At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead.........


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead

The victory of Donald Trump for the presidency and the continued Republican control of the House and Senate is only part of the story of the Democratic Party's total demise.

Expected to make modest gains in state legislatures across the country, the Democrats instead lost governorships, lost two state legislative chambers, and now have total control of only five states -- the fewest number in their history.

Perhaps the loudest bell tolling for the death of the Democrats is in Kentucky, where Republicans gained control of the state Senate for the first time in a century. This means that for the first time in history, there is not a single state legislative chamber controlled by Democrats in the old Confederacy.

In the Electoral College, where Republicans took six of the ten biggest prizes for the first time since the Reagan years, Democrats should no longer be considered a national party. They are, at best, a coastal party with a few liberal enclaves -- mostly college towns like Madison, WI, and Austin, TX -- in between.

And just a week ago the lying media was saying that the Republican party is dead. Should this be legal in the USA?
Its okay, it (and liberals) will still get blamed for everything wrong with the nation although they have been largely powerless for over a decade now.
i did the math, come 2018 midterm erections, the senate will take another 47.5 seats, and we will have 98 seats and the rats will have 2 rats
At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead

The victory of Donald Trump for the presidency and the continued Republican control of the House and Senate is only part of the story of the Democratic Party's total demise.

Expected to make modest gains in state legislatures across the country, the Democrats instead lost governorships, lost two state legislative chambers, and now have total control of only five states -- the fewest number in their history.

Perhaps the loudest bell tolling for the death of the Democrats is in Kentucky, where Republicans gained control of the state Senate for the first time in a century. This means that for the first time in history, there is not a single state legislative chamber controlled by Democrats in the old Confederacy.

In the Electoral College, where Republicans took six of the ten biggest prizes for the first time since the Reagan years, Democrats should no longer be considered a national party. They are, at best, a coastal party with a few liberal enclaves -- mostly college towns like Madison, WI, and Austin, TX -- in between.

And just a week ago the lying media was saying that the Republican party is dead. Should this be legal in the USA?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

Arrogance sunk the Democratic Party to this level, and arrogance will sink the GOP again... It will take until 2022 but the Democrats will gain seats again in the Senate and by 2024 they will win the White House...

In 2006 many Democrats were gloating and by 2008 they wrote about the death of the GOP and how it would take one hundred years for the GOP to recover and by 2010 the Democrats lost the house and in 2014 and 2016 the wave continue to usher out the Democratic Party...

Pendulum swing in your party direction for now but the growing of the Asian and Hispanic communities in America will one day help the Democratic Party gain states like Texas and Florida because the GOP voters like you will exclude them from your vision of America...

See if I am wrong and note I am not a supporter of either political party...
At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead

The victory of Donald Trump for the presidency and the continued Republican control of the House and Senate is only part of the story of the Democratic Party's total demise.

Expected to make modest gains in state legislatures across the country, the Democrats instead lost governorships, lost two state legislative chambers, and now have total control of only five states -- the fewest number in their history.

Perhaps the loudest bell tolling for the death of the Democrats is in Kentucky, where Republicans gained control of the state Senate for the first time in a century. This means that for the first time in history, there is not a single state legislative chamber controlled by Democrats in the old Confederacy.

In the Electoral College, where Republicans took six of the ten biggest prizes for the first time since the Reagan years, Democrats should no longer be considered a national party. They are, at best, a coastal party with a few liberal enclaves -- mostly college towns like Madison, WI, and Austin, TX -- in between.

And just a week ago the lying media was saying that the Republican party is dead. Should this be legal in the USA?

Yeah, but that has been happening for awhile. In many locations there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans. The focus has been on the DNC at the expense of the states. It's why the Victory Fund got the middle finger.
well, the average age of a democrat is 75, by the time we get to 2020, it will be Mike Pence {60} vs an 80-85 year old man wearing a cath bag and cant climb stairs
At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead

The victory of Donald Trump for the presidency and the continued Republican control of the House and Senate is only part of the story of the Democratic Party's total demise.

Expected to make modest gains in state legislatures across the country, the Democrats instead lost governorships, lost two state legislative chambers, and now have total control of only five states -- the fewest number in their history.

Perhaps the loudest bell tolling for the death of the Democrats is in Kentucky, where Republicans gained control of the state Senate for the first time in a century. This means that for the first time in history, there is not a single state legislative chamber controlled by Democrats in the old Confederacy.

