

Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I've lived upon this earth 73 years and can never remember one day when I was not completely, totally proud of my country, The United States of America.

That is – until today, November 7th, 2012.

As of the 2010 Census, there are 305,358,275 American citizens
Of those, 225,746,457 are eligible to vote
Yet only 169,000,000 bothered to register to vote
And, of those, only 116,713,320 VOTED!

Pres Obama receives 59,667.012 votes over Gov Romney's 57,046,308 [with more to be counted], the lowest percentage of win in generations.

So, only about 68% of Americans registered to vote bothered to vote and the president was re-elected by a mere 25% of citizens eligible to vote.

[My math may be a bit fuzzy, but I think you get the point. It also does not include those thousands of military personnel disenfranchised by not being able to cast their absentee ballots.]

2012, to me, was a most important election as it was a chance for Americans to decide which way they want this nation to go in the future. The big-government policies of the president or the free enterprise policies of the governor.

But, let's go even beyond the presidential results and look to the Senate. Fauxahantas won? You gotta be kidding me! And, I guess I never expected the Whatever Wrestling Thingie to win Lieberman's seat. And, Murdock put his big foot in his mouth giving a Democrat the seat. The toughest part is seeing Dingy Harry, from my state, as Senate Majority Leader [at least until the mid-terms!].

I could go on a rant as to my opinion of the president – but that will do no good. I can only express my deepest sorrow that Governor Romney did not run the kind of campaign needed to ensure his victory. All I do know is that the president DOES NOT have a mandate! He only holds his office because far too many American citizens fail to take responsibility for the future of this country and don't bother to even register to vote – let alone make the mighty effect to vote. What a sad comment about our nation.

My only hope is that the U.S. House of Representatives will continue to be “obstructionist” and do everything it can to halt the president's efforts to turn us into a Socialist Paradise. Shades of Big Brother.

I've lived upon this earth 73 years and can never remember one day when I was not completely, totally proud of my country, The United States of America.

That is – until today, November 7th, 2012.

As of the 2010 Census, there are 305,358,275 American citizens
Of those, 225,746,457 are eligible to vote
Yet only 169,000,000 bothered to register to vote
And, of those, only 116,713,320 VOTED!

Pres Obama receives 59,667.012 votes over Gov Romney's 57,046,308 [with more to be counted], the lowest percentage of win in generations.

So, only about 68% of Americans registered to vote bothered to vote and the president was re-elected by a mere 25% of citizens eligible to vote.

[My math may be a bit fuzzy, but I think you get the point. It also does not include those thousands of military personnel disenfranchised by not being able to cast their absentee ballots.]

2012, to me, was a most important election as it was a chance for Americans to decide which way they want this nation to go in the future. The big-government policies of the president or the free enterprise policies of the governor.

But, let's go even beyond the presidential results and look to the Senate. Fauxahantas won? You gotta be kidding me! And, I guess I never expected the Whatever Wrestling Thingie to win Lieberman's seat. And, Murdock put his big foot in his mouth giving a Democrat the seat. The toughest part is seeing Dingy Harry, from my state, as Senate Majority Leader [at least until the mid-terms!].

I could go on a rant as to my opinion of the president – but that will do no good. I can only express my deepest sorrow that Governor Romney did not run the kind of campaign needed to ensure his victory. All I do know is that the president DOES NOT have a mandate! He only holds his office because far too many American citizens fail to take responsibility for the future of this country and don't bother to even register to vote – let alone make the mighty effect to vote. What a sad comment about our nation.

My only hope is that the U.S. House of Representatives will continue to be “obstructionist” and do everything it can to halt the president's efforts to turn us into a Socialist Paradise. Shades of Big Brother.


Well written. I disagree with most of it, but this is a well written post and deserves some attentnion and comment.

Charactering America's choice as between the "free enterprise" of Romney or the "big government" of Obama is both subjective and misleading. I could argue for days over the phrase "big government" and the various meanings attached to that phrase by conservatives and liberals. Suffice it to say that one could just as easily characterize what Romney would have brought to the table as "big business" government and what President Obama will be providing as "government for the individual."

What has gone on during the past four years is a far, far cry from the "sociailism" which Republicans like to toss around so freely. There are truly sociailistic countries in this world, I suppose. America is not one of them.

I hear Republicans decrying the fact that it was/is Preident Obama who is being the obstructionist by refusing to compromise with the other side of the aisle. Wasn't it John Boehner who refused to talk with the President at one point? In any event, one man's obstructionist is another man's willing participant with the other side being the obstructionist. It always take two to tango.

