CDZ Assortive Mating Crime


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Interesting article I happened upon today concerning the real reason for America's growing "inequality". Now, before anyone asks, NO link for you. If you want to read the article run a websearch on "Assortive Mating" or "Assortive Marriage". If you can.

What it comes down to is that intelligent people tend to marry other intelligent people. Politically inclined people tend to marry other politically inclined people. This is causing the rise or dynasties. Clintons. Kennedys. Bushes. Plainly the start of a new a new aristocracy.

What I am proposing is NOT a ban on assortive marriage. Simply a redistribution of abilities. Under this plan all persons of either gender would be tested by a government agency and graded according to abilities and propensities. There would be no prohibition on "likes" marrying "likes". Merely on their procreating. In this plan those of high intellect would be required to impregnate, or be impregnated by, a person whose scores were in the lower 25% or the population before being licensed to marry within their own classification. In event of miscarriage or termination of the mandated pregnancy the licensing of a "like to like" marriage would not be permitted until a subsequent pregnancy bore fruit.

This, of course, would not apply to same-sex couples until such time as such unions are proven capable or producing offspring without assistance from donors or by any artificial means.

It appears that without such a plan America is doomed to a future as "subjects" rather than "citizens".

Should we be concerned?

Should Congress act?

Could Congress act?
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As far as your questions are concerned?

Cite anywhere in the constitution an article or subsection that would give the government the authority to interfere in such an intimate and drastic way with people's very personal relationships and families?

Maybe in China, Cuba or some dictatorial regime, or maybe if we threw out all pretense of following the constitution such evil eugenic fantasies could be tendered, but not now, not here. We still have something called freedom.

It's odd though, this idea is nothing new and is not something that has been recently noted. If you cared to watch that clip from Idiocracy that I posted, it posits such a future. But that is not the first time writers have envisioned such a splintering of the social dynamics into social castes of genetically disparate subsets.

In H.G. Wells The Time Machine;
"In The Time Machine

By the year AD 802,701, humanity has evolved into two separate species: the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are the childlike, frail group, living a banal life of ease on the surface of the earth, while the Morlocks live underground, tending machinery and providing food, clothing and infrastructure for the Eloi. Each class evolved and degenerated from humans. The novel suggests that the separation of species may have been the result of a widening split between different social classes, a theme that reflects Wells's sociopolitical opinions.

The main difference from their earlier ruler-worker state is that, while the Morlocks continue to support the world's infrastructure and serve the Eloi, the Eloi have undergone significant physical and mental deterioration. Having solved all problems that required strength, intelligence, or virtue, they have slowly become dissolute and naive. They are described as being smaller than modern humans, having shoulder-length curly hair, chins that ran to a point, large eyes, small ears, and small mouths with bright red thin lips. They are of sub-human intelligence, though apparently intelligent enough to speak, as they have a primitive language. They do not perform much work, and in the book and 1960 film when Weena falls into the river, none of the Eloi help her.

While one initially has the impression that the Eloi people live a life of play and toil-less abundance, it is revealed that the Morlocks are attending to the Eloi's needs for the same reason a farmer tends cattle; the Morlocks use the Eloi for food. This explains why there are no old Eloi, and why they seem to fear the dark."
Eloi - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Is that what you fear if we don't mandate "Assortive Mating" lol

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