In the Electoral College, where Republicans took six of the ten biggest prizes for the first time since the Reagan years, Democrats should no longer be considered a national party. They are, at best, a coastal party with a few liberal enclaves -- mostly college towns like Madison, WI, and Austin, TX -- in between.

And just a week ago the lying media was saying that the Republican party is dead. Should this be legal in the USA?
Republicans have controlled our state senate since 2010, it is the state House that we won.

It is funny because Kentucky is one of the states that Democrats actually did pretty well in the 2010 election.
At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead

The victory of Donald Trump for the presidency and the continued Republican control of the House and Senate is only part of the story of the Democratic Party's total demise.

Expected to make modest gains in state legislatures across the country, the Democrats instead lost governorships, lost two state legislative chambers, and now have total control of only five states -- the fewest number in their history.

Perhaps the loudest bell tolling for the death of the Democrats is in Kentucky, where Republicans gained control of the state Senate for the first time in a century. This means that for the first time in history, there is not a single state legislative chamber controlled by Democrats in the old Confederacy.

In the Electoral College, where Republicans took six of the ten biggest prizes for the first time since the Reagan years, Democrats should no longer be considered a national party. They are, at best, a coastal party with a few liberal enclaves -- mostly college towns like Madison, WI, and Austin, TX -- in between.

And just a week ago the lying media was saying that the Republican party is dead. Should this be legal in the USA?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

Arrogance sunk the Democratic Party to this level, and arrogance will sink the GOP again... It will take until 2022 but the Democrats will gain seats again in the Senate and by 2024 they will win the White House...

In 2006 many Democrats were gloating and by 2008 they wrote about the death of the GOP and how it would take one hundred years for the GOP to recover and by 2010 the Democrats lost the house and in 2014 and 2016 the wave continue to usher out the Democratic Party...

Pendulum swing in your party direction for now but the growing of the Asian and Hispanic communities in America will one day help the Democratic Party gain states like Texas and Florida because the GOP voters like you will exclude them from your vision of America...

See if I am wrong and note I am not a supporter of either political party...
Democrats will be out of wedge issues by 2024.

Without wedge strawmen "progressivism" is actually quite non-partisan and minorities will be splitting their vote much more evenly.

The real issue is that Democrats have lost the white vote for eternity, so if minorities split their vote, then you will be clobbered in even California.
At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead

The victory of Donald Trump for the presidency and the continued Republican control of the House and Senate is only part of the story of the Democratic Party's total demise.

Expected to make modest gains in state legislatures across the country, the Democrats instead lost governorships, lost two state legislative chambers, and now have total control of only five states -- the fewest number in their history.

Perhaps the loudest bell tolling for the death of the Democrats is in Kentucky, where Republicans gained control of the state Senate for the first time in a century. This means that for the first time in history, there is not a single state legislative chamber controlled by Democrats in the old Confederacy.

In the Electoral College, where Republicans took six of the ten biggest prizes for the first time since the Reagan years, Democrats should no longer be considered a national party. They are, at best, a coastal party with a few liberal enclaves -- mostly college towns like Madison, WI, and Austin, TX -- in between.

And just a week ago the lying media was saying that the Republican party is dead. Should this be legal in the USA?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

Arrogance sunk the Democratic Party to this level, and arrogance will sink the GOP again... It will take until 2022 but the Democrats will gain seats again in the Senate and by 2024 they will win the White House...

In 2006 many Democrats were gloating and by 2008 they wrote about the death of the GOP and how it would take one hundred years for the GOP to recover and by 2010 the Democrats lost the house and in 2014 and 2016 the wave continue to usher out the Democratic Party...

Pendulum swing in your party direction for now but the growing of the Asian and Hispanic communities in America will one day help the Democratic Party gain states like Texas and Florida because the GOP voters like you will exclude them from your vision of America...

See if I am wrong and note I am not a supporter of either political party...
Democrats will be out of wedge issues by 2024.

Without wedge strawmen "progressivism" is actually quite non-partisan and minorities will be splitting their vote much more evenly.

The real issue is that Democrats have lost the white vote for eternity, so if minorities split their vote, then you will be clobbered in even California.

You do know I am not a democrat and voted Libertarian this last election cycle so there is no you when it come to me!

Also again the GOP will not be removing wedge issues like Roe vs. Wade or Immigration Reform and seeing those issues will be there in 2024 mean that the Democrats will still have their platform on those issues.

The older Democratic Party is dying off and will be out of power two election cycles ( including mid-term elections ) but will slowly gain again.