There are just two very different philosophies involved. Yours lost, yesterday. I can feel your pain, because I remember how I felt when Bush beat Gore and then again Kerry in 2004. But you'll survive. We did. Hell, you may even be able to get some medical care you probably would not have if your Hero had won.

Chin up, old sport! After all, it's only a problem if it's affecting your breathing! ;)
I've lived upon this earth 73 years and can never remember one day when I was not completely, totally proud of my country, The United States of America.

That is – until today, November 7th, 2012.

As of the 2010 Census, there are 305,358,275 American citizens
Of those, 225,746,457 are eligible to vote
Yet only 169,000,000 bothered to register to vote
And, of those, only 116,713,320 VOTED!

Pres Obama receives 59,667.012 votes over Gov Romney's 57,046,308 [with more to be counted], the lowest percentage of win in generations.

So, only about 68% of Americans registered to vote bothered to vote and the president was re-elected by a mere 25% of citizens eligible to vote.

[My math may be a bit fuzzy, but I think you get the point. It also does not include those thousands of military personnel disenfranchised by not being able to cast their absentee ballots.]

2012, to me, was a most important election as it was a chance for Americans to decide which way they want this nation to go in the future. The big-government policies of the president or the free enterprise policies of the governor.

But, let's go even beyond the presidential results and look to the Senate. Fauxahantas won? You gotta be kidding me! And, I guess I never expected the Whatever Wrestling Thingie to win Lieberman's seat. And, Murdock put his big foot in his mouth giving a Democrat the seat. The toughest part is seeing Dingy Harry, from my state, as Senate Majority Leader [at least until the mid-terms!].

I could go on a rant as to my opinion of the president – but that will do no good. I can only express my deepest sorrow that Governor Romney did not run the kind of campaign needed to ensure his victory. All I do know is that the president DOES NOT have a mandate! He only holds his office because far too many American citizens fail to take responsibility for the future of this country and don't bother to even register to vote – let alone make the mighty effect to vote. What a sad comment about our nation.

My only hope is that the U.S. House of Representatives will continue to be “obstructionist” and do everything it can to halt the president's efforts to turn us into a Socialist Paradise. Shades of Big Brother.


Here's where I think you have your head up your ass. The issue isn't free enterprise vs big government. The issue is optimizing and balancing both. Neither can do it all, and both rely on the other. How we got ourselves in the current pile of shit also doesn't matter. If America is to grow and prosper, one intermediate step is to get our fiscal house in order. Like it or not, that's going to require both revenue increases and spending cuts.

Neither side can pretend doctrinaire purity and expect the other side to do all the give.

I get the "fiscal cliff" issue. It has to be solved, and neither side can do it alone. Everyone needs to give a bit.

BTW, your polemic of "Socialist Paradise" and "Shades of Big Brother" may sound cute on FOX, but they actually make you sound like an idiot.
I've lived upon this earth 73 years and can never remember one day when I was not completely, totally proud of my country, The United States of America.

That is – until today, November 7th, 2012.

As of the 2010 Census, there are 305,358,275 American citizens
Of those, 225,746,457 are eligible to vote
Yet only 169,000,000 bothered to register to vote
And, of those, only 116,713,320 VOTED!

Pres Obama receives 59,667.012 votes over Gov Romney's 57,046,308 [with more to be counted], the lowest percentage of win in generations.

So, only about 68% of Americans registered to vote bothered to vote and the president was re-elected by a mere 25% of citizens eligible to vote.

[My math may be a bit fuzzy, but I think you get the point. It also does not include those thousands of military personnel disenfranchised by not being able to cast their absentee ballots.]

2012, to me, was a most important election as it was a chance for Americans to decide which way they want this nation to go in the future. The big-government policies of the president or the free enterprise policies of the governor.

But, let's go even beyond the presidential results and look to the Senate. Fauxahantas won? You gotta be kidding me! And, I guess I never expected the Whatever Wrestling Thingie to win Lieberman's seat. And, Murdock put his big foot in his mouth giving a Democrat the seat. The toughest part is seeing Dingy Harry, from my state, as Senate Majority Leader [at least until the mid-terms!].

I could go on a rant as to my opinion of the president – but that will do no good. I can only express my deepest sorrow that Governor Romney did not run the kind of campaign needed to ensure his victory. All I do know is that the president DOES NOT have a mandate! He only holds his office because far too many American citizens fail to take responsibility for the future of this country and don't bother to even register to vote – let alone make the mighty effect to vote. What a sad comment about our nation.

