Associated Press was sheltering Hamas terrorists in their Gaza building

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.

Israeli intelligence uncovered the connections before destroying the building in an airstrike.

Leftist media are LITERALLY acting as human shields for Islamic terrorists, something many of us suspected all along, and it's now confirmed. These are war crimes.

Biden, a known anti-semite, will of course do nothing about this, but at least Israel did his job for him and exposed this incredibly dangerous partnership.

This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.

Israeli intelligence uncovered the connections before destroying the building in an airstrike.

Leftist media are LITERALLY acting as human shields for Islamic terrorists, something many of us suspected all along, and it's now confirmed. These are war crimes.

Biden, a known anti-semite, will of course do nothing about this, but at least Israel did his job for him and exposed this incredibly dangerous partnership.

No surprise here at all. The media today are mostly Marxist and deeply anti-Semitic and racist. Only idiots and Dims (I know, the same thing) believes anything the media says.
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.
How would that justify a missile strike on a building full of innocent people, not to mention International News Outlets?

You should probably read the article before you attempt to spread Hamas propaganda...

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tweeted: “After providing advance warning to civilians & time to evacuate, IDF fighter jets struck a multi-story building containing Hamas military intelligence assets. The building contained civilian media offices, which Hamas hides behind and deliberately uses as human shields.”

No journalists were apparently harmed in the attack, other than the apparent loss of valuable equipment and archives.

IDF Spokesperson Hidai Zilberman released a statement detailing terrorist assets in the complex, including a Hamas research and development unit and military intelligence, as well as offices of the Islamic Jihad terror group.
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.
How would that justify a missile strike on a building full of innocent people, not to mention International News Outlets?

Unlike Hamas, Israel warned the occupants an hour before the strike. There were no injuries.
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.
How would that justify a missile strike on a building full of innocent people, not to mention International News Outlets?

You should probably read the article before you attempt to spread Hamas propaganda...

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tweeted: “After providing advance warning to civilians & time to evacuate, IDF fighter jets struck a multi-story building containing Hamas military intelligence assets. The building contained civilian media offices, which Hamas hides behind and deliberately uses as human shields.”

No journalists were apparently harmed in the attack, other than the apparent loss of valuable equipment and archives.

IDF Spokesperson Hidai Zilberman released a statement detailing terrorist assets in the complex, including a Hamas research and development unit and military intelligence, as well as offices of the Islamic Jihad terror group.

ONCE AGAIN, how does any of that justify a missile strike on a building full of innocent people not to mention International News Outlets?

Just because the Israeli's provided "advance warning" doesn't give them the right to fire missiles at a target that is:

a.) occupied by innocent civilians
b.) occupied by legitimate International Entities

It would be like the U.S. conducting an airstrike against an Office Building in Canada occupied by Haaretz because we thought the landlord had ties to Al Qaeda.
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.

Israeli intelligence uncovered the connections before destroying the building in an airstrike.

Leftist media are LITERALLY acting as human shields for Islamic terrorists, something many of us suspected all along, and it's now confirmed. These are war crimes.

Biden, a known anti-semite, will of course do nothing about this, but at least Israel did his job for him and exposed this incredibly dangerous partnership.

AP you sez? The Izzys shouldn't have even warned them before leveling the building.
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.
How would that justify a missile strike on a building full of innocent people, not to mention International News Outlets?
What innocent people?
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.
How would that justify a missile strike on a building full of innocent people, not to mention International News Outlets?

Unlike Hamas, Israel warned the occupants an hour before the strike. There were no injuries.
.. and if somebody failed to get the warning and the Israelis ended up killing an innocent Foreign National(s), for instance an American Citizen working for the AP? just shrug our shoulders and give the Israelis a pass?

Israel acted recklessly and they should be condemned for putting innocent lives at risk in a situation that did not present an immediate threat to anyone, not to mention the fact that they made themselves look exactly like the barbarians that the Arab world accuses them of being.
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.
How would that justify a missile strike on a building full of innocent people, not to mention International News Outlets?

Unlike Hamas, Israel warned the occupants an hour before the strike. There were no injuries.
.. and if somebody failed to get the warning and the Israelis ended up killing an innocent Foreign National(s), for instance an American Citizen working for the AP? just shrug our shoulders and give the Israelis a pass?

Israel acted recklessly and they should be condemned for putting innocent lives at risk in a situation that did not present an immediate threat to anyone, not to mention the fact that they made themselves look exactly like the barbarians that the Arab world accuses them of being.

How long have you hated Jews?
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.
How would that justify a missile strike on a building full of innocent people, not to mention International News Outlets?

Unlike Hamas, Israel warned the occupants an hour before the strike. There were no injuries.
.. and if somebody failed to get the warning and the Israelis ended up killing an innocent Foreign National(s), for instance an American Citizen working for the AP? just shrug our shoulders and give the Israelis a pass?

Israel acted recklessly and they should be condemned for putting innocent lives at risk in a situation that did not present an immediate threat to anyone, not to mention the fact that they made themselves look exactly like the barbarians that the Arab world accuses them of being.

How long have you hated Jews?
Exactly as long as you have.

Now if you're quite done behaving like a simpleton that cannot even construct a halfway decent STRAWMAN, let alone something resembling a cogent argument......
This is a massive story! Both the AP and Al-Jazeera media offices were sharing space with Hamas terrorists in a building owned and operated by a Hamas group.
How would that justify a missile strike on a building full of innocent people, not to mention International News Outlets?
Did you miss the part about the terrorists holding up there?

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