Atheist Music


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
This video, not exactly classed atheist, comes pretty close. It does have lyrics, so the listener-reader does not have to use the audio to catch the drift of its reasoning:

These lyrics are fairly easy to hear:
Here the introducer of the video expresses the desire to see the lyrics. This rap line would be an interesting bass-drone didge experiment to effectively reach the lower chakras with a daemonic rhythm:

You beat badger to the punch! Yes, it's great music to test atheists lack of faith in religion!
A similar gospel tune that rocked when badger was a stone xian was Naomi and the Sego Brothers: Lifeboat, though its seems unavailable at youtube.
What's precious is to look back on one's time caught in the brain-washing of religion and recall the gradual release from the iron collar of its bondage and repression, which emancipation those in post #5 may never know. Speaking from the place of an ex-professional musician as well as an ex-xian, there are other versions of The Lifeboat at Youtube, thought a version of this gospel rock-waltz was exquisitely performed by Naomi and the Sego Brothers on their 1964 album. The tempos of the youtube versions seem like of a funeral dirge. In contrast, the N&SB version sports a potent, confident bass line and upbeat tempo as if they themselves wrote the song.

The Best of Sego Brothers and Naomi, 1964
Sego Brothers And Naomi - The Best Of Sego Brothers And Naomi
This is well-edited +7, informative + 8 and up to date on genres + 7 or 8

Monster on Sunday
The lyrics cannot be heard very well in the music, though are reproduced in the comments section at youtube. These lyrics are in line with radical atheism's tenets:

A Piece of Time

'....It's your piece of time.'

'In Ousia and gramme, Derrida pursues the link between the problem of temporality and the logic of identity by analyzing the treatment of time in the fourth book of Aristotle's Physics. Aristotle points out that there would be no time if there were only a single now. Rather, there must be (two [italics]) nows -- "an earlier one before and a later one after" -- in order for there to be time. Time is thus defined as succession, where each now is always superseded by another now. In thinking succession, however, Aristotle realizes that it contradicts his concept of identity as (presence in itself [it.]). A self-present, indivisible now could never even begin to give way to another now, since what is indivisible cannot be altered. This observation leads Aristotle to an impasse, since his logic of identity cannot account for the succession that constitutes time. Derrida articulates the problem as follows:

"Let us consider the sequence of nows. The preceding now, it is said, must be destroyed by the following now. But, Aristotle then points out, it cannot be destroyed "in itself" (en heutoi), that is, at the moment when it is (now, in act). No more can it be destroyed in another now (en alloi): for then it would not be destroyed as now itself; and, as a now which has been....inaccessible to the action of the following now (57/65)." '
(Haegglund M, Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life, p. 16)
Black Sabbath in post # 13: the video is well done. The lyrics are easy to hear and understand. Future Atheist music should follow suit because lyrics are all important.

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