At last, a speedy approval for Romero


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Pope Francis has approved a decree that Archbishop Oscar A. Romero is a martyr, confirming an earlier decision last month by a group of theologians. The news came on the same date—February 3rd—on which Romero was named Archbishop of San Salvador in 1977. [Why Romero matters today]
The Pope's action followed a vote earlier that same day whereby a commission of cardinals gave their approval. The vote of the cardinals, like that of the theologians before it, was unanimous, according to Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the postulator of the Cause. The decree was to have been delivered to the Pope on Thursday, but he asked to have it right away. The cardinals’ vote itself marked a sudden acceleration for the Romero cause, given that the cardinals’ ratification of theologians’ votes normally take several months to come. To wit: said lapse of time was five months in the case of Saint John Paul II; six months in the case of Opus Dei founder Saint Josemaría Escrivá; and eleven months for Bl. Jerzy Popieluszko, the Polish martyr beatified via fast track a mere 22 years after his death at the hands of the Communist regime. By contrast, the wait has been less than one month for Archbishop Romero—the briefest of all the cases studied by Super Martyrio. Not so for the process that went before.
Super Martyrio has learned details of the cause that corroborate the legend of a cause of beatification blocked by Vatican authorities on suspicion of doctrinal irregularities and ideological exploitation by the Left. But, according to the information, the legend is wrong in supposing Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI had “blocked” the cause; in fact, the obstacles came from the Vatican Curia, and Pope Wojtyla in particular gave his support to counter their opposition, while Benedict remained neutral when he was part of the Curia and was favorably inclined as Pope. Although some parts of the narrative had already been aired, dramatic new details illustrate the diversion and almost total obstruction of the cause.

SUPER MARTYRIO At last a speedy approval for Romero

The most informative piece comes from the above blog. It straightens out a few misconceptions.

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