My only hope is that the U.S. House of Representatives will continue to be “obstructionist” and do everything it can to halt the president's efforts to turn us into a Socialist Paradise. Shades of Big Brother.


you're a whiny piece of shit, armyretarded, and a racist coward.
I've lived upon this earth 73 years and can never remember one day when I was not completely, totally proud of my country, The United States of America.

That is – until today, November 7th, 2012.

As of the 2010 Census, there are 305,358,275 American citizens
Of those, 225,746,457 are eligible to vote
Yet only 169,000,000 bothered to register to vote
And, of those, only 116,713,320 VOTED!

Pres Obama receives 59,667.012 votes over Gov Romney's 57,046,308 [with more to be counted], the lowest percentage of win in generations.

So, only about 68% of Americans registered to vote bothered to vote and the president was re-elected by a mere 25% of citizens eligible to vote.

[My math may be a bit fuzzy, but I think you get the point. It also does not include those thousands of military personnel disenfranchised by not being able to cast their absentee ballots.]

2012, to me, was a most important election as it was a chance for Americans to decide which way they want this nation to go in the future. The big-government policies of the president or the free enterprise policies of the governor.

But, let's go even beyond the presidential results and look to the Senate. Fauxahantas won? You gotta be kidding me! And, I guess I never expected the Whatever Wrestling Thingie to win Lieberman's seat. And, Murdock put his big foot in his mouth giving a Democrat the seat. The toughest part is seeing Dingy Harry, from my state, as Senate Majority Leader [at least until the mid-terms!].

I could go on a rant as to my opinion of the president – but that will do no good. I can only express my deepest sorrow that Governor Romney did not run the kind of campaign needed to ensure his victory. All I do know is that the president DOES NOT have a mandate! He only holds his office because far too many American citizens fail to take responsibility for the future of this country and don't bother to even register to vote – let alone make the mighty effect to vote. What a sad comment about our nation.

My only hope is that the U.S. House of Representatives will continue to be “obstructionist” and do everything it can to halt the president's efforts to turn us into a Socialist Paradise. Shades of Big Brother.


Gee, and fewer still voted in 2014.....

How much you want to bet he wasn't so upset last November.....
I've lived upon this earth 73 years and can never remember one day when I was not completely, totally proud of my country, The United States of America.

That is – until today, November 7th, 2012.

As of the 2010 Census, there are 305,358,275 American citizens
Of those, 225,746,457 are eligible to vote
Yet only 169,000,000 bothered to register to vote
And, of those, only 116,713,320 VOTED!

Pres Obama receives 59,667.012 votes over Gov Romney's 57,046,308 [with more to be counted], the lowest percentage of win in generations.

So, only about 68% of Americans registered to vote bothered to vote and the president was re-elected by a mere 25% of citizens eligible to vote.

[My math may be a bit fuzzy, but I think you get the point. It also does not include those thousands of military personnel disenfranchised by not being able to cast their absentee ballots.]

2012, to me, was a most important election as it was a chance for Americans to decide which way they want this nation to go in the future. The big-government policies of the president or the free enterprise policies of the governor.

But, let's go even beyond the presidential results and look to the Senate. Fauxahantas won? You gotta be kidding me! And, I guess I never expected the Whatever Wrestling Thingie to win Lieberman's seat. And, Murdock put his big foot in his mouth giving a Democrat the seat. The toughest part is seeing Dingy Harry, from my state, as Senate Majority Leader [at least until the mid-terms!].

I could go on a rant as to my opinion of the president – but that will do no good. I can only express my deepest sorrow that Governor Romney did not run the kind of campaign needed to ensure his victory. All I do know is that the president DOES NOT have a mandate! He only holds his office because far too many American citizens fail to take responsibility for the future of this country and don't bother to even register to vote – let alone make the mighty effect to vote. What a sad comment about our nation.

My only hope is that the U.S. House of Representatives will continue to be “obstructionist” and do everything it can to halt the president's efforts to turn us into a Socialist Paradise. Shades of Big Brother.


Gee, and fewer still voted in 2014.....

How much you want to bet he wasn't so upset last November.....
You're a little slow on the draw, aren't you?
I've lived upon this earth 73 years and can never remember one day when I was not completely, totally proud of my country, The United States of America.

That is – until today, November 7th, 2012.

As of the 2010 Census, there are 305,358,275 American citizens
Of those, 225,746,457 are eligible to vote
Yet only 169,000,000 bothered to register to vote
And, of those, only 116,713,320 VOTED!

