-Christian values...right?

Well, not according to you. According to you Christians deserve to be raped, murdered...oppressed...even crucified because of a past that they had no control over.

You are a strange, dare I say, evil person.
Well, I was just trying to relate with a common ground where Christians are persecuted as well. We do share those very important Judeo-Christian values...right?

Well, not according to you. According to you Christians deserve to be raped, murdered...oppressed...even crucified because of a past that they had no control over.

You are a strange, dare I say, evil person.
Educate yourself. Seriously, educate yourself.

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