GOP thought they were riding high in 2004 and then 2006 happen and Democrats thought they were going to rule forever in 2008 and then 2010 happens...

So what does that tell me?

Pendulum swing is about to shift again and because you do not believe it, well of course you don't but the GOP will not retain the senate for more than twelve years the most and eight years the least and that is why I am picking 2024...
At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead

The victory of Donald Trump for the presidency and the continued Republican control of the House and Senate is only part of the story of the Democratic Party's total demise.

Expected to make modest gains in state legislatures across the country, the Democrats instead lost governorships, lost two state legislative chambers, and now have total control of only five states -- the fewest number in their history.

Perhaps the loudest bell tolling for the death of the Democrats is in Kentucky, where Republicans gained control of the state Senate for the first time in a century. This means that for the first time in history, there is not a single state legislative chamber controlled by Democrats in the old Confederacy.

In the Electoral College, where Republicans took six of the ten biggest prizes for the first time since the Reagan years, Democrats should no longer be considered a national party. They are, at best, a coastal party with a few liberal enclaves -- mostly college towns like Madison, WI, and Austin, TX -- in between.

And just a week ago the lying media was saying that the Republican party is dead. Should this be legal in the USA?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

Arrogance sunk the Democratic Party to this level, and arrogance will sink the GOP again... It will take until 2022 but the Democrats will gain seats again in the Senate and by 2024 they will win the White House...

In 2006 many Democrats were gloating and by 2008 they wrote about the death of the GOP and how it would take one hundred years for the GOP to recover and by 2010 the Democrats lost the house and in 2014 and 2016 the wave continue to usher out the Democratic Party...

Pendulum swing in your party direction for now but the growing of the Asian and Hispanic communities in America will one day help the Democratic Party gain states like Texas and Florida because the GOP voters like you will exclude them from your vision of America...

See if I am wrong and note I am not a supporter of either political party...
Democrats will be out of wedge issues by 2024.

Without wedge strawmen "progressivism" is actually quite non-partisan and minorities will be splitting their vote much more evenly.

The real issue is that Democrats have lost the white vote for eternity, so if minorities split their vote, then you will be clobbered in even California.

You do know I am not a democrat and voted Libertarian this last election cycle so there is no you when it come to me!

Also again the GOP will not be removing wedge issues like Roe vs. Wade or Immigration Reform and seeing those issues will be there in 2024 mean that the Democrats will still have their platform on those issues.

The older Democratic Party is dying off and will be out of power two election cycles ( including mid-term elections ) but will slowly gain again.

GOP thought they were riding high in 2004 and then 2006 happen and Democrats thought they were going to rule forever in 2008 and then 2010 happens...

So what does that tell me?

Pendulum swing is about to shift again and because you do not believe it, well of course you don't but the GOP will not retain the senate for more than twelve years the most and eight years the least and that is why I am picking 2024...
Bush didn't take on cultural Marxism(the most powerful force the Democrats and the new western left has).

Trumpism is taking on everything other than maybe abortion(which might be decided by the new Supreme Court).

The leftists in Europe are about to get trashed as well btw. Bush couldn't dream of that happening.
At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead

The victory of Donald Trump for the presidency and the continued Republican control of the House and Senate is only part of the story of the Democratic Party's total demise.

Expected to make modest gains in state legislatures across the country, the Democrats instead lost governorships, lost two state legislative chambers, and now have total control of only five states -- the fewest number in their history.

Perhaps the loudest bell tolling for the death of the Democrats is in Kentucky, where Republicans gained control of the state Senate for the first time in a century. This means that for the first time in history, there is not a single state legislative chamber controlled by Democrats in the old Confederacy.

In the Electoral College, where Republicans took six of the ten biggest prizes for the first time since the Reagan years, Democrats should no longer be considered a national party. They are, at best, a coastal party with a few liberal enclaves -- mostly college towns like Madison, WI, and Austin, TX -- in between.

And just a week ago the lying media was saying that the Republican party is dead. Should this be legal in the USA?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

Arrogance sunk the Democratic Party to this level, and arrogance will sink the GOP again... It will take until 2022 but the Democrats will gain seats again in the Senate and by 2024 they will win the White House...

In 2006 many Democrats were gloating and by 2008 they wrote about the death of the GOP and how it would take one hundred years for the GOP to recover and by 2010 the Democrats lost the house and in 2014 and 2016 the wave continue to usher out the Democratic Party...

