Atheist Eve


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
She seems to see it like I do.

I believe she is trying to say that it is the Atheists who are being prosecuted and forced to accept someones religion. Which is , as we all know, total BS.
No, I'm not. I'm saying live and let live. Just live your lives. Don't persecute people who don't fit your personal belief system.

That message is completely clear, BD. I'm amazed at how some people have taken this.
Great, since I have never mentioned my own personal religion in this or any other forum that fits me to a T.

However when I see the prosecution of religion that has been going on in this country that is just wrong....
Great, since I have never mentioned my own personal religion in this or any other forum that fits me to a T.

However when I see the prosecution of religion that has been going on in this country that is just wrong....

Really? I think you meant the "persecution" of religion. The only religion I see persecuted in America is Islam.
She seems to see it like I do.


The sad thing is that the picture is true.....

I've only seen one religious person actually be respectful about the discussion on gay marriage. He simply said why he believes gays should not marry, but he also offered alternatives such as a civil union and acknowledged that they have rights too.

But everyone else is like what the picture explained (*cough*TANK*cough*).
Such as this thread:

Quoted from Bass 2.0: "Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice."

As highlighted, notice how he calls everyone who opposes religion and supports gays bigots? But do you also notice how he has to call us faggots and slander gays?
This guy is an ironic hypocrite....

And this thread:

Quoted from TANK: Just when we thought right wing teavangelicals had the market cornered on attempting to implement homophobia into public policy, the Black Church steps forward to prove us wrong.

Anti Homophobia? They just want their rights while not getting harassed or slandered!
And you are the one who is spreading homophobia! You claim that they want to turn your kids gay, You claim that they all have aids, You claim that they are pedofiles and perverts, and you have also claimed more!

You say all these things when they arent true. :cuckoo:

refer to these examples: (he thinks it's a disease) (He thinks that homosexuality is only to have gay sex. He has never heard of a guy loving a guy without that. Oh yeah, he claims they are pedophiles too)

But this is what he does when he's not being racist in 90% of his posts.....

It's something that needs to be addressed and taken care of. Political people in charge should not even have to think about whether they should give gays equal rights. And there should be anti-bullying laws aswell. Because these people harass gays also!
See here:
I believe she is trying to say that it is the Atheists who are being prosecuted and forced to accept someones religion.

The Christian Right is trying as hard as possible to force us atheists to support their religion by our tax dollars.

If you wanna believe in hocus pokus - that's your prerogative - but don't expect me to give a shit.
However when I see the prosecution of religion that has been going on in this country that is just wrong....

Cite the law of any jurisdiction in the United States that prohibits the practice of any given religion.

Absent that the above statement is wrong.
Given that we've seen this sort of double standard right here on this very board, I'd say that this somewhat over the top cartoon DOES represent the attitude of a vocal minority of militant Christians.

Not that most Christians are anywhere near this stupid, but certainly some of them are, and some of them are posting on THIS board.
Great, since I have never mentioned my own personal religion in this or any other forum that fits me to a T.

However when I see the prosecution of religion that has been going on in this country that is just wrong....

Really? I think you meant the "persecution" of religion. The only religion I see persecuted in America is Islam.

I don't really have a dog in the fight since religion seems a tad over the top for me. However, the stories about kids in schools being sent home for overt displays of their faith or of community symbols that carry christian messages being removed and so forth do seem to attack the idea of Chrisitianity in a community.

In my own stae, Indiana, there are two license plates that may be elected to adorn your car. One carries the symbol of the stae and the other carries the slogan, "In God We Trust". Suit was brought to eliminate the Free Status of the one that mentions God as being religious.

I saw this as being ridiculous so I elected to have that plate on my car in hopes that the busy body jerk who brought the suit would be behind me and get pissed off by the plate.

Of course, that's just me.
She seems to see it like I do.


The sad thing is that the picture is true.....

I've only seen one religious person actually be respectful about the discussion on gay marriage. He simply said why he believes gays should not marry, but he also offered alternatives such as a civil union and acknowledged that they have rights too.

But everyone else is like what the picture explained (*cough*TANK*cough*).
Such as this thread:

Quoted from Bass 2.0: "Seems like every time religious people affirm their belief in God and things Godly over things sinful that are accepted and embraced by man we get slammed as bigots and intolerant people, well what the heel do you want us to do, join you in your sinful lifestyles just to prove we're tolerant and not bigots? It seems the true bigots are these sexual and anti-religious liberals who bash those who choose God over sin. Just as faggots have the first amendment to "come out" and spread their bogus claims of homosexuality we religious people have the same rights in regards to our religion, stop trying to shut us up so you can have a solo voice."

As highlighted, notice how he calls everyone who opposes religion and supports gays bigots? But do you also notice how he has to call us faggots and slander gays?
This guy is an ironic hypocrite....

And this thread:

Quoted from TANK: Just when we thought right wing teavangelicals had the market cornered on attempting to implement homophobia into public policy, the Black Church steps forward to prove us wrong.

Anti Homophobia? They just want their rights while not getting harassed or slandered!
And you are the one who is spreading homophobia! You claim that they want to turn your kids gay, You claim that they all have aids, You claim that they are pedofiles and perverts, and you have also claimed more!

You say all these things when they arent true. :cuckoo:

refer to these examples: (he thinks it's a disease) (He thinks that homosexuality is only to have gay sex. He has never heard of a guy loving a guy without that. Oh yeah, he claims they are pedophiles too)

But this is what he does when he's not being racist in 90% of his posts.....

It's something that needs to be addressed and taken care of. Political people in charge should not even have to think about whether they should give gays equal rights. And there should be anti-bullying laws aswell. Because these people harass gays also!
See here:

Many of the folks who oppose prayer in school or the display of religious symbols do not do so in the calm and restrained manner of the young lady in the cartoon.

As far as anti bullying laws, there used to be a means to do that, but the legal system has removed it and now the only people in schools allowed to use corporal punishment are the bullies.

Until the notion of excluding those who are disrupters from the public school system is embraced, the public schools will be soft core versions of our prisons.

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