Ask a Catholic

Do you REALLY oppose..

Birth Control
Priest and Nuns marriage and celibacy
1. Natural birth control is not a problem.
2. Divorce isn't the issue. A second marriage is not condoned.
3. Men who are married before joining the priesthood is not an issue. Once had a priest who had five children. Eastern Orthodox are more lenient, but I am not sure of their rules.
Why is Daniel 13 and 14 not in the protestant bible?
The Catholic Church uses Biblical texts that were considered Canon at the time of Christ. About a hundred years later, Jews formalized their Canon. About fourteen hundred years after that, the Protestants decided to follow that Jewish Canon.
Do you REALLY oppose..

Birth Control
Priest and Nuns marriage and celibacy
1. Natural birth control is not a problem.
2. Divorce isn't the issue. A second marriage is not condoned.
3. Men who are married before joining the priesthood is not an issue. Once had a priest who had five children. Eastern Orthodox are more lenient, but I am not sure of their rules.
Why does Catholics have unleavened bread and Eastern orthodox have leavened bread? (I never could understand it)
What the Hell is the Holy Ghost?
The Father is associated with Creator.
The Son is associated with the Word.
The Holy Spirit is (very roughly) is the conduit between Father and Son.

Please keep in mind this is roughly. We can spend three threads on this. :)
Do you REALLY oppose..

Birth Control
Priest and Nuns marriage and celibacy
1. Natural birth control is not a problem.
2. Divorce isn't the issue. A second marriage is not condoned.
3. Men who are married before joining the priesthood is not an issue. Once had a priest who had five children. Eastern Orthodox are more lenient, but I am not sure of their rules.
Do you personally agree with that doctrine?
Most American Catholics don’t.

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