Pendulum swing in your party direction for now but the growing of the Asian and Hispanic communities in America will one day help the Democratic Party gain states like Texas and Florida because the GOP voters like you will exclude them from your vision of America...

See if I am wrong and note I am not a supporter of either political party...
Democrats will be out of wedge issues by 2024.

Without wedge strawmen "progressivism" is actually quite non-partisan and minorities will be splitting their vote much more evenly.

The real issue is that Democrats have lost the white vote for eternity, so if minorities split their vote, then you will be clobbered in even California.

You do know I am not a democrat and voted Libertarian this last election cycle so there is no you when it come to me!

Also again the GOP will not be removing wedge issues like Roe vs. Wade or Immigration Reform and seeing those issues will be there in 2024 mean that the Democrats will still have their platform on those issues.

The older Democratic Party is dying off and will be out of power two election cycles ( including mid-term elections ) but will slowly gain again.

GOP thought they were riding high in 2004 and then 2006 happen and Democrats thought they were going to rule forever in 2008 and then 2010 happens...

So what does that tell me?

Pendulum swing is about to shift again and because you do not believe it, well of course you don't but the GOP will not retain the senate for more than twelve years the most and eight years the least and that is why I am picking 2024...
Bush didn't take on cultural Marxism(the most powerful force the Democrats and the new western left has).

Trumpism is taking on everything other than maybe abortion(which might be decided by the new Supreme Court).

The leftists in Europe are about to get trashed as well btw. Bush couldn't dream of that happening.

1. With the Nomination from Trump the Supreme Court will still be 5-4 for Roe vs. Wade if Trump select someone that is Social Conservative...

You will need another justice to retire or die for you to switch it 5-4 in your favor...

2. Again you believe like so many on the left did that your political party can not falter and believe that Trump will ride this wave and kill off the opposition party, and yet reality is the Democrats will rise again like a bad case of herpes but will come back again because once you contracted they never go away!
i can already vision Pence debating a frail old 85 year old man in the left podium, who needed a tennis ball walker to get to the podium with Huma standing by his side with his medications and prune juice.
i can already vision Pence debating a frail old 85 year old man in the left podium, who needed a tennis ball walker to get to the podium with Huma standing by his side with his medications and prune juice.
What if Trump debates Hillary again, only this time from an intensive care ward at Johns Hopkins hospital...... Then Pence debates Chelsea from Levinworth military prison........................
i can already vision Pence debating a frail old 85 year old man in the left podium, who needed a tennis ball walker to get to the podium with Huma standing by his side with his medications and prune juice.
What if Trump debates Hillary again, only this time from an intensive care ward at Johns Hopkins hospital...... Then Pence debates Chelsea from Levinworth military prison........................
i see 2020, Trump VS Hillary, and like we have seen from the photo-shops, Hillary will be by her podium,, a bed with three doctors monitering her last 4 vital body parts.
Obama's Legacy:


i can already vision Pence debating a frail old 85 year old man in the left podium, who needed a tennis ball walker to get to the podium with Huma standing by his side with his medications and prune juice.
What if Trump debates Hillary again, only this time from an intensive care ward at Johns Hopkins hospital...... Then Pence debates Chelsea from Levinworth military prison........................
you can also vision what a Pence/Sanders debate will look like. I can already see a Priest on standy right behind Bernie's side curtain.
You're right for the most part, but i'm more cautious. Don't underestimate the Anti-American Globalist Elite Establishment. They have an incredible amount of power in the world. This loss is shocking for them, but they aren't going away.

The Globalist Elites will work tirelessly to sabotage Trump and the country. They could crash the World Economy and blame it all on Trump. They have that kind of power. So the Democrats are down, but they're not out. Remember, it's a corrupt two party system. Neither one is going away.
At Every Level of Government, the Democratic Party is Dead

The victory of Donald Trump for the presidency and the continued Republican control of the House and Senate is only part of the story of the Democratic Party's total demise.

Expected to make modest gains in state legislatures across the country, the Democrats instead lost governorships, lost two state legislative chambers, and now have total control of only five states -- the fewest number in their history.

Perhaps the loudest bell tolling for the death of the Democrats is in Kentucky, where Republicans gained control of the state Senate for the first time in a century. This means that for the first time in history, there is not a single state legislative chamber controlled by Democrats in the old Confederacy.