Pres Obama receives 59,667.012 votes over Gov Romney's 57,046,308 [with more to be counted], the lowest percentage of win in generations.

So, only about 68% of Americans registered to vote bothered to vote and the president was re-elected by a mere 25% of citizens eligible to vote.

[My math may be a bit fuzzy, but I think you get the point. It also does not include those thousands of military personnel disenfranchised by not being able to cast their absentee ballots.]

2012, to me, was a most important election as it was a chance for Americans to decide which way they want this nation to go in the future. The big-government policies of the president or the free enterprise policies of the governor.

But, let's go even beyond the presidential results and look to the Senate. Fauxahantas won? You gotta be kidding me! And, I guess I never expected the Whatever Wrestling Thingie to win Lieberman's seat. And, Murdock put his big foot in his mouth giving a Democrat the seat. The toughest part is seeing Dingy Harry, from my state, as Senate Majority Leader [at least until the mid-terms!].

I could go on a rant as to my opinion of the president – but that will do no good. I can only express my deepest sorrow that Governor Romney did not run the kind of campaign needed to ensure his victory. All I do know is that the president DOES NOT have a mandate! He only holds his office because far too many American citizens fail to take responsibility for the future of this country and don't bother to even register to vote – let alone make the mighty effect to vote. What a sad comment about our nation.

My only hope is that the U.S. House of Representatives will continue to be “obstructionist” and do everything it can to halt the president's efforts to turn us into a Socialist Paradise. Shades of Big Brother.


Gee, and fewer still voted in 2014.....

How much you want to bet he wasn't so upset last November.....
You're a little slow on the draw, aren't you?

Not at all...just love pointing out right wing hysteria...its hysterical.
I've lived upon this earth 73 years and can never remember one day when I was not completely, totally proud of my country, The United States of America.

That is – until today, November 7th, 2012.

As of the 2010 Census, there are 305,358,275 American citizens
Of those, 225,746,457 are eligible to vote
Yet only 169,000,000 bothered to register to vote
And, of those, only 116,713,320 VOTED!

Pres Obama receives 59,667.012 votes over Gov Romney's 57,046,308 [with more to be counted], the lowest percentage of win in generations.

So, only about 68% of Americans registered to vote bothered to vote and the president was re-elected by a mere 25% of citizens eligible to vote.

[My math may be a bit fuzzy, but I think you get the point. It also does not include those thousands of military personnel disenfranchised by not being able to cast their absentee ballots.]

2012, to me, was a most important election as it was a chance for Americans to decide which way they want this nation to go in the future. The big-government policies of the president or the free enterprise policies of the governor.

But, let's go even beyond the presidential results and look to the Senate. Fauxahantas won? You gotta be kidding me! And, I guess I never expected the Whatever Wrestling Thingie to win Lieberman's seat. And, Murdock put his big foot in his mouth giving a Democrat the seat. The toughest part is seeing Dingy Harry, from my state, as Senate Majority Leader [at least until the mid-terms!].

I could go on a rant as to my opinion of the president – but that will do no good. I can only express my deepest sorrow that Governor Romney did not run the kind of campaign needed to ensure his victory. All I do know is that the president DOES NOT have a mandate! He only holds his office because far too many American citizens fail to take responsibility for the future of this country and don't bother to even register to vote – let alone make the mighty effect to vote. What a sad comment about our nation.

My only hope is that the U.S. House of Representatives will continue to be “obstructionist” and do everything it can to halt the president's efforts to turn us into a Socialist Paradise. Shades of Big Brother.


Gee, and fewer still voted in 2014.....

How much you want to bet he wasn't so upset last November.....
You're a little slow on the draw, aren't you?
Not at all...just love pointing out right wing hysteria...its hysterical.
Midterms are always lower than general elections so the hysteria is all yours. You can also blame the Democrats for a lot of that, they didn't show up but the dumb assholes running the party are what made it difficult.
I've lived upon this earth 73 years and can never remember one day when I was not completely, totally proud of my country, The United States of America.

That is – until today, November 7th, 2012.

As of the 2010 Census, there are 305,358,275 American citizens
Of those, 225,746,457 are eligible to vote
Yet only 169,000,000 bothered to register to vote
And, of those, only 116,713,320 VOTED!

Pres Obama receives 59,667.012 votes over Gov Romney's 57,046,308 [with more to be counted], the lowest percentage of win in generations.

So, only about 68% of Americans registered to vote bothered to vote and the president was re-elected by a mere 25% of citizens eligible to vote.

[My math may be a bit fuzzy, but I think you get the point. It also does not include those thousands of military personnel disenfranchised by not being able to cast their absentee ballots.]

2012, to me, was a most important election as it was a chance for Americans to decide which way they want this nation to go in the future. The big-government policies of the president or the free enterprise policies of the governor.

But, let's go even beyond the presidential results and look to the Senate. Fauxahantas won? You gotta be kidding me! And, I guess I never expected the Whatever Wrestling Thingie to win Lieberman's seat. And, Murdock put his big foot in his mouth giving a Democrat the seat. The toughest part is seeing Dingy Harry, from my state, as Senate Majority Leader [at least until the mid-terms!].

I could go on a rant as to my opinion of the president – but that will do no good. I can only express my deepest sorrow that Governor Romney did not run the kind of campaign needed to ensure his victory. All I do know is that the president DOES NOT have a mandate! He only holds his office because far too many American citizens fail to take responsibility for the future of this country and don't bother to even register to vote – let alone make the mighty effect to vote. What a sad comment about our nation.

My only hope is that the U.S. House of Representatives will continue to be “obstructionist” and do everything it can to halt the president's efforts to turn us into a Socialist Paradise. Shades of Big Brother.


Gee, and fewer still voted in 2014.....

How much you want to bet he wasn't so upset last November.....
You're a little slow on the draw, aren't you?
Not at all...just love pointing out right wing hysteria...its hysterical.
Midterms are always lower than general elections so the hysteria is all yours. You can also blame the Democrats for a lot of that, they didn't show up but the dumb assholes running the party are what made it difficult.

The rightwing loon who started the thread is "ashamed" .... hysteria is firmly on the side of the always.
The rightwing loon who started the thread is "ashamed" .... hysteria is firmly on the side of the always.
Hysteria drives people to dredge up old posts to try to prop up their egos.

Hysteria does that? Actually, it was driven by wanting to embarrass the OP. That you keep it at the top of the message board is an added bonus. With friends like you..he doesn't need any more enemies.
The rightwing loon who started the thread is "ashamed" .... hysteria is firmly on the side of the always.
Hysteria drives people to dredge up old posts to try to prop up their egos.
Hysteria does that? Actually, it was driven by wanting to embarrass the OP. That you keep it at the top of the message board is an added bonus. With friends like you..he doesn't need any more enemies.
With enemies like you he doesn't need to support anything.
The rightwing loon who started the thread is "ashamed" .... hysteria is firmly on the side of the always.
Hysteria drives people to dredge up old posts to try to prop up their egos.
Hysteria does that? Actually, it was driven by wanting to embarrass the OP. That you keep it at the top of the message board is an added bonus. With friends like you..he doesn't need any more enemies.
With enemies like you he doesn't need to support anything.

I completely forgot about this thread! However, in a way, I'm glad the "left-wing loon" resurrected it. In the intervening years, my views have not changed one bit!

I truly make me sad to see a small minority driving the politics of this country. When a popular movement outside of their Marxist goals comes along, the attacks are unrelenting. The vitriol is dredged up from the depths of unbelievable bigotry and hatred.

So, it's just an affirmation of my beliefs when someone brings this up again and uses the same leftist tactics of name-calling.
The rightwing loon who started the thread is "ashamed" .... hysteria is firmly on the side of the always.
Hysteria drives people to dredge up old posts to try to prop up their egos.
Hysteria does that? Actually, it was driven by wanting to embarrass the OP. That you keep it at the top of the message board is an added bonus. With friends like you..he doesn't need any more enemies.
With enemies like you he doesn't need to support anything.

I completely forgot about this thread! However, in a way, I'm glad the "left-wing loon" resurrected it. In the intervening years, my views have not changed one bit!

I truly make me sad to see a small minority driving the politics of this country. When a popular movement outside of their Marxist goals comes along, the attacks are unrelenting. The vitriol is dredged up from the depths of unbelievable bigotry and hatred.

So, it's just an affirmation of my beliefs when someone brings this up again and uses the same leftist tactics of name-calling.

Popular movement? You guys have lost 5 of the last 6 general elections and will re-lose the Senate in 2016 due to more GOP seats being up for grabs (the same reason the Dems lost the Senate in 2014).
The rightwing loon who started the thread is "ashamed" .... hysteria is firmly on the side of the always.
Hysteria drives people to dredge up old posts to try to prop up their egos.
Hysteria does that? Actually, it was driven by wanting to embarrass the OP. That you keep it at the top of the message board is an added bonus. With friends like you..he doesn't need any more enemies.
With enemies like you he doesn't need to support anything.
And another bump to the top...thanks.

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