In the Electoral College, where Republicans took six of the ten biggest prizes for the first time since the Reagan years, Democrats should no longer be considered a national party. They are, at best, a coastal party with a few liberal enclaves -- mostly college towns like Madison, WI, and Austin, TX -- in between.

And just a week ago the lying media was saying that the Republican party is dead. Should this be legal in the USA?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

Arrogance sunk the Democratic Party to this level, and arrogance will sink the GOP again... It will take until 2022 but the Democrats will gain seats again in the Senate and by 2024 they will win the White House...

In 2006 many Democrats were gloating and by 2008 they wrote about the death of the GOP and how it would take one hundred years for the GOP to recover and by 2010 the Democrats lost the house and in 2014 and 2016 the wave continue to usher out the Democratic Party...

Pendulum swing in your party direction for now but the growing of the Asian and Hispanic communities in America will one day help the Democratic Party gain states like Texas and Florida because the GOP voters like you will exclude them from your vision of America...

See if I am wrong and note I am not a supporter of either political party...
Democrats will be out of wedge issues by 2024.

Without wedge strawmen "progressivism" is actually quite non-partisan and minorities will be splitting their vote much more evenly.

The real issue is that Democrats have lost the white vote for eternity, so if minorities split their vote, then you will be clobbered in even California.

You do know I am not a democrat and voted Libertarian this last election cycle so there is no you when it come to me!

Also again the GOP will not be removing wedge issues like Roe vs. Wade or Immigration Reform and seeing those issues will be there in 2024 mean that the Democrats will still have their platform on those issues.

The older Democratic Party is dying off and will be out of power two election cycles ( including mid-term elections ) but will slowly gain again.

GOP thought they were riding high in 2004 and then 2006 happen and Democrats thought they were going to rule forever in 2008 and then 2010 happens...

So what does that tell me?

Pendulum swing is about to shift again and because you do not believe it, well of course you don't but the GOP will not retain the senate for more than twelve years the most and eight years the least and that is why I am picking 2024...
Bush didn't take on cultural Marxism(the most powerful force the Democrats and the new western left has).

Trumpism is taking on everything other than maybe abortion(which might be decided by the new Supreme Court).

The leftists in Europe are about to get trashed as well btw. Bush couldn't dream of that happening.

1. With the Nomination from Trump the Supreme Court will still be 5-4 for Roe vs. Wade if Trump select someone that is Social Conservative...

You will need another justice to retire or die for you to switch it 5-4 in your favor...

2. Again you believe like so many on the left did that your political party can not falter and believe that Trump will ride this wave and kill off the opposition party, and yet reality is the Democrats will rise again like a bad case of herpes but will come back again because once you contracted they never go away!
On the contrary, I just believe Democrats don't change from regressive beliefs. I am the real left(humanist) and the only difference between me and the actual progressive Democrat voters(predominately Sanders supporters, as I was telling people the whole time, even when "Sander's" supporters were attacking Trump supporters) is my higher IQ, so they will come around to my thinking in time.

The now hated regressive left(which I identified before anyone else has) IS the Democratic Party, and that means they will continue to lose more and more and more voters. Do you see Hillary or Obama stopping the protesters? Do you see the regressive assholes running Twitter and Tumblr deleting threats to the life of president-elect Trump?

Once the regressive left loses Germany and Sweden, they will be permanently dead in the west and they will have to hope Asians buy their shit.
You're right for the most part, but i'm more cautious. Don't underestimate the Anti-American Globalist Elite Establishment. They have an incredible amount of power in the world. This loss is shocking for them, but they aren't going away.

The Globalist Elites will work tirelessly to sabotage Trump and the country. They could crash the World Economy and blame it all on Trump. They have that kind of power. So the Democrats are down, but they're not out. Remember, it's a corrupt two party system. Neither one is going away.
The USA can not be sabotaged, not with a real leader anyway. The USA is just too big, you want aid, shut up and get with the plan, you want to sell that here, get with the plan...............Mexico is scared shitless because Trump can easily restrict US money leaving the country, which would force illegals to return to Mexico to hunt iguanas for food
Pendulum swing in your party direction for now but the growing of the Asian and Hispanic communities in America will one day help the Democratic Party gain states like Texas and Florida because the GOP voters like you will exclude them from your vision of America....

Yep. This is a problem Bush had the foresight to see over 10 years ago. His administration did a lot of out reach to Hispanics and he won 44% of their vote in 2004, but then the xenophobes and the racists in his party destroyed all of that goodwill they had built up with the Hispanic community

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